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| 共计 83 道试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 近两年,国内刮起了一阵“宠物热”,有些人喜欢从猫舍或狗舍(breeders)那儿购买宠物,然而,另一些人认为应该用领养(adoption)代替购买,选择从动物收留所那儿领养宠物。
根据以上现象,思考自己认同哪一方?以“Getting a PetFrom Breeders or Shelters”为题,写一篇120-150字的文章。
2022-04-27更新 | 157次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市高一年级-作文名校好题
书面表达-图表作文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假如你是某中学学生李华。最近,你班同学正在参加21世纪英语报“大家谈”栏目的一个讨论。本次讨论话题为:“父母有必要陪读吗?”
2022-04-18更新 | 100次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省高一年级-作文名校好题
书面表达-概要写作 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

A New Wave of Migration

As the sea extends steadily inland in countries such as Bangladesh and as decreasing rains put already marginal farmland out of play in Ethiopia and other places, a wave of migration caused by the changing climate is taking shape on the horizon.

But most “climate migrants” will not be heading abroad to start new lives; instead they will settle elsewhere in their home countries. A report released this week declares that if nothing is done to control global warming and factor migration into development planning, by mid-century this internal population shift could involve more than 140 million people in three regions examined: sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia and Latin America. “Climate change is already a driver of internal migration, and it will become more so in the future,” says John Roome, senior director of Climate change at The World Bank Group.

The potential for such an increase in area consisting of 55 percent of the developing world’s population raises questions of environmental justice because those who have contributed the least to global warming are forced to shoulder more of the burden. It is necessary for developed countries like the U.S. to step up, says Maria Cristina Garcia, a professor of American Studies at Cornell University. Developed countries can help by both working to limit greenhouse gas emissions and funding efforts to help developing nations plan for climate migration challenges.

The study of climate migration is still relatively new, and projections of just how many people might be driven from their homes as the world warms are hard to pin down. Some people will need to migrate despite any measures that might be taken —but “this doesn’t have to be a crisis” Roome says. Properly managed migration could even bring more economic opportunities to some poor communities. But planning needs to start now.

2022-04-16更新 | 167次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022年上海市二模汇编-概要写作
书面表达-开放性作文 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 目前,劳动教育越来越受重视,劳动可以强健学生体魄,磨练学生意志,培养学生的良好品格,但有些学生认为高中生功课比较忙,劳动太占时间或影响学习……为此,你校校报英语专栏就此话题发起征文活动,请你以“My Opinion on Labor Education”为题撰写一篇短文参加征文活动。
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假定你是李华,今天你班同学就“是否应该对得了不治之症的病人说善意的谎言”的话题展开讨论,同学们意见不一致。请你根据以下要点写一篇文章。
2022-04-10更新 | 138次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省高二年级-作文名校好题
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage. Use your own words as far as possible.

The Power of iPhone

Though Apple released data last week indicating iPhone sales may, at last, be slowing, one CEO recently explained why he thinks the smartphone has overturned our expectations of basically everything.

Harry West is the CEO of the global design and strategy firm Frog, which works with its clients “to anticipate the future”. In a conversation with The Huffington Post at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, West credited Apple with transforming the way companies approach consumers and their own employees.

“Way back in the day,” West said, companies marketed their products as “military spec” and “industrial” to take advantage of the impression that these seemingly specialized products were of higher quality than consumer versions. In the 70s, 80s and 90s, this slowly gave way to the rise of “professional” products adapted to businesses and business people.

“That all changed after the coming of the iPhone in 2007,” he said. “Consumers began to use this amazing digital interface, and they liked it. They used it in their personal life and at home, and when they went back to work, they encountered this terrible ‘professional’ or ‘industrial’, or ‘enterprise’ product, and they realized how old-fashioned and inconvenient it was. They demanded change.”

That massive shift foreshadowed the downfall of BlackBerry and the weakening of the power of it departments — and it also forced companies to update the work experience of their employees, according to West.

“Companies need to hire millennials, and millennials refuse to work in these outdated, backward systems,” he said. “Not only is it uncomfortable, but it also indicates something wrong about the company. If your work experience is that old-fashioned, then what else is wrong in the company?”


2022-03-18更新 | 124次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市上海中学东校2022届高考英语新题型试卷一
7 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

How Mass Automation Affects Climate Change

The fourth industrial revolution, or "industry 4.0," is happening now. Highly automated, intelligent systems promise to transform our lives. What will this mean for climate change? The answer is complicated. These innovations have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But without proper consideration, mass automation could be bad news.

To consider what it might mean for our environment, I want to look at two sectors where human work has already been largely replaced by machinery: car manufacturing and agriculture.

Today, car manufacturing is nearly fully automated, with human teams replaced by robotic workers. Robots and other technologies of industry 4.0 enable more efficient energy management in factories. As with cars, developments in mechanization have allowed more food to be produced with less labor. Robots are already replacing human labor across a range of agricultural tasks from watering to pest control or harvesting.

