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1 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. steadily B. predicts C. biology D. temporary E. dramatic F. recovers
G. permanent H. grounded I. expansion J. formed K. kindly

Teens Are Still Developing Empathy Skills

The teen years are often full of door-slamming, eye-rolling and seeming insensitivity, even by kids who behaved     1     before. Some parents worry that they are doing something wrong or that their children will never think of anyone but themselves. A six-year study published in Developmental Psychology shows that     2     is partly to blame.

In adolescence, critical social skills that are needed for one to feel concern for other people and to understand how they think are undergoing major changes. Adolescence has long been known as prime time for developing cognitive skills for self-regulation and executive function.

“Cognitive empathy,” or the mental ability to take others’ perspective, begins to rise     3     in girls at the age of 13, according to the study co-authored by Jolien van der Graaff at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. By comparison, boys do not begin until the age of 15 to show increases in perspective-taking, which helps in problem-solving and avoiding conflict.

Adolescent boys actually show a     4     decline, between the ages of 13 and 16, in a related skill—“affective empathy,” or the ability to recognize and respond to others’ feelings. This may be the result, at least in part, of a     5     rise in the primary male sex hormone, during adolescence, which sparks a desire for dominance and power. Fortunately, the boys’ sensitivity     6     in their late teens. Girls’ affective empathy remains relatively high and stable throughout adolescence.

This doesn’t mean, however, that we can do nothing but just wait for teenagers to develop a feeling of empathy. In fact, parents can help instill(灌输) affective empathy into their children. Affective empathy is     7     in marginal region of the brain, which regulates emotions. This capacity begins to develop in infancy. Children learn to practice empathy by watching their parents and by experiencing it themselves—being well treated by adults who sensitively respond to their emotions. While cognitive empathy arises from a different part of the brain, the two abilities are linked. Children’s affective empathy     8     their level of cognitive empathy as teens.

The findings reflect a major     9     in researchers’ understanding of cognitive growth during adolescence. They used to believe that both forms of empathy were fully     10     in childhood. Now, it is clear that “the brain regions that support social cognition, which helps us successfully understand and interact with others, continue to change dramatically” in our teens, says Jennifer Pfeifer at the University of Oregon. Research in her lab also suggests that cognitive empathy rises in teens. The discoveries serve as a new lens for exploring such teen behavior as bullying and drug abuse.

2023-05-11更新 | 300次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届上海市建平中学高三下学期三模考试英语试题(含听力)
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2 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. grounded B. thrives C. taper off D. absent E. vulnerability F. fantasizing
G. hang out H. illusion I. digestive J. compromised K. survive

Many people seek love or to be in a relationship , but that involves growth which can at times be painful, compromised and vulnerability. Love demands that we constantly improve, be more understanding and practice patience. Here are 5 signs you were never in Love.

One, you move things fast with your partner. Infatuation (obsession)     1     on speed while love takes time to develop. Relationship expert Susan Winter says “Infatuation lives in     2    . Love can survive reality”. When you’re quick to jump in a relationship with someone, you base it off your dreams more than whose really in front of you. Common examples include     3     about your future with them, lusting after them, and obsessing about them, all done only after a few weeks of knowing them.

Two, you expect them to be flawless, and then you get angry or disappointed when they show you their true colors. Winter states that, ‘Infatuation needs perfection in order to     4    . ‘When you expect your partner to be consistently well dressed, good with their words or impressive with their accomplishments, you’re not giving them space to be honest with you. Love, on the other hand, is     5    . When you love someone, you accept their imperfections, work through the bad and enjoy the good together.

Three, you’re not comfortable enough around them. Okay, who has not felt self conscious about saying the wrong thing or making a bad impression? But when you truly fall in love in someone, that’s when you can let loose and stop caring so much. Doctor Brennade Brown research expert on     6     discovered that those who have a strong sense of love and belonging are more open to vulnerability. Whereas those who feel disconnected with their partners consistently build their walls up. When you don’t share your emotions and struggles, nor secrets with someone, you haven’t fully loved.

Four, you become more distant. It’s normal for passion to intensify initially only to     7     into a steady relationship. But two people in love will still want to be around each other frequently. If you find yourself wanting to get away from your partner more and more these days, cancelling dinner plans often because you’d rather go     8     with your friends or family or cat, then something’s up.

Five. You’ve developed anxiety. Have you been experiencing     9     problems or have trouble sleeping? Psychologist K. Bylist say that anxiety can show in this bodily dysfunctions. You might have something you need to get off your chest and dread how to break the news off to your partner. Remember, you can only run away from the truth for so long before it catches up to you. Forcing love when it’s     10     will only hurt the two of you. Both of you deserve to find love elsewhere if it cannot be found in your relationship.

2022-06-03更新 | 131次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市格致中学2021-2022学年高三下学期考前英语模拟卷
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