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听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
1 .
A.She avoids most of her neighbours.
B.She likes to make friends with everyone.
C.Most of the neighbours are unfriendly.
D.Some neighbours are hard to deal with.
2024-05-03更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市宝山区高三下学期第二次教学质量监测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . It’s important to be able to talk to people when networking and building strong relationships. If you work in a professional role, you probably need to make small talk sometimes. However, you may don’t know how to make small talk. Don’t worry.     1    

Put your electronic devices away. The first step to making small talk is to put your devices away. This is a small but meaningful gesture in this digitalized world.     2     Giving your full attention to the person you are speaking to is good manners. Also, it offers a chance for you to build a relationship with him/her.

Listen first. In social situations, one way to show you are offering your full attention is to listen.     3     When you are listening, show you are paying attention by practising nonverbal cues like nodding and making eye contact. It’s also a good active listening practice to repeat what someone just told you.

Ask open questions.     4     For example. “How have things been?” is a better question than “Have you been alright?”. The latter requires a “yes or no” response, while the former draws out information in a conversational way.

    5     When someone tells you something in a small talk conversation, give your enthusiastic response. Your positivity not only can show you are paying attention but also might make them feel valued. This is good for building a relationship with someone you don’t know very well.

A.Respond enthusiastically.
B.Here are some tips for you.
C.They are some simple but useful methods.
D.Behave properly in response to open questions.
E.When you are talking with someone, listening is also important.
F.When you ask about the person you are speaking to, ask open-ended questions.
G.Putting your phone or computer away shows you focus on the person you are talking to.
2023-05-12更新 | 72次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省赣州市部分学校2022-2023学年高三下学期4月联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Do you feel like an outsider, like you don’t belong anywhere or that you just don’t fit in? Here are some tips for you to deal with these feelings.

    1     Often it’s really only your own mind and emotions that tell you that you don’t fit in. Actually, you may fit in fine. Feeling like you don’t belong isn’t always a bad thing either. Remember, it’s the people that are unique in this world that make the biggest impact. You don’t want to change yourself just to fit in with a certain group of people.     2     They end up wanting to gain approval from others and end up losing themselves in the process.

Let go of past anger. We’re so angry at people that we can’t relate to anyone or only expect the worst from others. Once I figured out how to let go of my past, I became much more comfortable being me.     3     Maybe because I didn’t care as much what they thought of me but more likely just because I think people are more affected by the “aura” you give off.

Focus on your wants and desires. Instead of focusing on the problem that you don’t feel like you fit in, try turning it around. What do you want to explore, what goals do you have, or what do you want to learn?     4     There are so many incredible and inspiring things in this world to explore. Focus on the positive and the beauty of the world rather than getting caught up in a negative situation.

The key to handling the situation of “I feel like an outsider” is really all in how you react to that feeling.     5     As those who have gone through the same feelings show, there can definitely be an advantage to being unique. You truly are special and there is no one else quite like you. You just need to be willing to share the real you with the world.

A.Don’t be so hard on yourself.
B.Appreciate what makes you so unique.
C.That’s where a number of people go wrong.
D.Ask yourself these questions and then go and do it.
E.I found it was easier to get along with other people.
F.You have so much more to offer by being true to yourself.
G.You can beat yourself up over it or you can become stronger for it.
完形填空(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . On a Friday evening in December, two weeks before Christmas, I lost my job. I hadn’t seen it coming. I was excited for the weekend, when my daughter, Kristil, and I planned to get our Christmas _________. Then I listened to my voicemail: “We’re sorry but your _________ has ended as of today.” My heart _________.

I was the only parent. My paycheck(薪水) was survival, without which we couldn’t _________. The next day we searched for our tree and I struggled to be _________ as I eyed each price tag.

Monday morning, I set off on my _________ way. I headed to the pawnshop(典当铺) and _________ the day with $ 220 richer.

Over the next week, I _________ applied for jobs as my bank account grew smaller.

One afternoon, my old professor, Sister Esther _________. Just her appearance gave me __________ that things would be all right. I __________ her a cup of tea, and we talked. As she got up to __________, she handed me a Christmas card. When I opened her card, I breathed __________. Hundred-dollar bills __________ onto the table. Grateful tears welled(涌入) into my eyes as I __________. Sister Esther had given me $1,000.

On Christmas morning, Kristil and I __________ around our tree, and I joyfully watched as she opened her gifts. I silently __________ Sister Esther in my heart.

It has been 14 years __________ that Christmas. Sister Esther has passed away, but the love she gave during her life __________ in the hearts of many. I am __________ to be one of them.

