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听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the woman recommend at first?
A.Roast beef.B.Castle steak.C.Roast chicken.
2. What kind of soup does the man order?
A.The cream of mushroom soup.
B.The tomato and egg soup.
C.The chicken soup.
3. What dessert does the man order?
A.Ice cream.B.Rice pudding.C.Peach pie.
2024-03-14更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高三下学期入学考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Who are the speakers probably?
A.Brother and sister.
B.Repairman and customer.
C.Restaurant owner and delivery man.
2. Why did the man failed to pay?
A.There wasn’t enough money in his card.
B.He hasn’t created a payment method.
C.The application broke down.
2023-10-13更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省永州市零陵区永州市第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期开学英语试题

3 . Please sit down and enjoy your meal. Just don’t talk about it.

These are the requirements at a popular dining party that is known as “silent dinners”. It encourages people who take part in the dining party not to speak for one to two hours and not to use electronic devices. Instead, the idea is to just on the food.

“Silent dinner parties are fast growing, ” said Honi Ryan, who has hosted 32 silent dinner parties in 11 cities across eight countries, including Germany, Australia and the United States. “The way we communicate is changing so fast that we need to stop and think about it. ”

According to a 2013 nationwide survey, restaurant noise came in second only to poor service among customer (顾客) complaints. And 19 percent of diners who took part in the survey said noise and crowds disturbed them most while eating out.

Though silent dinners may seem curious, the idea is not a new one. Yogis (瑜伽信徒) have long enjoyed silent meals as part of a deepened practice. In fact, it was a trip to a temple (寺庙) in India by a man that encouraged one Brooklyn restaurant recently to add a silent dinner to its event programming.

“We’ll make a small speech at the beginning of the meal to make sure everyone understands what is happening and ask them not to speak or use their mobile phones for at least an hour, ” said EAT Greenpoint owner Jordan Colon. And background music will be turned off, too.

“It’s funny; when I first opened EAT, I didn’t play music for some time and people had very different reactions (反映) to that,” said Colon. “Some people who come out to eat are ready to party, but it was so quiet without music. But I wanted to create an environment that makes you relaxed. ”

Although personal reactions to a silent dinner may be various, in general they are more likely to get into a lot of talk afterwards, said Ryan. “At the end of the night people always have a lot to say about silence. But the most reaction is that there is always a good laugh.”

1. The first paragraph is written to be a(n)____ .
2. At silent dinner parties, people should not____.
A.leave before they finish eatingB.just pay attention to the food
C.use a mobile phone or listen to musicD.take electronic devices to the party
3. What does the writer try to tell us in Paragraph 5?
A.Silent meals help people live longer.
B.Yogis are the first to hold silent dinners.
C.More and more people like eating in silence.
D.The idea of eating in silence appeared long ago.
4. In Jordan Colon’s opinion, silent dinners ____.
A.make people comfortable and relaxedB.are hard to be accepted by most people
C.can help him to attract more customersD.provide a chance to get to know others
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Where to Eat on Christmas Day in London?

Bob Bob Ricard

The best choice for smaller child-free parties—or pairs—that think of Christmas as an excuse to enjoy distinctly adult treats, let’s say: caviar, oysters, steak, followed by cheese and fries, all washed down with wine (ordered by pressing a button, obviously).

Location: 1 Upper James St, Soho, London W1F 9DF, UK

Contact: 020 3145 1000

Min Jiang Restaurant

If a typical modern Chinese banquet (宴会) is required to refresh the family’s Christmas spirit, book a table atop the Royal Garden Hotel and look out over Hyde Park while sharing a feast that includes traditional Chinese dishes. Since it’s Christmas, it’s probably worth going all out by pre ordering a whole or hall Beijing (Peking) duck, too.

Location: 2-24 Kensington High St, Kensington, London W8 4PT, UK

Contact: 020 7361 1988

The Alexandra

A special case: The Alexandra in Wimbledon offers a wonderful Christmas dinner to anyone spending Christmas Day alone, no charge under whatever circumstances. It is a place of spirit, refuge, and generosity.

Location: 33 Wimbledon Hill Rd, Wimbledon. London SW19 7NE, UK

Contact: 020 8947 7691

The Pem

Sally Abé’s newest restaurant is serving up a classic three courses in Westminster, for £130 a head (children under six, free if accompanied by adults). Guests can choose between smoked sea fish and crab mousse or a special ham for a starter, with bee Wellington or a plate of goose coming as main dishes, followed by Christmas pudding and ice scream. We offer a 10% discount if the total cost is over £500.

Location: 22-28 Broadway, London SW1H 0BH, UK

Contact: 020 3301 8080

1. Which number should you dial if you love Chinese food?
A.020 3145 1000.B.020 7361 1988.C.020 8947 7691.D.020 3301 8080.
2. What can The Alexandra provide for a homeless man on Christmas?
A.A family banquet.B.A wine party.C.A living place.D.A free dinner.
3. How much should two couples with a 4-year old pay for their dinner at The Pem?
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Dining alone is becoming more common, and there’s absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about if you want to take yourself out for a nice meal! Eating a meal on your own simply shows that you’re comfortable with yourself and confident that you’ll enjoy your own company.     1     Hopefully, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the experience.

Sit on the patio when the weather is nice to enjoy the fresh air. Being alone on the patio is also a way to feel less conspicuous if you’re a little nervous dining alone. Just think of how many times you’ve passed a cafe and seen a solo diner reading their book and enjoying a lunchtime break!     2    

Eat slowly and relish the flavors of your meal. You might want to eat as quickly as possible so you can leave, especially if you’re feeling self-conscious about eating alone.     3     Chew each bite thoroughly and think about the flavor profiles. Put your utensils down from time to time and look around or enjoy a sip of your drink.

Take a deep breath if you start to feel self-conscious.     4     You might feel like other people are looking at you or judging you, but try to remember that chances are, they’re too busy thinking about themselves. When negative feelings start to rise, pause, take a breath, and focus on your meal.

    5     Stepping away from phone calls, texts, emails, and social media might be just the thing you need to unwind from a busy day. Doing away with your phone will help you be more present, enjoy yourself, and appreciate your meal.

A.Put your cell phone away.
B.Taste it in an active way.
C.Give it a try and see how it feels.
D.It’s much more common than you think.
E.Try to slow down and focus on your food.
F.Eating all by yourself may mean loneliness.
G.Eating alone can spark feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Does Takeaway Exist in Ancient China?

As early as in the Song Dynasty, “takeout” services were already available. In Zhang Zcduan's popular painting Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, there is a restaurant boy who has just come out of the shop with “to-go boxes” in his left hand and tableware (餐具) in his right, still     1     (wear) the shop apron and seeming to deliver the food somewhere. That image     2     (believe) to be a reflection of the original takeaway boy.

In ancient times, there were three ways to order food. The first is servant order. Send a family retainer (仆人) to go to a restaurant and make     3     order. When the food is ready, there is someone who     4     (particular) delivers the food to the customer's home, and then gets paid. The second is agreed delivery. Sign a long-term     5     (agree) with the restaurant. The store,    6    every agreed day, will pack the food well and send it to the customer's home. The last one is door-to-door selling. The sellers from restaurants sell the food door to door, especially in the entertainment places like theatres,    7     are crowded with many people.

The to-go box, wenpan (warm tray),     8     (consist) of two layers of porcelain. When     9     (use),   hot water is injected into the interlayer of the plate     10     (keep) the dishes warm. In this way, the dish is still warm when it arrives at the customer's home.

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