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1 . How to Improve Climate Literacy

Climate literacy is the ability to identify, understand and explain information associated with climate science.     1    

Over the past few years, many young people and educators have pushed for the inclusion of climate literacy in national curricula. So what are the best ways in which this can be embedded within already packed school timetables?

True climate literacy must address not only the science of climate change, but also issues of climate (in)justice, including how climate change affects people and places unevenly and contributes to inequalities within and across nations.

    2     Many people in developed countries like the UK therefore see climate change happening elsewhere and to other people, with less relevance to their own lives.

    3     We need to start highlighting the local effects of climate change to ground abstract understanding in reality.

One way to do this is through visual storytelling. Storytelling, often involving drawings and paintings, has been used by human communities to pass on knowledge or tales of caution for at least 30,000 years — as you can see from the cave painting.

One effect of storytelling is its ability to create cognitive dissonance: the mental conflict and discomfort felt when a person’s behaviour isn’t in line with their beliefs. Stories that demonstrate the consequences of not acting eco-consciously — especially if those consequences are shown visually — can be a good way to do this, leading to individuals being more likely to take climate action in their own lives or by confronting corporate activities.

A.Therefore, the teachers we worked with remarked that lessons are typically focused on the physical processes of climate change.
B.However, at present, much of climate change education is focused on the physical aspects of climate change, often at a global scale.
C.The next stages of our research will reflect how a separated community has come together through this journey towards climate literacy.
D.Being climate literate allows individuals to become active participants in the fight against climate change.
E.This collective psychological distancing means many fail to recognise the urgency of the climate crisis.
2023-06-27更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市黄浦区2022-2023学年高一6月期终调研测试英语试题(含听力)

2 . There are a lot of different people in the world, but despite our differences, we all want to get along with others. Humans are social beings, and we enjoy being treated nicely.     1     It is about treating people with respect and care.

Be a good listener. To start a conversation, it is important to listen first, especially when you are in a group. Don’t rush into instant chat when you have just arrived. Examine the situation and the conversation, and then say whatever you think fit. It is better to say something meaningful.     2    

Don’t try to change people. It is not your job to change anyone else. It is not in your power to change anyone else. Let other people love how they want to live.     3     If you do not like the way someone acts, you can try to interact with them as little as possible. You can always keep a good attitude towards them so that your relationship with them could change.

Keep a smile. A little laughter goes a long way, and a smile eases tensions, whereas a frown can create tensions. If someone teases you, try to laugh it off. If someone is frowning, smile at them. Be mindful of your facial expression. If you are persistently optimistic, people will cheer up when they see you coming.

    4     Some people do not take hints. Some people do not read body language. For these people, it really works to just say, “I really want us to work well together. I will help you and back you up, and you help me and back me up.”

A.Therefore, it is advisable to be thoughtful of how you behave yourself and deal with others.
B.State out right that you want to get along.
C.Getting along with someone isn’t about being their best friends or sharing all their hobbies.
D.You can only change how you interact with people, you can’t change them.
E.So it is better to listen to what the conversation is about before speaking.
2023-01-13更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市第十中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般