These developments might suggest that these tech developments will reduce emissions and help the environment. After all, robots can build cars and grow food more efficiently than humans, right? Although there has been a significant improvement in energy efficiency, there has not been an absolute reduction in environmental impact. In fact, overall environmental impact is generally increasing.

Take cars for example. The savings in efficiency have meant more people can afford to buy new vehicles. As a result, the number of cars on the roads are increasing along with overall emissions. Similarly, automated processes have meant more food can be produced more efficiently. However, cheaper food and increasing average wealth are increasing consumption of high impact foods such as red meat. This is likely to have significant consequences for climate change.

So, yes, increasing automation and smart technologies do promise great changes to society, with the potential to free human populations from repetitive, unexciting work. If managed carefully, this technological revolution has the potential to provide significant environmental benefit. But that is a big if. We need to manage our consumption, even as the latest technological revolution races ahead of us.

2022-03-18更新 | 111次组卷 | 2卷引用:押上海卷71题 概要写作-备战2022年高考英语临考题号押题(上海卷)
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

What It Means to Serve

I didn’t continue college after graduation. I moved out of my family. With little work experience, I served as a waitress. But during the five years’ labor, I found myself burning calories running about only for a tip.

I had had enough so I moved to a smaller town hoping to pursue a college degree. I promised I would never serve people again - at least not in such way. It was time to serve myself. Luckily, I received a position as an afterschool program tutor at a local middle school, with the added benefit of completing English education degree. I had the opportunity to go big! The kid would need me - a role model and a trustworthy friend, I believed.

But my first day was welcomed by the students’ indifference (冷漠). The desks were messy and the whole room smelled of dirty gym socks. My excitement began to die down. I doubted whether the new job was a mistake. The playground activity was deafening while homework time was not much better. After my repeated persistence, they finally turned off the playground mode. But just a few minutes passed when I noticed two kids quarreling in the corner.

I supposed it was another little incident but one kid named Jeremy bothered me. He shouted at me for coming at him. And when I asked them to return to their seats, he slammed (用力摔) his backpack and grew mad as I tried to urge him to take the right attitude. “I don’t like you, homework and this afterschool program! All you guys do is yell at me. I’m never coming back.” he walked out of the classroom, slamming the door.

Naturally, I was so frustrated (挫败的). I wondered why I am here. Most kids disrespected me! I paused to take a deep breath. Then suddenly I thought to myself, “You said you would never serve people again, but you don’t understand what these kids really need.” At that moment, I remembered my middle-school life. I always had a poor attitude, never did my schoolwork, repeatedly got into fights, and disrespected my elders.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Realizing I was not different, I walked out into the hall and caught up with Jeremy.
At that moment, my heart broke for this boy and his family life.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It’s a beautiful sunny day. The Bonds boarded their boat for a carefree day trip to Dove Island for some fishing as a family custom. Thomas Bond, a 30-year-old construction worker, loved the sport, especially catching bass (鲈鱼) and had impressed on his oldest daughter, Lizzy, a love of the outdoors, teaching her how to bait (下诱饵) a hook and cast a line and brave the waves.

The family spent the day fishing in the vast ocean, and then left the island in the early evening. Upon setting off from the shore, they found thick fog rolling in. Lizzy fell into a light sleep beside her five-year-old sister, Molly, at a table on the boat’s lower deck (甲板). Their father’s sharp orders woke her up: “Get out of the boat. The boat’s sinking!” Lizzy pushed her sister into the cold, dark water. Both girls wore life jackets. The adults did not. The girls were followed by their mother, Petra Bond, who was expecting a baby at that time. Within seconds, the boat was damaged and was left just the tip of its bow in the air.

Looking into the faces of her father, mother, and sister, Lizzy wasn’t frightened. After some time, her father told them he would swim for help. “I’ll be back,” he said before disappearing into the darkness.

“Dad is like the superhero to me. I believe he will get help to rescue us,” Lizzy said to herself. After some time, her mother became quiet and stopped swimming. Lizzy wrapped a rope around her mother’s chest and tied her to the boat so she wouldn’t float away. Then her sister fell quiet too and she stayed beside her.

To keep herself awake, Lizzy daydreamed about what they would do after they were rescued. They would stay in a hotel, order room service, and lie comfortably under the blankets in bed, cozy and warm.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

After several hours, Lizzy heard her name called in the distance.


On the coast, an ambulance was waiting for them.

2022-03-04更新 | 316次组卷 | 3卷引用:专题19 读后续写05:趣事类-【查漏补缺】2022年高考英语三轮冲刺过关
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 请就学生目前过重的课业负担写一篇100词左右的文章。文章必须包含以下内容:
2022-03-04更新 | 143次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题28 短文类03(正反观点型,利弊对比型,解决问题型) -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)
共计 平均难度:一般