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1 . When it comes to universities, most peon, associate (联想) great universities with big cities, like Peking University in Beijing. However, some universities located in less known places are also great ones. For more details, click here: www. fiskeguidetocolleges. com.

Bentley University

Bentley means business-studying it train the context of a strong liberal-arts (文科) program. Bentley provides career-oriented internships (职业方向的实习) to more than 90% of its students. Its beautiful campus is at arm's length from Boston with buses to Harvard Square.

University of Illinois

Half a step behind the University of Michigan and neck and neck with the University of Wisconsin among top Midwestern public universities, U of I's advantages include business, communications engineering, architecture, and natural sciences. Nearly 80% of the students come from in-state, but it has approximately 10,000 foreign students from more than 110 countries.

Indiana University

Though men's basketball is IU's most famous program, it may not be its best. That distinction (声誉) could easily go to the famous music school or the well-known foreign language program.

Mount Holyoke College

One of two women's colleges gives students access to the resources of the four other institutions. MHC is strongest in the natural and social sciences, and one of few colleges to have a program devoted to leadership.

1. If you are interested in natural and social sciences, which university is the best choice?
A.Bentley University.B.University of Illinois.
C.Indiana University.D.Mount Holyoke College.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Bentley University is far away from Boston.
B.Indiana University is best at men's basketball.
C.University of Illinois has a good name for its international education.
D.The universities mentioned above are all located in major cities.
3. Where can you probably find this article?
A.On a website.B.In a newspaper.C.In a magazine.D.Ina guide book.
2021-12-13更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省泰州市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When choosing Chinese universities, it is necessary for students to take both university conditions and self-qualifications into consideration.     1     The following factors should be considered carefully before making decisions.

Students’ graduation result

Students’ graduation result provided during the application is the key reference for the university to decide whether to admit or not. The stronger comprehensive strength and better reputation the university has, the stricter requirement for students’ graduation result will be.     2    

Economy conditions

The cost of the study in China is relatively cheap, while daily expenses are not exactly the same in different areas. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other developed coastal cities, the daily expense can be relatively higher than that of inland. These cities’ living conditions are relatively better and entertainment and recreational facilities are richer. Therefore, when choosing universities, your economy factor needs to be taken into account.


China is a large country and the northern and southern China has many differences in climate and diet custom.     4     Students need to consider whether the climate, traffic, diet, and culture of the city that university lies in are as expected before applying, so as to choose suitable universities.

Professional or comprehensive strength

In China, universities can be divided into comprehensive and professional two kinds. Which is more important, professional strength or comprehensive strength?     5     If you want to make achievements in professional field, we suggest that you consider professional kind of university. If you want to get diploma of a university which is comprehensive strength strong and well-known, the comprehensive kind of university may be better to meet your demand.

A.Location preference
B.Each city has its own characteristics.
C.There is no absolute answer actually.
D.Students sometimes get stuck when choosing majors.
E.Everyone hopes to choose suitable Chinese university reasonably.
F.You should make a reasonable assessment about self-qualifications.
G.So apply for a suitable university according to your graduation result.
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