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阅读理解-任务型阅读(约550词) | 较难(0.4) |
1 . 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填人一个最恰当的单词。

How many cabs in New York City? How many tears in a bottle of wine? These aren’t just the lyrics (歌词)to a song by the Australian musician Paul Kelly. They are the kind of questions you are likely to be asked during a job interview.

In recent years, it has become common for bosses to ask interview questions that are impossible to answer. There is no right answer to these “brainteasers”. Instead, they are supposed to help an interviewer calculate an applicant’s ability to reason. What matters is how you come to the conclusion, not what conclusion you arrive at.

Brainteasers started out in management consultancy firms. Young graduates hoping to join the company would be asked: “How many phone booths are there in Manhattan?” They weren ’ t expected to blurt out (脱 口说出)a random number — instead, they were expected to show they could solve even the most stupid problem.

As consultants swarmed across other organizations, they bought their inscrutable (难 以理解的)questions with them. Now, people applying for a job in a call centre can expect to be asked how a nuclear power plant works.

While many bosses have great confidence in how good or effective brainteasers are, a research paper published in the journal Applied Psychology found they are useless for spotting the best candidate for the job. What they are great for is to make employers feel like intellectual giants.

The study’s findings are not surprising. Studies have repeatedly found that most methods of selecting job candidates are hopelessly flawed (有缺点的).Job interviews are among the worst way of picking the right person for the job.

The results of this research raise the question: if interviews are bad at picking the right person for the job, what are they there for? One feeling I have is that many job selection processes are thinly disguised (伪装的)forms of suffering, designed to make applicants feel worthless and boost the confidence of the person asking the question.

Think about the extensive list of personal skills required for even the most lowly entry-level job. Or those painful assessment centres where you are supposed to play nice with people you are competing against to get the job. And then there are the firms that ask applicants to make a presentation to convey how awesome the firms are. All these exercises seem designed not to get the best person for the role, but to assure the boss how great they are, and remind you just how lucky you would be to get this boring job.

Passage outlineSupporting details
Introduction to brainteasersThey are widely used in job interviews and the answers are     1     to interpretation.
They focus more on an applicant’s    2     skills rather than the outcomes.
    3     and popularity of brainteasersThey started out in management consultancy firms and spread to other organizations.
Nowadays,a job applicant is often asked questions     4     to the job he applies for.
Research findings    5     to popular belief of the bosses, brainteasers are actually useless for selecting candidates.
They are just meant to show off the     6     of the employers.
In—depth AnalysisMany job selection processes make job applicants have a poor     7     of themselves and the employers more confident.
Some job applicants are asked to show skills, some of which are     8     the requirements of a certain occupation.
In some assessment centres, job applicants are required to play nice with their     9    .
Some job applicants are supposed to make a presentation to     10     the firms.
2019-05-08更新 | 132次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、宿迁、连云港)高三三模英语试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约720词) | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。
Interviewing someone for a job is not as easy as it looks. First, as the interviewer, you’re tasked with finding the person who will not only do the job well but also fit in well with the other employees.
You have to make an evaluation of abstract qualities that can’t be found on a résumé. Because you have to repeat the process for every potential employee, you end up asking question after question, applicant after applicant.
Still, interviewers need to be told something: “What is your biggest weakness?” is not a good question. It just isn’t.
Now, job seekers have to understand that interviewers want to find some way to know what makes an applicant different from others. Asking questions that are seemingly impossible to answer is one way to see who can think creatively. Then what may be a proper way to respond to such a question?
Honesty, with a twist(新手法)
“‘What are your three strengths and three weaknesses?’ is a classic, but not too many people know how to answer this,” says Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax, an online marketing company.
“As an interviewer, we want to hear strengths that describe initiative(主动性), motivation and dedication. The best way to respond is to include these qualities into specific ‘personal statements.’”
“Similarly, weaknesses should be positioned as a strength that can benefit the employer.”
“I like to hear applicants state an exaggerated strength, and put an interesting twist on it. An example of this is, ‘My initiative is so strong, that sometimes I take on too many projects at a time.’”
This answer leads with a strength that employers want — initiative — and still acknowledges that you’re not perfect.
Although you might consider this acknowledgement too honest, it works because it proves you’re being honest.
Honesty, with progress
When you consider what your weaknesses are, think about how you have attempted to overcome them. No one is perfect, so pretending that you are a perfectionist will come across as insincere.
Debra Davenport, author of “Career Shuffle,” believes citing(引用) examples are the best approach.
“My preferred response for this question is to tell the truth without damaging the applicant’s image.” Davenport explains.
“A better response might be, ‘I’ve had some challenges with work-life balance in the past and I realize that a life out of balance isn’t good for me, my family or my employer. I’ve taken the time to learn better time and project management, and I’m also committed to my overall wellness.’”
The answer adds some dimension to the question, and proves you’ve thought beyond the answer. You’ve actually changed your behavior to address the situation, even if you haven’t completely overcome the weakness.
Put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes
However you decide to answer, Debra Yergen, author of “Creating Job Security Resource Guide,” recommends job seekers imagine themselves sitting on the other side of the desk.
“If you were doing the hiring, what would you be looking for? What would be your motivation for asking certain questions? Who would you be trying to weed out? If you can empathize (共鸣) with the interviewer, you can better understand what they want and need, and then frame your qualifications to meet their needs for the position you seek.”
Once you consider what the goal of the question is and figure out what your honest answer is, you’ll be able to give the best possible answer to a tricky question.
Job InterviewsDetails

