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1 . In the 12th century, physician Ibn Zuhr conducted some animal research to assess the surgical procedures that could be applied to humans. Since then, animal testing has been considered the most efficient way to develop new drugs. New medical treatments and drugs are tested on animals first to determine their effectiveness or safety levels before they are finally tested on humans. However, it remains controversial whether it is morally right or wrong to use animals for experiments.

The use of animals for medical purposes is seen to be necessary by many scientists. Researchers usually begin their trials using rats. If the tests are successful, further tests are done on monkeys before using human beings. For testing, such tiered(分层的) rounds are important because they reduce the level of error and negative side effects. Some argue that animal testing has contributed to many life-saving cures and treatments and there is no adequate alternative to testing on a living, whole-body system. Moreover, there are regulations for animal testing that limit the misuse of animals during research. They serve as evidence that animals are well taken care of and treated well instead of being intentionally harmed.

However, some other experts and animal welfare groups have opposed such practice, considering it as inhumane(不人道的) and claiming it should be banned. According to Humane Society International, animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to force-feeding, radiation exposure, operations to deliberately cause damage and frightening situations to create depression and anxiety. They also hold the view that animals are very different from human beings and therefore are poor test subjects. Drugs that pass animal tests are not necessarily safe. Animal tests on the arthritis (关节炎) drug Vioxx showed it would have a protective effect on the hearts of mice, yet the drug went on to cause about 27,000 heart attacks before being pulled back from the market.

It’s safe to say that using animals for tests will continue to be debated in many years to come. Despite the benefits of animal testing, some of the concerns need to be addressed with adequate regulations to ensure that animals are treated humanely.

1. Why is animal testing considered necessary?
A.Rats are more similar to humans than monkeys.
B.Other testing alternatives may not replace animals.
C.Animal testing can show every side effect of drugs.
D.Animal testing has been in practice since the 12th century.
2. What suffering do animals go through during experiments according to the passage?
A.Eating poisonous food.B.Being killed deliberately.
C.Breathing in polluted air.D.Having unnecessary operations.
3. The author uses the example of Vioxx to tell us that ________.
A.animal testing helps find the cure for arthritis
B.some drugs need to be withdrawn from the market
C.animals cannot necessarily produce accurate results
D.a drug should be tested many more times before its release
4. Which will the author probably agree with?
A.Scientists should reduce the number of animals used in research.
B.Experts should try hard to determine whether animal tests are harmful.
C.Relevant organizations should show more concern about the animals’ welfare.
D.The authorities should issue new laws to guarantee animals’ rights during research.
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When you’re sitting on an examining table, it’s easy to forget all the questions that brought you in to see the doctor in the first place. Maybe you thought your physician would ask you about something, but they didn’t, so you weren’t sure if you should bring it up. Or a symptom (症状) felt like a big deal to you, but they brushed it off. How to get the best care from your physician?     1    

Prepare for an appointment

Most patients feel that the doctor is all-knowing, and that in the medical relationship they are powerless.     2     This is a partnership. Doctors and patients should work together as “co-detective”. And that detective work will be easier for you and your doctor if you come to your appointment ready. You can begin with thinking about your current problems as well as giving your medical history.


If you feel dismissed by your doctor, don’t hesitate to voice your opinions. Some helpful phrases can be used in those moments: “This is limiting my life,” and “I think that there’s something going on and I’m having a hard time putting it together. I need your help.” You can also ask for a referral (转诊) to see another specialist and bring a friend or family member to your next appointment to ask questions or take notes.

Take information home with you

Taking written or recorded information home with you can help you remember information and instructions any time you need to. Your doctor is a good source of accurate information you can trust. You can take home with you the notes that you have taken during the appointment.     4     If necessary, you can even take brochures or other educational materials.

Follow up with your doctor

    5    , like taking medicine, scheduling a test or scheduling an appointment with a specialist. If you’re confused or if you’ve forgotten some information, it’s ok to contact your doctor.

