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阅读理解-阅读单选(约590词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . Lena could clearly remember the night she had to flee her home in Hungary. It was the beginning of the Second World War and her family needed to escape fast. She quickly packed a suitcase with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her most prized possession — a beautiful silk scarf. Lena and her best friend, Monika, had persuaded their parents to buy them matching scarves, which they each wore tied around their neck as a symbol of their friendship. Lena had no idea that when she left for America that night, she would never return. Her family settled on the sunny west coast in California.

Lena kept that special silk scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview for good luck. Lena was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but her granddaughter reassured her, “Don’t worry, Grandma, nothing’s going to happen to your scarf. You’ll see. It is going to bring both of us luck today.” With that, Eliza kissed her grandmother on the cheek and left.

That afternoon, Eliza left the interview feeling confident that she had got the job. She decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. As she sat at her table, she felt someone staring at her. Sitting next to her was an elderly woman who could not take her eyes off her. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” Eliza asked.

“I’m sorry, dear, but you remind me of someone I once knew,” the old woman replied in an accented voice. “My best friend looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like the one you’re wearing around your neck.” Eliza felt goose bumps go up her arms. She had heard stories of her grandmother’s best friend and knew the significance of the scarf. Could this be Monika, her grandmother’s childhood friend?

Eliza introduced herself and waited to hear the name of the other woman. “My name is Monika, dear. I’m originally from Hungary, but my family had to leave when I was 14 and I’ve been living here in California ever since.” Eliza could not believe it. She said, “Monika, would you mind going somewhere with me? I want to show you someone very special.” The elderly woman agreed and they left the restaurant together.

They walked the short distance to Lena’s home and rang the doorbell. When Lena opened the door, she was amazed to see her childhood friend standing in front of her. The scarf had indeed brought good luck.

1. Why did Lena and her family leave Hungary?
A.Because they intended to make a fortune in America.
B.Because they preferred to live on the sunny coast.
C.Because it was dangerous in their home at the war time.
D.Because they wanted to follow her best friend, Monika.
2. What can be inferred from Paragraphs 2 and 3?
A.Eliza went to the restaurant to meet Monika.B.Lena cherished the silk scarf very much.
C.A silk scarf is a symbol of good luck.D.Eliza celebrated with Lena in a restaurant.
3. Eliza felt goose bumps go up her arms because________.
A.the stranger’s stare made her scared
B.she got cold when she took the scarf off
C.she thought the old woman’s accent was too strange
D.she couldn’t believe she should meet her grandma’s childhood friend
4. Which of the following is the correct order of the story?
a. Eliza wore the silk scarf to the interview.                      b. Lena’s parents bought her a silk scarf.
c. Eliza went to a restaurant for celebration.                    d. Lena met her childhood friend.
e. Lena fled her home in hurry.                                   f. Eliza unexpectedly met Monika.
5. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Reunion in California.B.The Lucky Silk Scarf.
C.A Life-long Friendship.D.Like Grandmother Like Granddaughter.
2023-03-29更新 | 286次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届天津市南开区高三质量调查试卷(一) 英语试题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约440词) | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

When Marco was a boy, he tried everything to get his father’s love and attention. He worked hard to earn exceptional marks; he chose inspiring friends and always tried to behave well.

At the age of eight his parents divorced, and Marco and his young sister Sandra moved in with their dad. It felt to Marco that his father had little time for him and Sandra. Marco sank further into his low self-esteem and was overwhelmed with feeling desperately unappreciated, alone and isolated.

One day his father, already tired after a long day, tripped over Marco’s bike in the garage. The fierce fight that followed left Marco feeling humiliated (羞辱). It seemed no matter how hard he tried he could never do anything right.

Two days later, his aunt Ginette called him. She said she had just seen some young teenagers participate in a public speaking contest called Gala Personnalite sponsored by Club Optimiste. She thought he should give it a try. She told him she firmly believed he could perform on stage like the other kids, since she had seen him do humorous performances for the family at Christmas. Feeling her strong belief, Marco agreed to enter the contest.

