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1 . Complete her introduction with the correct phrases.
hang decorations                    get ready for               put up               be full of            make efforts
get together                           give out                      think of             stay up             make travel plans

Spring Festival is the most important festival for people in China. A week before the festival, many families     1     to do a general house cleaning. After that, they start to     2     with red coloured paper cuts, in order to     3     the New Year and bring good luck. People also     4     Spring Festival couplets (春联) with popular themes of “good fortune” and “wealth”. From this day, the festival atmosphere builds with increasing excitement. People     5     a few weeks in advance to ensure that they are able to return home to their family for dinner on the eve of Spring Festival.

The night before Spring Festival, all family members     6     to have a big dinner around a table. Adults     7     little red envelopes to children containing money. People watch the Spring Festival gala on TV, sing songs, play games and     8     late in the night. Houses     9     laughter. Spring Festival is also the time to     10    and show respect to ancestors.

2023-02-06更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:北师大版必修一课后题
共计 平均难度:一般