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1 . Every summer, for the last 32 years, the Sierra Storytelling Festival has gathered people together to hear the nation's top tellers share the great range of human experience through artfully told stories. This year's tellers include one Grammy-nominated (格莱美提名的)artist, a local favorite and more.

Grammy-nominated and internationally known storyteller, Diane Ferlatte, fondly remembers her childhood years of sitting on the passage of her grandparents' home in New Orleans, attracted by the oral stories of family generations past. She views storytelling as a traditional art form that can promote literacy, imagination and values in the young. While telling African American stories, she loves to tell stories that hold truths touching upon our common humanity(人性),including personal and historical stories.

As a storyteller and early childhood educator, Muriel Johnson has shared traditional folktales and personal stories with thousands of children and adults across the United States, per-forming at schools, museums, libraries and festivals. Her voice, movements, expressions and loving spirit will resonate(共鸣)with anyone listening.

Johnny Moses is one of the most popular storytellers in North America. With beauty, wisdom and humor, he shares both traditional and contemporary stories in a wide variety of settings, including festivals, libraries, schools and private gatherings. His songs and stories make all children happy, whether wide-eyed preschoolers or tired high school students.

In addition to performances by these tellers, the Sierra Storytelling Festival has several special events including a Storytelling Workshop with Judith Black on Friday afternoon, the hugely popular Story Slam on Saturday afternoon. Gather your friends and family, pack a picnic and blanket and settle into a weekend. Magic and wonder fill the air, and the art of story is alive.

1. Which storyteller's childhood is mentioned in the text?
A.Judith Black.B.Johnny Moses.C.Diane Ferlatte.D.Muriel Johnson.
2. Which of the following can best describe Johnny Moses?
A.Humorous and wise.B.Humorous and kind.
C.Beautiful and sweet.D.Honest and strong.
3. What do we know about the storytellers?
A.Muriel Johnson fails to connect with anyone listening.
B.Diane Ferlatte considers storytelling as a business form.
C.Johnny Moses is the most popular storyteller in America.
D.Diane Ferlatte and Muriel Johnson both share personal stories.
4. What can people do on the Sierra Storytelling Festival?
A.See art works.B.Camp with families.
C.Study how to tell stories.D.Experience different cultures.
5. What’s the main purpose of the text?
A.To introduce literacy and art.
B.To introduce storytelling events.
C.To introduce famous storytellers.
D.To introduce the Sierra Storytelling Festival.
2021-11-19更新 | 146次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市第二南开学校2021-2022学年高一下学期6月阶段性线上测试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般