All that winter of 1980 to 1981, he practiced in Ville d’Anjou, where the competition would take place. The hours and the obstacles no longer counted. The criticism from his father didn’t matter. Four. months later, the big night arrived. His mother, his sister, his grandmother, and his aunt Ginette, were all in the audience. Butterflies filled his stomach. But when he stepped onto the stage and began to speak, he felt totally at home. To his shock and amazement, he WON!

As I travel around the world to speak to thousands of people every year, I tell them Marco’s story. I tell them his story because it is my story.

It all happened because of a single phone call, from one single person who simply believed in me. Because of her, I have been able to more than fulfill my dreams. I’ve been able to inspire and to touch the lives of so many others—and help them fulfill theirs.

1. Why did Marco want to behave and do well academically?   (no more than 10 words)
2. What caused Marco to hold negative attitude towards himself?   (no more than 10 words)
3. How did his aunt Ginette plan to do to change Marco?   (no more than 15 words)
4. What does the underlined sentence probably mean in the 5th Paragraph?   (no more than 5 words)
5. Who often gives you confidence to fulfill your dreams? What does he/she do?   (no more than 20 words)
2023-03-25更新 | 160次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市第一中学2022-2023学年高三下学期第四次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约420词) | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,并根据题目要求用英语回答问题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。

“Mom, look at this LEGO Star Wars set,” my eight-year-old son Nathan said. “Can I get it for my birthday?” I looked at the LEGO set in question.

“Nathan, this isn’t just a regular LEGO set. It’s an Advent calendar(降临历).” Seeing his questioning look, I explained, “An Advent calendar counts down the days until Christmas. Starting on December 1st, you open one box each day, and each box contains one small LEGO toy.”

“I want this really badly, Mom. Can I get it for my birthday?”

“Yes, but here’s the problem with that. It’s August right now, and your birthday is in September. If we bought this for your birthday, you couldn’t start opening the toys until December 1st. That would be a long time for you before playing with a new toy. Are you sure you want it?” He thought for a minute and said, “Yes, Mom, I really want that Advent calendar.” So we bought the calendar.

On Nathan’s birthday in mid-September, he received many presents, including the Advent calendar. He seemed as surprised and pleased with it as he did with other gifts that were actually a surprise. And then he started to open it.

“Remember that’s an Advent calendar. So we can’t open it yet.” His shoulders slumped(垂下来). “Oh, yeah, that’s right,” he said unwillingly.

We put the box in his closet. I hoped he’d forget about it, but that was wishful thinking.

“How many more days should I wait until I can start opening the toys in the calendar?” he asked the day after his birthday. I gave him a pocket calendar, and we counted how many days there were until December 1st.

After waiting for so long, it was December 1st finally. Nathan’s hands were practically shaking as he opened that first box. “I’m so glad I waited, Mom,” he told me.

People say that Christmas starts earlier and earlier every year. I know these complaints are about the over-commercialization of the holiday, and I see their point. But this year, Christmas came to our house very early, and it was so much fun.

1. What is an Advent calendar used to do? (no more than 10 words)
2. Why was the author unwilling to buy the Advent calendar for Nathan at first? (no more than 12 words)
3. How can we understand the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7? (no more than 8 words)
4. Why do people say Christmas starts earlier and earlier? (no more than 10 words)
5. What do you think of Nathan’s birthday present? Why? (no more than 20 words)
2023-02-10更新 | 186次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市第一中学2022-2023高三上学期第三次月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . My best friend traveled to stay with our family last weekend. When she arrived, she went straight to the kitchen and, without asking, ate a spoonful of raspberry jam and some dried fruit. She wasn’t being rude. I knew she would do this. We’ve known each other for almost 20 years. She can eat anything she wants from my kitchen. Indeed, I bought her favorite fruits and snacks at the shop that morning.

Our long weekend together was luxuriously simple. I was recovering from surgery and couldn’t go to shopping malls. We passed the time running errands (做杂事), going to the post office and collecting dry cleaning. We drank away too many cappuccinos. But we talked about every little detail of our lives.

There’s never been a quiet moment in our friendship. We’ve lived in different cities for almost a decade. Reunions demand constant conversation. Our personalities are matched, to be sure, and a shared history is indescribably valuable. We were competitors in high school before bonding over a bad experience. Then we discovered the many interests that we had in common. Our friendship strengthened itself quickly. We stayed companions through law school, through our first jobs and our first boyfriends. We supported each other through break-ups and breakthroughs. Ours is a friendship for ages.