A.started outB.rang upC.answered backD.came by
A.with difficultyB.with effortC.in shockD.in panic
A.spreads outB.dies awayC.cools downD.lives on
2023-03-03更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省泸州市高三第二次教学质量诊断性考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Are you a good judge of character? Can you make    1     accurate     2    (judge)of someone’s personality based only on your first impression of them? Ironically, the answer     3    (lie)as much in them as it does in you.

Henry Adams,a US psephologist. His research concluded that people fell into two groups – good judges of themselves and good judges of others. Most of us would probably be able to    4     (accurate) identify these signs, even in a stranger. As such, most of us are probably good judges of emotion.

In order to be a good judge of personality,a person needs to be a ‘good target’. ‘Good targets’ are people    5     reveal relevant and useful cues to their personality. So this means ‘the good judge’ will only manifest when     6     (read) ‘good targets’. This is according to Rogers and Biesanz in their 2019 journal     7     (entitle) ‘Reassessing the good judge of personality’. “We found consistent, clear and strong evidence     8    the good judge does exist”, they concluded.The good judge does not have magical gifts

of perception – they are simply able to “detect  information     9    (provide) by the good target”.

And now we know that good judges probably do exist. In the future, more research    10     (do) into how they read personality, what kind of people they are – and whether their skills can be taught.

2023-01-07更新 | 168次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届江西省五市九校协作体高三第一次联考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Four Qualities That Make You Attractive to Others

There is something many people gets wrong about attraction.     1     The reality is that attraction usually has more to do with personality characteristics than appearance. What follows are four qualities that can make you highly attractive to others.

Have control over your emotions(情绪). It’s not easy to always have control over your emotions. And people who do are extremely attractive. Have control over your emotions so that your emotions don’t control you. Allow yourself to think about what you’re going to say.     2    

Laugh at yourself. It’s not what happens to us that makes us feel stressed.     3     Every time you laugh at yourself, you decide to minimize something that could affect you negatively. Laughing at yourself is an attractive quality, as it means you don’t take yourself too seriously.

    4     When you show your warmth, people see you as respectful and friendly. Also, they see you as someone approachable. A warm person says hello to and cares about you after your long and tough day. This quality is important for you to build meaningful relationships.

Give plenty of space. The secret to long-lasting relationships is space, because time apart helps each partner recharge and bring positive energy into the relationship.     5     They don’t let others breathe. Instead, those who let others have their space when they need it are extremely attractive.

A.Be warm.
B.Controlling people are unattractive.
C.Don’t be too quick to show warmth.
D.It’s how we react to it that affects us.
E.They should develop a sense of humor.
F.Take your time to cool down and reorganize your thoughts.
G.They think they have to look beautiful to be accepted by others.
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Being thoughtful and active listeners can help us be better friends, colleagues, and family members. And just like any other skill, our listening can be improved over time. Many people share with us the little ways they’ve become better listeners.    1    

Maintain eye contact.    2     It helps you be “present” with them, and feel their emotions when they are sharing. It reduces the possibility of any distractions, and helps the other person know that you are truly present in your conversation.

    3    Active listening has become even more critical while working from home, as it’s so easy to talk over each other on Zoom calls. What you can gain from listening more and talking less is you actually get much more out of the conversation. Instead of focusing on what you are going to say next and not really absorbing what is being shared, keeping yourself on mute forces you to only come into the conversation when you have something relevant or meaningful to share. It allows others who may be less active to participate and it cuts down on the noise.

Listen without thinking of solutions. What may help you become a better listener is to stop trying to listen for the problem to fix. Your job is to listen and take in what’s being said. You can ask for clarifications while you are listening if you are unsure of their meaning.    4     The point is to let them lead and don’t interrupt with solutions. That may not be what they need right now. If they only need to be heard or to find a listening ear, be that for them.

Block off enough time. To be a good listener, ensure you block time off.    5     Instead, set aside 2-3 hours to ensure your friend has undivided attention. And confirm to your friend that you made time to have that long overdue talk. If you have a family, do it during school hours or when your partner is at home.

A.Take time for meditation.
B.It should not be for one hour.
C.Which of these tips will you try?
D.Why do you think these are helpful?
E.Put yourself on silent mode while others are talking.
F.But there’s no need to fix each part of the speakers’ issue as they are talking.
G.While listening, you’d better maintain considerable eye contact with the other person.
2022-02-22更新 | 183次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省百校大联考2021-2022学年高三下学期2月英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . How to Be a Good Upstairs Neighbor

One must remember to be polite when living in an apartment building. You may unintentionally bother your neighbors with actions that you think to be harmless.     1     Living upstairs, you must always be aware that everything you do may be heard by those who live below. This doesn’t mean that you have to completely change your lifestyle, though.

