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1 . A few years ago, I bought a flat. It was a triumph of hope and determination over property prices, and the peak of a 20-year dream. The day I got the keys should have been the most exciting day of my life and yet, the second I opened the door, panic set in. I spent my first night as a homeowner in a hotel researching how to sell a flat and wondering if it was too late to change my mind.

I didn't sell my flat because I remembered why I had wanted it in the first place — but there are times when we get what we want and it simply isn't right. I've always found a strange disconnect between wanting something and getting it. Wanting is a place of possibility and, in a state of lack, the desire is strong. We imagine how this thing — a new job or relationship — can change our lives and at the same time forget that adding something to our life doesn't mean all our problems disappear. We create a narrative around the desire and, when we get it, and it is different to how we pictured it, we feel frustrated.

For me, this most often occurs in relationships. I have a habit of filling in the gaps with people, rather than getting to know them. I go on a date with someone and, instead of piecing them together brick by brick, I start to imagine what my life would be like with them in it. It shouldn't have been a shock that the reality in no way matched my fantasy — but it was. I knew I wanted out, yet part of me felt committed: this was someone I thought I had wanted for so long, I couldn't walk away, could I?

We tend to shame others for changing their minds. I think, however, it's far braver to move towards something that will bring happiness than to stay in a miserable situation to protect your pride. So, when someone tells you they've changed their minds, congratulate them on knowing themselves well enough, and being strong enough, to admit it. It takes a lot to come clean about getting it wrong, but the relief of doing so — of setting ourselves free from a personal-shaped hole, is worth it every time.

1. Why did the author spend her first night as a homeowner in a hotel?
A.The flat was under decoration.
B.She wanted to sell this terrible flat.
C.The flat was different from her desire.
D.She was too excited to sleep in the flat.
2. Which of the following is most advisable in relationships according to the author?
A.Filling in the gaps with people around you.
B.Getting to know others little by little naturally.
C.Imagining what the life would be like with others.
D.Spending plenty of time to promote the relationship.
3. What message does the author try to tell us?
A.Never change your mind.
B.Never give up your first-time dream.
C.It is worthwhile to protect one's own pride.
D.It is brave to step out of a miserable situation.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A new flatB.A personal-shaped hole
C.A proud soulD.An unexcepted accident
2021-07-03更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省淮北市2021届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般