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1 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. opportunity             B. invented       C. marking       D. exposed       E. celebrated       F. typically G. responsibility       H. valuing       I. represents       J. assigned       K. particularly

Celebrating Kwanzaa(宽扎节)

This past summer, I left home without my family for the first time to go to Ghana for two weeks in The Year of Return. The Year of Return is a year       1     400 years since enslaved Africans touched down on American soil.

I joined Pittsburgh Public School’s African American Center for advanced Studies Executive committee and was fully       2     to the tradition of Kwanzaa.

Much like a harvest festival, the holiday was       3     by the African-American professor Maulana Karenga with the purpose of celebrating,       4     and unifying the black community in the aftermath(余波) of the1965 Watts riots. It is       5     in the week of Dec 26 to Jan 1.

During the festival, we begin by reading up on the holiday, going through the seven principles       6     to the seven days of Kwanzaa. We then end the ceremony by pouring libation(祭酒) to those who have paved our way. During libation, we stand with our hands joined and our respects given. For the first time, the whole becomes one.

On each day of Kwanzaa, we light one of the seven candles. The candles come in three colors: black, red and green. We start with one black candle for the people. There are three red candles for their struggle and three green candles for their future. Each candle also       7     one of seven Swahili principles: Umoja, the first candle, stands for unity; Kujichagulia, self-determination; Ujima, collective work and       8    ; Ujamaa, cooperative economics; Nia, purpose; Kummba, creativity; and Imani, faith. After lighting each candle, we showcase our talents, whether they are spoken word, poetry, music, dance or performing a monologue.

Over the seven nights of Kwanzaa, people       9     tell stories. On the last night of Kwanzaa, following the candle-lighting, families give gifts to children and prepare a feast, ending the holiday as you begin a new year together.

For two continuous years, I’ve chosen Ujamaa as my principle of the day. It’s the principle of cooperative economics, and to me it means investing in and supporting black-owned businesses. My main reason for choosing Ujamaa is that it is also the name of the store in the Hill District that gave me the       10     to visit Ghana.

2021-01-21更新 | 220次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市复旦附中2020-2021学年高一上学期期末英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper words chosen from the box. Each word com only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. deal       B. symbolizing       C. count       D. themes       E. involve       F. observe       G. fortune       H. parade
I. varied       J. tower       K. renewed

Get ready to say good-bye to the old, hello to the new! What’s the occasion? The coming of the New Year.

Many Western cultures measure their days with the solar calendar. Therefore, they     1    the coming of New Year on January 1. Cultures in Asia and Middle East use other calendars, such as the more ancient lunar calendar. They celebrate the New Year at other times.

Events and ceremonies vary from country to country. But in each places, New Year celebrations are a big     2    Most world cultures have been celebrating the New Year for centuries. The earliest New Year celebrations took place during spring or harvest time. With better weather ahead, or plenty of food to eat in winter, people naturally felt like having a party!

As the days became longer and as nature     3    itself, people also felt like they could have a new start. Past disappointments could be forgotten. The New Year could bring better     4     , more opportunities and new challenges. Such universal themes remain the same today.

Some cultures have unusual New Year traditions. Italians throw old things out of their windows at midnight,     5    the departure of the old. Mexicans fire guns into the air to keep away misfortunes.

New Year celebrations also     6    having fun. Some cultures view the New Year as an opportunity to let off fireworks. In New York City’s Times Square, thousands gather on December 31 to     7    down the last seconds of the year. A giant silver ball is lowered at the stroke of midnight.

London, England, hosts an annual New Year’s Day     8    that draws nearly a million spectators. The largest parade in Europe, it features bands and enormous balloons. These ballons are so huge that they     9    over nearby buildings!

How will you celebrate the New Year? Think about the     10    you find meaningful during this season. Do you hope for a new start or a chance to turn over a new leaf? Whatever the case, we wish you well. Happy New Year!

2022-01-13更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市上海大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期英语12月考试试题
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