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The Great Barrier Reef is almost the size of Japan, which can be seen from outer space. The reef is made up of living coral     1    (grow) on dead coral. It is host     2     different kinds of birds and sea creatures. However, this unique place is under threat, so volunteers are required     3    (take) care of the reef. The working hours are flexible and accommodation     4    (provide).

The candidates are supposed to find out     5     the reef has to offer and report back through     6    (week) blogs, photo diaries and video updates and will also be asked to promote the islands through newspapers, magazines and TV     7    (interview).

The job was finally offered to Ben Southall from the UK. Ben did a lot when he worked as     8     island caretaker. He made appearances     9    (frequent) on TV to argue in favour of the defence of the islands and wrote a book about his experiences. He later joked that the job should have     10    (advertise) as “the busiest job in the world”.

2023-08-28更新 | 31次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 6 作业(十八)SectionⅢ Developing ideas &Presenting ideas 选择性英语性必修一(外研版2019)
共计 平均难度:一般