There is something special about friends who know everyone and everything about you. They are rare. These are the people you’ve chosen to witness your life. They have seen the bright lights of achievement, the depths of despair and the boring routine of the in-between.

It’s special to unpack feelings and frustrations without wasting time filling in the blanks. As my long weekend shows, with such friends we don’t have to “do”, we simply have to “be”. We drop the act, the performance, the public version of ourselves.

The special friendships are those which never fail to delight, the continuation of which is worth the extra effort, despite distance and difference sneaking (溜进) into your separate lives. I had the very great joy of this reminder last weekend. I’m lucky to have found this friend, to see a future where her companionship remains. Being together is perfection.

1. What happened during her best friend’s visit?
A.They enjoyed an eventful long weekend.
B.They talked constantly about their lives.
C.They made their favorite snacks and coffee.
D.They talked about recent news events.
2. One thing that the author appreciates about their friendship is that ________.
A.they help each other deal with the boredom of life
B.they prefer to witness each other’s lives from far away
C.they try to show each other their best selves
D.they are comfortable just being themselves when together
3. Which of the following would the author agree with?
A.Charm comes from difference.B.Politeness brings best friends closer.
C.Good friendships need devotion.D.Distance can separate good friends.
4. The author’s main purpose in writing this article is to ________.
A.describe what her best friend is likeB.share the friendship she treasures
C.explore the key aspects of friendshipD.express thanks to her best friend
5. What is the tone of the passage?
2023-02-10更新 | 168次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市第一中学2022-2023高三上学期第三次月考英语试卷

5 . It was January, the first day of the year. I decided to get the bank work out of the _________. The bank clerk, an elderly gentleman, was _________ curt(简短而失礼的) to my polite “Happy New Year” _________. He nodded and I sat in front of him. Minutes passed and nothing happened. Then very _________ I put my form in front of him. He was busy _________ entries in his register. I sat there wondering why we had _________banking if we were still filling in registers. While waiting I showed all _________ of being impatient, I asked him _________ my work was done. The moment I uttered the words, he shouted, “Nothing is done, it will take time!”

Just then I saw his morning tea lying there, _________. It had turned almost cold. Suddenly I sensed how he feels when customers come who are __________ hurried to get their work done and __________ him for doing their work first. We don’t even feel the __________ to thank him. Then I told him, “Sir, please have your tea, I am not hurried.” This man suddenly __________ me and for the first time we had eye contact.

I realized he was also missing the __________ things in life just like a hot cup of tea. He gave me a rare smile and said, "It is an everyday __________ with me." His wise words really __________ me. I felt that we all had put shields (盾牌) on our __________, and that we were scared to show our hearts and __________ too much of ourselves. From then on, I __________ to be more friendly to others and be __________ that they are there for me.

A.on purposeB.by accidentC.after allD.as usual
A.going throughB.filling upC.checking outD.printing off
A.looked up atB.looked down uponC.looked forward toD.looked back on
2023-01-26更新 | 85次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年天津卷高考真题变式题(完形填空)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . On my way back home, I waited at the crosswalk for the traffic light to change colours. A man dressed in a UCLA shirt stood next to me. We exchanged friendly smiles. His friend came by and commented that he was excited that it was Friday. The man replied that he had to work on the weekend. He shared, “I have two little kids at home. I am thankful for any work that I can get. ”

I smiled, as the man's words made me happy in a dark week of midterm exams and job interviews. As we made our way across the street, he told me he had been shot and had seven surgeries in the past couple of years. He called getting better a “vacation” because in that kind of situation, that was the only way he could deal with what had happened.

At the end of the crosswalk, before we left each other, he said, “Through life's terrible moments, you find life's greatest gifts.” I took a left. He and his friend took a right to the parking lot. I looked back at him, thankful that our short conversation had made my day. He looked at my way. We exchanged nods and smiles, the same exchange we first made when we stood by the crosswalk moments ago.

Though we never shared names, I will forever remember his story and his inspiring life. When people ask me what I love most about my university, I tell them about the creative professors and excited students. UCLA supports its students to follow their dreams, whatever that path may be. As a college senior, I am incredibly grateful for my college experience.