A.Ask follow-up questions.
B.Here’s how to talk to your physician.
C.Your doctor can write all instructions down for you.
D.But your physician can’t read your mind.
E.Make sure to follow any instructions your doctor gave you.
F.Here are some tips on making the most of a diagnosis (诊断).
G.You can also take home any written instructions from your doctor.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 容易(0.94) |

3 . I grew up in a home with a mother who believes that vaccines cause brain damage, and do not contribute to the health and safety of a society. The only shot I received was for tetanus (破伤风) when I was two months old. After that, nothing.

At the beginning of each school year, I was very anxious. Delayed term paper? Mischievous (捣蛋的) behaviour? Late for school? None of them. I’d be pulled out of class and brought to the headmaster’s office. The school doctor would tell me I haven’t received any of the necessary shots to attend school. But the same thing occurred each time: my mom would exempt (免除) me from the shots and nothing would happen.

After doing a lot of research, I found although people who don’t vaccinate their children make up only a relatively small group, they can cause major consequences. People who, for health or age reasons, cannot receive vaccines are at a higher risk of catching a preventable disease.

Eventually, I turned 18. In Ohio, where I live, I had to wait until I became a legal adult to make the decision to receive vaccine shots. A huge factor in taking the step to ensure my health was the message board website Reddit. Last year, I asked Reddit users for advice about what vaccines to ask for and how to go about getting them from a doctor. After my post received more than 1,000 comments, I made an appointment with my family physician. Despite how strongly my mother felt, I went through with it anyway.

I did something every person should do. It wasn’t special in any way. Vaccines protect the health and safety of not only yourself but also other people. Vaccination is important because someone could die if you don’t get vaccinated. This was the biggest reason I got vaccinated despite the opposition.

1. What can we know about the author from Paragraph 1?
A.He was born disabled.B.He suffered from tetanus.
C.He was hardly vaccinated.D.He was spoiled by his mother.
2. Why did the author feel nervous at the beginning of each school year?
A.Because he would never behave himself.
B.Because he couldn’t go to school on time.
C.Because he often forgot to do his term paper.
D.Because he would be called to meet headmaster.
3. How might the author’s mother have felt about his appointment with the family physician?
4. What message does the author try to convey through his story?
A.Obeying the old pays off.B.Keeping fit is the best policy.
C.Doing the right thing matters.D.Following advice is beneficial.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Important Facts about SHINGRIX


●SHINGRIX is an FDA-approved vaccine(疫苗)for the prevention of shingles(带状疱疹)in adults 50 years and older.

●SHINGRIX is not used to prevent chickenpox.

What is shingles and what causes it?

●Shingles is a painful skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. 99% of people over the age of 50 carry this virus. After a person recovers from chickenpox, the virus stays inactive in the body. As you age, your immune system starts to naturally decline, increasing your risk of the virus reactivating and causing shingles. 1 out of 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime.

How does SHINGRIX work?

●SHINGRIX is a shingles vaccine that works to boost your body's protection against shingles.

How is SHINGRIX given?

●SHINGRIX is a 2-dose vaccine series. The second dose should be given between 2 and 6 months after the first dose. It is important to complete the 2-dose series.

Who should not get SHINGRIX?

●You should not receive SHINGRIX if you are allergic to any of its ingredients or had an allergic reaction to a previous dose of SHINGRIX.

What are the potential side effects?

●The most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever and upset stomach.

Additional important information

●SHINGRIX was not studied in pregnant or nursing women. Tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or are breastfeeding.

●Ask your healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of SHINGRIX. Only a healthcare provider can decide if SHINGRIX is right for you.

Need more information?

●To learn more about SHINGRIX, talk to your healthcare provider.

●Visit SHINGRIX. com or call 1-800-772-9292 for more information.

1. Who is SHINGRIX mainly intended for?
A.Young people.B.Senior citizens.
C.Pregnant women.D.Nursing mothers.
2. What do we know from the text?
A.SHINGRIX can cure us of shingles and chickenpox.
B.It is not necessary to have a second dose of SHINGRIX.
C.We can't decide on our own whether to have SHINGRIX or not.
D.People who have recovered from a chickenpox donJt need a SHINGRIX.
3. How many accesses do we have to further information about SHINGRIX?
2021-12-06更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市南开中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第四次质量检测英语试题
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