Tasks for a job interviewer
☆ Find the person both doing the job well and    1    along well with other employees.
    2    abstract qualities of applicants by asking one question after another.

    3    to interviewees for replying to a tricky question
☆ Understand that the interviewers want to    4    between applicants and that asking a question seemingly impossible to answer is one way to see an applicant’s    5    .
☆ Be    6    and inventive when asked about your weaknesses, and respond properly.
☆ Never    7    you are perfect, which may be believed to be insincere.
☆Try to show that you’ve changed a lot    8    you haven’t completely get rid of your weaknesses.
☆ Put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes and have a better    9    of their needs for the job.

☆ With the goal of the question    10    into account and the honest answer in your mind, you will be able to give the best possible answer.
2016-11-26更新 | 1047次组卷 | 5卷引用:2011届江苏省高三三校(海安,金陵,南京外国语)联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |
3 . Sex prejudices are based on and justified by the ideology (意识形态) that biology is destiny. According to this ideology, basic biological and psychological differences exist between the sexes. These differences require each sex to play a separate role in social life. Women are the weaker sex both physically and emotionally. Thus, they are naturally suited, much more so than men, to the performance of domestic (家庭的) duties. A woman’s place, under normal circumstances, is within the protective environment of the home. Nature has determined that women play caretaker roles, such as wife and mother and homemaker. On the other hand, men are best suited to go out into the competitive world of work and politics, where serious responsibilities must be taken on. Men are to be the providers; women and children are “dependents”.

The ideology also holds that women who wish to work outside the household should naturally fill these jobs that are in line with the special capabilities of their sex. It is appropriate for women, not men, to be employed as nurses, social workers, elementary school teachers, house-hold helpers, clerks and secretaries. These positions are simply an extension of women’s domestic role. Informal distinctions between “women’s work” and “men’s work” in the labor force, according to the ideology, are simply a functional reflection of the basic differences between the sexes.

Finally, the ideology suggests that nature has worked her will in another significant way. For the human species to survive over time, its members must regularly reproduce. Thus, women must, whether at home or in the labor force, make the most of their physical appearances.

So goes the ideology. It is, of course, not true that basic biological and psychological differences between the sexes require each to play sex-defined roles in social life. There is enough evidence that sex roles vary from society to society, and those role differences that do exist are largely learned.

But to the degree people actually believe that biology is destiny and that nature intended for men and women to make different contributions to society, sex-defined roles will be seen as totally acceptable.

1. According to the biology-is-destiny ideology, women_______.
A.cannot compete with men in any field.
B.are suited more to domestic jobs than men.
C.are sensitive enough to be a good caretaker.
D.are too weak to do any agricultural work at all.
2. Those who have prejudices against women think that_______.
A.women shouldn’t go out for work.
B.women should earn money to add the family income.
C.women going out for work should only do “women’s work”.
D.women should take jobs to drill the special capabilities of the sex.
3. The author thinks that the positions women hold outside_______.
A.are determined by what they are better suited to.
B.grow out of their household responsibilities.
C.represent their breakthrough of sex discrimination.
D.are physically and emotionally suitable to them.
4. What does the underlined sentence imply?
A.Sex roles are socially determined.
B.Sex roles are emotionally and physically determined.
C.Sex roles are biologically and psychologically determined .
D.Sex roles are determined by education people take.
2014-03-25更新 | 567次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020届江苏省四星级高中高考考前信息卷9英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般