What I remember most about my university life are memories of smiles and life lessons. There was that night when a group of us watched the waves and waited for the sunrise, the time my professor and I discussed equal rights, the class in which my group members and I danced to our textbook reading. These are life stories that make me smile and teach me lessons.

You never know who may inspire you next. It may be the person standing next to you at the crosswalk or the student sitting next to you in class. Simple life stories and beautiful exchanges come with just a nod, a smile, and a crosswalk. You never know what you can learn from them, from courage to positive attitudes towards life.

1. What can be learned about the author according to the text?
A.The author was troubled by midterm exams and job interviews.
B.The author and the man are familiar with each other.
C.The author is married and has two children to raise.
D.The author was wearing a UCLA shirt and met a friend.
2. What happened when the man and the author went across the street?
A.They exchanged their names and phone numbers.
B.They shared opinions about studying and job hunting.
C.The man told the author about his past experience.
D.The man headed to the parking lot without looking back.
3. Why did the man call getting better a “vacation”?
A.He really wanted to take a rest at that time.
B.He was thankful that he was getting better.
C.He could do nothing but await recovery from his injury.
D.He enjoyed the time when he didn't need to deal with exams.
4. Which of the following adjectives best describe the man?
A.Serious and hardworking.B.Friendly and optimistic.
C.Honest and happy.D.Talented and confident.
5. What lesson can be learned from the text?
A.Every moment of your life counts.B.Do not ignore the people around you.
C.Good manners bring about happiness.D.Inspiring memories can be made at any time.
2023-01-05更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市第二十五中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期末阶段性英语测试
阅读理解-阅读表达(约370词) | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 阅读表达

It was a dark and stormy night. The ferocious wind shook the windows wildly, as though someone outside were beating on the glass. It was also New Year’s Eve. We were having our annual party and had a house full of people just starting to celebrate.

Suddenly, we heard loud explosions. Looking outside and up into the hills, we saw sparks(火花) flying from electrical transformers(变压器). One area after another went dark up in those hills. Then there was the loudest explosion of them all and our house went dark too. I tried to find every candle we had and lit them. The candles made everything look lovely. But we had problems. We had fifteen people standing around and we still had to cook dinner. How would we do that without electricity?

The barbecue! Why not cook on the barbecue? We men went outside, some holding flashlights and others cooking. We did a wonderful job. The women stayed inside and got the salads ready. Everything was delicious. There were still a few hours to go before the beginning of the new year, so we all sat around the dining room table and sang up until a few minutes before midnight. We couldn’t watch the ball drop in Times Square on television but that wouldn’t stop us from celebrating. I stood on a chair and, with the help of someone’s watch to tell us the time, we all counted down and I dropped a tennis ball! We all screamed Happy New Year. We didn’t need electricity for that!

Nowadays, we still get together with the same group to celebrate the New Year and we still talk about that special night. I don’t think we have ever laughed so much as we did on that New Year’s Eve.

1. What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph 1? (1 word)
2. What made dinner preparation difficult according to Paragraph 2? (no more than 6 words)
3. How did the people celebrate on New Year’s Eve according to the passage? (no more than 10 words)
4. How does the author feel about that particular New Year’s Eve? (no more than 8 words)
5. What do you think is the most necessary quality when dealing with an unexpected difficult situation? Please explain why. (no more than 25words)
2023-01-03更新 | 1785次组卷 | 4卷引用:2022年天津卷英语真题(第二次)
完形填空(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Backpacking through Africa, I always carried some food with me ________ I couldn’t find something to eat.

I was ________ through a local market one day when I chanced upon a jar of ________ jam. I could find tins of apple and strawberry in every corner store but this was the ________ time I had seen peach. I took it.

For the next few weeks, when I was feeling the need for a little ________ I would carefully ________ the lid and spoon a bit on to a biscuit. Mmm, delicious. I didn’t ________ it with anybody. It sat safely in my ________ taken out on only special ________.

One cold and cloudy afternoon, while I was waiting for a local bus, it started to rain. Everybody spread out for ________ and so did I. But I was already wet through so I quickly searched through my pack for some ________ clothes.

