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1 . A 14-year-old killer whale named Wilkie has learned how to “speak” to humans. Wilkie, who lives at a whale aquarium(水族馆)in France, is able to imitate(模仿)a human saying “hello”, “bye-bye” and “one, two” after working with a team of researchers from the UK, Spain, Chile and Germany.

“Killer whales use their blowholes to make noises, almost like speaking out of your nose, so we were not expecting it to be perfect,” Jose Abramson, the lead author, told The Independent. “But we were surprised by how close it was.”

This isn’t the first time animals have learned how to imitate human sounds. Scientists have already made a record of animals like elephants,parrots,dolphins and beluga whales all imitating our words and noises, but it marks a first for killer whales.

Wilkie had already been trained to imitate the actions of a fellow killer whale. Once the scientists made her again learn how to mimic an action; they had her repeat four familiar sounds made by her 2-year-old calf(幼鲸),Moana. Next, they had her make five killer whale sounds she had never heard before, like a noise of opening the door. Then the researchers had Wilkie imitate the sounds made by a human and,finally,words like “ah ha” and her trainer’s name, “Amy”.

Wilkie was quickly able to imitate all the sounds and words, and she was even able to imitate some on the first try. Researchers said they had the first evidence that killer whales might be learning sounds by imitation, but they had no evidence that the killer whales understood what their “hello” stood for.

1. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Killer whales are the first to imitate humans.
B.Killer whale Wilkie has been used to test other animals.
C.Killer whales are able to imitate the sounds of their children.
D.Killer whale Wilkie has learned to imitate some human sounds.
2. What was Jose Abramson surprised by?
A.Wilkie enjoyed human sounds.
B.Wilkie lived so close to humans.
C.Wilkie made sounds different from human voices.
D.Wilkie made sounds quite close to those of humans.
3. What does the underlined word “mimic” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. Which of the following best describes Wilkie according to Paragraph 5?
5. One thing still uncertain about Wilkie is ______.
A.whether Wilkie can make human sounds
B.whether killer whales can tell voices from noises
C.whether Wilkie can understand the words like “hello”
D.whether other killer whales can do the same as Wilkie
2020-12-16更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019年12月河北省普通高中学业水平考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般