    2     This will greatly reduce the sound of your footsteps, thus limiting the sound your downstairs neighbor will hear. You should always remember to change your shoes when entering your apartment to ensure that your downstairs neighbor doesn’t hear you walking around.

Place carpets in your apartment if you have hardwood floors. Doing so is another way to decrease the sound of steps coming from an upstairs apartment. You can also put your furniture on these carpets.     3    

Close your windows when you can. A floor is usually about three meters high, so it’s quite easy to hear your conversations.     4     Therefore, whenever you are watching TV or listening to a radio, try to keep your windows closed as much as possible.

Do your cleaning on weekend afternoons.     5     Doing such housework at 3:00 pm on a Saturday is much better than doing so at 9:30 on a Tuesday night.

A.Wear slippers while in your upstairs apartment.
B.It becomes much easier when your windows are open.
C.No matter what you do, consider your neighbor’s requirements.
D.There’ll be a time when you will run a cleaner to clean your room.
E.This is especially true for those people who live above an apartment.
F.It will disturb your downstairs neighbor who has to work the next morning.
G.This keeps your furniture from moving around, thus limiting noise a downstairs neighbor may hear.
2022-01-23更新 | 275次组卷 | 4卷引用:河南省洛阳市2021-2022学年高三年级第一次统一考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Several studies suggest there are some very good reasons to think about ways to be kind and friendly plan out that type of behavior.     1     Researchers also say kindness played an important part in how humans developed. In other words, they say scientific evidence suggests that we are designed to be kind.

Oliver Curry is the research director at Kindlab, a non-profit organization.     2     Curry claims that “kindness is much older than religion.” “The basic reason why people are kind is that we are social animals.” he explained.

    3     University of London psychologist Anat Bardi studies value systems in people. In one study, researchers gave people a list of values - such as kindness, creativity, ambition, tradition, security, and seeking social justice. When asked to pick the most important, kindness won.

But research shows that our bodies can also reward us for being kind. University of California Riverside psychology professor Sonja has tested this idea in many experiments over the past 20 years. In one experiment, she asked people to perform three acts of kindness for other individuals each week. She asked a different group to do three acts of self-kindness.     4     The people who were kind toothers reported feeling happier and more connected to the world.

    5     Sonja studied a group of people with the disease multiple sclerosis (多发性硬化). She found that they felt better physically when helping others. Her research also showed that people who performed more acts of kindness had less inflammation (发炎) in their bodies.

A.Other research has shown that many people prize kindness over other values.
B.Research shows that kindness can be good for many species
C.These acts could be small, like opening a door for someone.
D.Its goal is to educate and urge people to choose kindness.
E.Research shows that acts of kindness can improve our health.
F.But it is not just emotional but also physical.
G.That is why we help strangers in need.
阅读理解-阅读表达(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。

Teenagers are learning new communication skills every day. It is important for them to have opportunities to network, or to meet and get to know new people. Online networking, which is very popular with teens today, makes short, superficial connections. But offline networking better encourages meaningful connections that will increase hope, develop skills, and open avenues to career opportunity. Teens need to practice more offline networking. It will prepare them to be confident face-to-face communicators in the real world.

A survey of almost 7,000 teens was conducted in 2019 by three Swiss researchers, and they found that teens were spending too much time on social networking sites. So, they suggested that teens should spend more time with others in real life. It not only contributes to a stronger sense of identity and a happier mood, but also gives us the chance to share happiness with other people. In other words, offline networking seems to actually benefit a teen’s emotional health.

Face-to-face communication also gives teens an opportunity to learn to read people. Everyone communicates in person differently than communicating over the phone, through texting, or in online posts. Being face-to-face requires a person to think and respond more quickly—without the safety net of a delete key.

And much of our communication is nonverbal anyway. Facial expressions, gestures, and vocal tones are just a few examples. Teens need to have face-to-face interactions so they can learn to read these nonverbal cues(暗示), which are sometimes even more important than the words a person is saying. A time will come when the teen will need to enter the job market, and this usually means a face-to-face interaction, including interacting naturally with customers, hearing and understanding their words as well as their nonverbal cues in many different kinds of businesses.

Offline networking is important because it can improve a teenager’s well-being and help prepare him for the future. That’s why every teen should spend time practicing real-world interactions.

1. What is the disadvantage of online networking?
2. What was the researchers’ suggestion to teens?
3. Read the following statement, underline the false part of it and explain the reason.
Hearing and understanding what a person is saying is necessarily involved in communication, so people get less from nonverbal expressions.
4. Please present what you can do to make effective face-to-face communication in your daily life. (about 40 words)
2021-05-01更新 | 323次组卷 | 4卷引用:北京市丰台区2021届高三二模英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般