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1 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. objects       B. cease       C. removed       D. substitutions       E. justified
F. engaging       G. responsible       H. present       I. companions       J. employ
K. exposing

Smart Toys that Spy on Kids

Americans are becoming more and more alert of the ways their personal information is being collected on the Internet. A recent national survey found that 72% of respondents are not sure whether Facebook is using the data it collected on them in a(n)       1     way. And 70% of respondents said they believed their smartphones are being monitored in ways they haven’t agreed to. That doubt is     2    . Concerns about personal privacy are on the rise all the time.

But adult gift-givers may not realize that some children’s toys are collecting personal data, too. Toys with cameras, mobile apps, and requirements to set up online accounts that store data about the toy and its user all     3     privacy concerns.

Toys that     4     Bluetooth connections, for example, could be sensitive to being hacked from outside the home, perhaps     5     the child to inappropriate content or gathering sensitive info. The famous car race Mario Kart Live Home Circuit installs a camera that uploads images of the room in order to create virtual racetrack. But these images of the room’s layout(布局) and the     6     in it could be exposed if the game’s website were ever hacked.

Most toy manufacturers are trying to build in protections. And the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act provides another layer of defense by requiring parents to be involved in setting up the toy and giving adults the right to have their children’s online data     7    .

The worldwide market for smart toys is expected to reach almost $70 billion in the next five years. These toys can be wonderfully     8     and even educational, such as an interactive globe that speaks to children about a country as they touch it on the map. Action figures, robots, or dolls that talk back and hold conversations can become smart     9    . Yet, in an environment where so much information can be collected through interaction with devices, children     10     to be mere “players” or “consumers”. They become “data subjects” that disclose information or “personal data” about themselves, both consciously and unconsciously.

2022-12-15更新 | 125次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届上海市闵行区高三一模英语试题(含听力)
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. launch B. dedicated C. identified D. barely
E. hit F. specifically G. personalized H. encountered
I. divides J. originals K. devoted

For many young Chinese, neither “The Shepherd in Keketuohai (可可托海的牧羊人) ” nor the name of its original singer, Wang Qi, sounds familiar. Their parents, however, may know every word in the song.

Such generational     1     in musical tastes aren't unusual. What may be surprising is where most middle-aged Chinese people may have first     2     the song: the popular short-video app Douyin. A March search for the song's name on Douyin returned more than seven million clips, many from an increasing number of accounts popular among middle-aged users.

That some Douyin users might not be familiar with a song, even as others are constantly hearing it, is the result of the platform's highly     3     recommendation algorithms (算法) . They are able to produce different video feeds for each user based on their musical preferences and tastes.

In the five years since its     4     in 2016, Douyin has grown into one of China's biggest platforms for pop music. On QQ Music, the largest digital music service provider in the country, songs popular among short-video creators are even ranked on a    5     Douyin Chart. The variety and scale of the app's user base mean all genres and styles can find an audience, and more and more artists now choose Douyin to debut their new tracks in the hopes of achieving a viral     6    .

One of the most popular uses for music on an app like Douyin is known as a challenge video. Short clips from songs are played over a well-designed dance, which creators then challenge their followers to imitate. If a given dance challenge shows promise, it- is quickly     7     by the platform's algorithms and pushed to a larger user pool. Over time, more and more pop music has been produced     8     with such uses in mind, and songs are now being composed to be easily adapted to these short video formats.

This trend is having an impact on our relationship to music. Users often find they can     9     recognize or remember the artists, names or the titles of songs. Meanwhile, the songs themselves are often cut up to focus only on their catchiest parts, while covers (翻唱版本) often go on to achieve far more fame than the     10    

2021-05-07更新 | 155次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般