In my hurry to ________ further discomfort, I forgot that the jar of jam was ________ in my clothing. One forceful yank (猛拉) and my ________ jar of jam crashed to the concrete ground, breaking into pieces.

I was so sad that I almost cried. And then, in the corner of my eye, I noticed an old woman in rags ________. Without hesitation, she bent down and picked up the half of the jar that still looked ________.

Still ________ she stuck two fingers into the jar, scooped out the ________ jam and ________ it into her toothless mouth. Carefully, like fishbones, she spat out the pieces of glass. She studied the broken container ________ she was certain that there was nothing left. Then she left.

My bus arrived shortly after and, as we drove off, I wondered if the jam would taste the same to me.

A.unlessB.ifC.just in caseD.in order that
A.all rightB.bad enoughC.brokenD.damaged
A.standing upB.sitting upC.bending overD.watching out
2022-12-12更新 | 110次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市滨海新区塘沽第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期第三次月考英语试卷
完形填空(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Music is something I could never live without. Without music, I was ______ and would only talk when I was asked to. Music allowed me to ______ myself and be as loud as I wanted to. Singing my ______ out during choir (合唱) class, auditioning for choir concert solos, and ______ the school play, I felt the most like myself. There was nothing that could keep me away from my ______, until high school.

Everyone who wanted to be in show choir auditioned for the ______, including me. In the audition room, there was a piano, notes and different lyrics ______ on the chalkboard. I hit every note, and the ______ was amazing. When my audition was over, I took a breath of ______. Weeks passed and the list of who had made it into show choir was ______. I found my ______. “Angelica H. –– alternate (候补者)”. After I saw this, my ______ disappeared. My outside showed I wasn’t sad, but on the inside, my whole world had ______.

A year passed, I was at a ______ that also held karaoke to the customers. My parents let me go up and ______. Finally, I got enough courage to ______ a song by Sam Smith and started off. While I hit the high notes, people eating   ______ for me. I realized, I did not get into one program but that did not mean that I had to give up all ______. I still had that passion. The lesson learned was that if you are ______ or do not get what you want, and it is something you’re in ______ with, don’t give up.

A.looking forward toB.getting along withC.trying out forD.picking up
A.picked outB.turned downC.brought upD.left behind
2022-05-16更新 | 80次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年天津卷高考真题变式题(完形填空)
完形填空(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . In the eighth grade, I was student-body president of Erwin Middle School in Asheville. I considered this quite an ________ since there were over 1,000 students in the school. At the end of the year, I was asked to make a speech at the ceremony where my class was ________ to high school. I knew this had to be more than just the brief comments a   student might ________ give. We're the class of Millennium , ________ I wanted my speech to be as special as we were.

I spent several nights lying in bed, ________ about what to say. Many things crossed my mind, but none of them ________ all my classmates. Then one night, it ________ me.   Erwin High School has the highest ________ rate of any high school in our country. What better goal could we have than for every single one of us to ________ ?

The speech I gave on graduation day was only 12 minutes long, but what it started was ________ . When I announced the challenge to my classmates, the entire audience, including the parents and teachers, broke into applause. As I showed the personalized certificates and signs each student would get, I could ________ they were really excited. I'd had no idea my challenge would bring this kind of ________.

Throughout the summer, I worked on developing a program to carry our ________ into high school. I gave speeches to local clubs and groups. I also ________ a “Dropout Patrol”, made up of students who would be willing to help and support other students during bad times.

Then word began to ________ about our challenge. I appeared on local television, and calls started coming in from everywhere. Businesses are throwing their ________ behind us. We have banks, furniture stores, restaurants and more where we can get discounts for our entire family when we show our “Dropout Patrol” ID cards.

All this was ________ , because we are just starting a difficult four-year journey, but we have already made a significant ________. Last year, 13 kids dropped out of the freshman class. So far this year, not a single person who signed the commitment has ________, and the “Dropout Patrol” has become the largest organized group in the school.

The Erwin High “Committed Class of Millennium” would like to encourage your class to start a ________ like ours. Wouldn't it be great if the entire class of Millennium, nationwide, had a 100 percent graduation rate?

共计 平均难度:一般