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文章大意:本文属于说明文,介绍了旨在于提高新生儿健康状况的“First Embrace”,介绍了这一活动的具体内容和目前中国新生儿健康状况的相关信息。
1 . 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两个为多余选项。
Skin-to-skin Effort Aims to Cut Newborn DeathsA social media campaign has been launched in China to cut down the number of newborns babies who die in the first 24 hours of life. The campaign, called First Embrace(拥抱),promotes skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby immediately after birth, a practice proven to keep the baby warm and help it to fight infections.There are 16 million babies born in China each year, and approximately 150,000 of them die before they reach one month of age.     1     Zhang Shuyi, a researcher at the Capital Institute of Pediatrics in Beijing, said there was strong evidence for the First Embrace approach.“When babies are cold, they are more likely to catch infections or have difficulty breathing,” she said,”     2     It provides direct protection against infection, promotes bonding between the parent and child and supports breast-feeding.” Health workers who shifted from the normal practice of separation to skin-to-skin contact have observed that babies are more pink, calm and comfortable.The WHO has developed the First Embrace approach to help reduce newborn deaths across the Western Pacific region, including China. Bernhard Schwartlander , the WHO Representative in China, said, “As many as two-thirds of newborn deaths could be prevented using simple, low-cost methods, including the First Embrace.”    3    The WHO will be posting information about the campaign, and hosting online question-and-answer sessions with Chinese and international experts. The public can participate by following the WHO on Weibo and joining the conversation. Schwartlander said, “We are targeting new parents, pregnant women and couples thinking about having a baby.     4     ”Just last month, a new research shows that child and mother health outcomes in Shanghai are equal to those in the USA and Canada.     5    Hopefully, the messages conveyed by the new campaign could help to bridge that gap.
A.The campaign has now been launched via Weibo.
B.Of that number, half die in the first 24 hours of life.
C.Skin-to-skin contact keeps a baby warm by transferring heat.
D.Those parents who lost their newborn babies can get supports on the platform.
E.In other parts of China, however, the statistics are like those of poor countries.
F.It indicates that related methods for health care and birth quality should be improved.
G.We also aim to involve health professionals in the importance of early essential newborn care.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Throughout July 1945, the Japanese mainland, from Tokyo on Honshu northward to the coast of Hokkaido, were bombed as if an invasion were about to take place. In fact, something far more threatening was at hand, as the Americans were telling Stalin at Potsdam (伯茨坦).

In 1939 physicists in the United States had learned of experiments in Germany showing the possibility of atomic power and understood the coming damage of an atomic bomb. On August 2, 1939, Albert Einstein warned President Roosevelt of the danger of Nazi Germany’s advances in development of the atomic bomb. Eventually, the U.S. Office of Scientific Research Development was created in June 1941 and given combined responsibility with the War Department in the Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear bomb. After four years of research and development efforts, an atomic device was set off on July 16, 1945, in a desert area at Alamogordo, New Mexico, producing an explosive power equal to that of more than 15,000 tons of TNT. Thus, the atomic bomb was born. Truman, the new U.S. president, believed that this terrible object might be used to defeat Japan in a way less costly of U.S. lives than an ordinary invasion of the Japanese homeland. Japan’s unsatisfactory reply to the Allies’ Potsdam Declaration decided the matter.

On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb, carried from Tinian Island in the Mariana in a specially equipped B-29 was dropped on Hiroshima, at the southern end of Honshu. The combined heat and explosion destroyed everything in the explosion’s immediate neighbourhood , produced fires that burned out almost 4.4 square miles completely, and killed between 70,000 and 80,000 people, in addition to injuring more than 70,000 others. A second bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, killed between 35,000 and 40,000 people, injured a like number and ruined 1.8 square miles.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
B.After research and development efforts, an atomic bomb was born.
C.An invasion was about to take place with the use of the atomic bomb.
D.The birth and use of the atomic bomb ended the Second World War.
2. Albert Einstein warned Roosevelt of _________.
A.Nazi Germany’ success in making an atomic bomb
B.the possibility of atomic power from Nazi Germany
C.Japan’s unsatisfactory reply to the Allies’ Potsdam Declaration
D.destruction of everything from the explosion of the atomic bomb
3. What made the U.S. decide to drop the atomic bombs over Japan?
A.Truman’s becoming the president of the United States.
B.The great destruction power of the atomic bomb.
C.Reducing the cost of its lives.
D.Not being content with Japan’s reply.
4. How many people were killed by the two bombs dropped in Japan?
A.Between 105,000 and 120,000 people.
B.Between 35,000 and 40,000 people.
C.Between 70,000 and 80,000 people.
D.Between 140,000 and 150,000 people.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century before:changes for the better,changes for the worse; changes that brought a lot of benefits to human beings, changes that put man in danger. Many things caused the changes, but, in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science.

