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1 . 假定你是某国际学校学生会主席李华,学校为增强学生劳动意识将举办烹饪比赛,请用英文写一则通知。内容包括:
1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


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2 . How Culture Affects Cuisine


However, Americans believe in progress and the benefits of technology. It becomes clear why following tradition doesn’t have to be a strong value. Food for U.S. consumers is produced and shipped across the country.     1     The industrialization of food production results in new breeds of produce. The population growth calls for higher quantities. Farmers and growers are paid for the amount, not for the flavor.

    2     European cultures are rather regional, and this means food traditions have remained undamaged in fairly small areas. Within these regions and communities people often shop locally from regional producers. And they shop more frequently than Americans. Europeans often go to the local market daily whereas millions of shoppers in the U.S. purchase one or two weeks’ supply of groceries in one single visit to the big box store.

All these consumer choices, based on cultural behaviors, have had a lasting impact on how our food is grown and what it tastes like.

A.Geography plays another role here.
B.Refrigeration makes it possible to store foods longer.
C.However, demand for better quality is greater in their countries.
D.This great interest in culinary (烹饪的) tradition is a cultural feature.
E.The main reason why produce tastes different here and there is choice.
F.Food provides the world with one of the only ways to universally communicate.
G.Often our culinary preferences have an effect on the vacation destinations we choose.
2022-08-28更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:考点 35-七选五段首主题标题句(重难题型) -备战2023年高考英语一轮复习考点帮(全国通用)
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3 . Growing up in Philadelphia, Lieberman started cooking with his stay-at-home dad when he was seven. His food-loving family had two kitchens, and he quickly learned what was the best way to bake his cakes. Lieberman improved his kitchen skills greatly   during a year abroad before college, learning from a cook in Italy and studying local specialties(地方特色菜)in Germany, Spain and France. At Yale, he was known for throwing dinner parties, single-handedly frying and baking while mixing drinks for dozens   of friends. Just for fun, he and some friends decided to tape a show named Campus Cuisine about his cooking. Lieberman was a real college student showing his classmates how to do things like make drinks out of dining-hall fruit. That helped the show become very popular among the students. They would stop Lieberman after classes to ask for his advice on cooking. Tapes of the show were passed around, with which his name went beyond the school and finally to the Food Network. Food Network producer Flay hopes the young cook will find a place on the network television. He says Lieberman’s charisma is key. “Food TV isn’t about food anymore,” says Flay. “It’s about your personality(个性)and finding a way to keep people’s eyeballs on your show. ”

The Food Network got to know Lieberman ____.
A.at one of his partiesB.from his teachers
C.Through his taped showD.on a television program
2021-09-18更新 | 154次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题13-阅读之细节理解题-备战2022年新高考英语一轮复习考点帮(新高考专用)
共计 平均难度:一般