Scientific research in physics and biology has vastly broadened our views. It has given us a deeper knowledge of the structure of matter and of the universe; it has brought us a better understanding of the nature of life and of its continuous development. Technology in the application of science has made big advances that have benefited us in nearly every part of life.

The continuation of such activitites in the twenty-first century will result in even greater advantages to human beings : in pure science―a wider and deeper knowledge in all fields of learning ; in applied science―a more reasonable sharing of material benefits , and better protection of the environment.

Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture. The creativity of science has been employed in doing damage to mankind. The application of science and technology to the development and production of weapons of mass destruction has created a real danger to the continued existence of the human race on this planet. We have seen this happen in the case of nuclear weapons. Although their actual use has so far occurred only in the Second World War , the number of nuclear weapons that were produced and made ready for use was so large that if the weapons had actually been used, the result could have been the ruin of the human race , as well as of many kinds of animals.

William Shakespeare said , “ The web of our life is of a mingled yarn(纱线), good and ill together .” The above brief review of the application of only one part of human activities—science seems to prove what Shakespeare said . But does it have to be so? Must the ill always go together with the good ?Are we biologically programmed for war?

1. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage ?
(①="Paragraph1" , ②=" Paragraph" 2,③=" Paragraph" 3,④=" Paragraph" 4,⑤=" Paragraph" 5)
A.B.C. D.
2. From the fourth paragraph , we can infer that __________.
A.a great many nuclear weapons were actually used for war
B.a large number of nuclear weapons should have been used for war
C.the author is doubtful about the ruin of human beings by nuclear weapons
D.the author is anxious about the huge number of unclear weapons on the earth
3. The underlined word “mingled” in the last paragraph most probably means__________.
4. What you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write ?
A.Further application of science to war.
B.More reading of William Shakespeare.
C.Proper use of science in the new century.
D.Effective ways to separate the good from the ill.
完形填空(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |
4 . In 2000 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then on. The report was a result of a three-year _______
According to the report, the picture of the earth in the year 2020 is not a _______one. The world will be more_______ because the population will continue to grow. The population could be_______ 6, 900 million, almost 2, 450 million more than in 1995. More people would move into cities, especially cities in _______ countries. Cities like Cairo and Jakarta probably would_______ have 15 million by then.
Food production will _______, but not enough to feed all the people. Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1995,_______ most of the increase would be in countries that _______ produce enough food for their people. Little increase is ________ in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Poor farming ways are ________ large areas of crop land, changing farms into deserts. More farmland is________as cities become larger and more houses are built. ________ will get worse as industrial countries burn more coal and oil. Many of the world’s ________ could disappear as more and more trees are cut down. Energy will continue to be a serious problem. The experts say their picture of the earth for the year 2020 ________ They only carried out the situation that________ today. By changing the situation, by________the problems, the picture can be changed. There is ________time for the nations of the world to work ________ a plan of action. But they warned that________too long to make decisions would greatly reduce the chances of success.1.
A.no more thanB.as many asC.as much asD.as large as
A.Air pollutionB.Water pollutionC.Some diseasesD.All farmland
A.must be trueB.will come trueC.can't be trueD.may be wrong
A.settlingB.working outC.answeringD.dealing
A.noB.stillC.lessD.plenty of
2016-11-26更新 | 741次组卷 | 5卷引用:西藏拉萨市第二高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . In the modern world more and more people meet the problem of identity.The most interesting example is that of a so – called “banana”, which refers to an American who has an Asian face but holds Western values.

In Shanghai, there now live a group of people from abroad.They look no different from the locals and speak fluent Chinese or even Shanghai dialect, but when it comes to writing Chinese characters, they are almost illiterate(文盲).Jack is such an example.He never learned to read or write Chinese characters, which he finds mysterious and difficult.From time to time, he files to the US as he does not feel Shanghai is where he comes from.“But when I am in the States, I feel that’s not my home either,” he said.

At De Gaulle Airport in France, there is a Swiss man who has been living in the waiting – room for a long time because he lost h is passport during his travels.He was refused entry into several countries.But when he was eventually allowed to return to Swizerland, he refused to leave the airport.His reason was very simple—“I am sure who I am.I need no acknowledgement from others,” he said during an interview.For th is reason   he was honored by the Western media as “the Hero of identity.”

As the Internet becomes more and more popular, the problem of identity becomes more serious.In a virtual world, people can have different addresses registered with different names.In the Internet chat room, even one’s gender(性别) is hard to determine.It seems that in the glohal village, people are saying hello every day to each other without knowing whom they are talking to.

What will be the next crisis(危机) of identity? With the development of cloning technology, it might be: who is the real “I”?

1. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The importance of identity.
B.The crisis of identity.
C.Differences between Eastern and Western cultures.
D.Difficulty in living in foreign counties.
2. The Swiss man had to live in De Gaulle Airport in France because ____.
A.he needed to board a plane at any time
B.he couldn’t afford to live in a hotel
C.he needed others acknowledgement
D.he couldn’t prove who he was
3. A "banana" in the passage is in fact an ____   .
A.American traveling to AsiaB.American keeping Eastern culture
C.American born in AsiaD.America-born Asian
4. We can infer from the passage that the author believes ____ .
A.there will be more problems relating to identity in the future
B.Internet technology helps solve problems of identity
C.only people traveling abroad have problems of identity
D.people don’t need to worry about identity
2016-11-26更新 | 220次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省周口市川汇区周口恒大中学2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . “Hey, little boy, will you support me when I’m getting old?” Wang Wenshan, 35, asked his newborn baby as he hugged him at home.

The Chinese tradition of raising sons to support parents in their old age has been weakened by the rapidly growing economy and improved standard of living. As is the case with more and more developed countries, China faces an aging society. People are living longer and having fewer children. Therefore, many Chinese families are falling into a 4-2-1 family pattern: a couple raises one child and supports four elderly parents. But few realize that a problem is likely to happen ahead.

The aging of the population is a trend that now affects a growing number of countries. The Information Office of the State Council, China’s cabinet, issued(发行) a white paper on measures China has been taking to help its elderly population. The paper said China’s population entered the aging period at the end of the 20th century and the proportion of people aged 60 and above accounted for over 10 percent of the entire population. By the end of 2005, China had nearly 144 million people over 60, accounting for 11 percent of the population, according to the white paper.

An expanding aged population inevitably means that many issues must be settled, as the problem concerns every aspect of society. It puts more pressure on each family, causing disturbing economic consequences and serious social problems. It also challenges the labor force supply and the pension system.

“I used to think that it’s not an issue for me to provide for the aged,” said Wang, whose parents and parents-in-law all enjoy pensions and medical insurance. But last year Wang’s father suffered from a serious illness and afterward Wang began to feel the pressure on his shoulders.

After his father recovered, Wang opened a bank account for each parent and put away some money in the account every month to prepare for future uncertainties. In addition, he has to save money every month to provide for his son’s future education. “I’m now breaking my back to support my family: saving pensions for the parents, my son’s education funds, and living costs.”

Wang also bought some commercial old-age insurance for himself. “We have to take precautions(预防)before it is too late, and many of my colleagues share the same view,” he said.

1. Which of the following is not caused by an aging society?
A.Social problems.B.Unemployment.
C.More pressure on each family.D.The problem of the pension system.
2. From the passage, we can infer ________.
A.the aging problem is one of the concerns of the Chinese government
B.China will encourage young couples to have more than one child
C.many people have realized the aging problem
D.children will not support their parents in China
3. Which of the following can be used to replace the underlined word “inevitably”?
4. From the passage, we can see that ________.
A.China is the only country to face an aging society
B.most of the developing countries face an aging society
C.countries with a large population face an aging society
D.more and more developed countries face an aging society
2016-11-26更新 | 554次组卷 | 5卷引用:冀教版2019必修三 Unit 1 Attitudes Towards Our Elders Section 4 Expanding Our Horizons 课后作业
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Ancient Rome was one of the world’s most powerful empires more than 2,000 years ago. The Romans’ Ideas about roads, laws, government and buildings still influence us today. Italy is shaped like a boot.

The Colosseum (角斗场) in Rome was built during the time of the Roman Empire, in the first century A.D.     1    . It is a popular tourist attraction today.

Italy is well-known for its designers, who create cars, handbags, clothes, shoes and other items that are in demand for their style and fine workmanship.

Today, the economy of Italy is stronger than in the past.     2    . Today, manufacturing and tourism are the main sources of income. There are some big companies, but Italy has many smaller companies, too.     3    . The southern part does not offer as many manufacturing jobs, so it is not as prosperous.

Italy is a member of the European Union, a group of countries that join together for better trade. The currency, or money, they use is called the “euro”.

Food and eating good meals are important to Italians.     4    . Popular foods include pasta, risotto, minestrone and pizza. McDonald’s is also popular there.

Many families still eat their main meal in the middle of the day.     5    . Families spend a lot of time together.

A.The family is very important to the Italian way of life.
B.The country used to depend on agriculture.
C.Mountains cover about three-fourths of the country.
D.It could seat about 50,000 people, who went to see fights between animals and people.
E.While there are some supermarkets, many people shop at small, neighborhood markets.
F.Italy has several islands off the coast.
G.The northern part of the country is the main manufacturing center.
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