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1 . Reasons to Love Sports

There are some truly inspiring stories every day in the world of athletics. All of the followings are parts of reasons for people to love sports.     1    

An Optimistic Attitude Towards Life

While Chris Moulding was receiving treatment for cancer, he saw an Ironman race on TV. At that moment, he told himself that he would compete once chemo(化疗) was over. Twelve marathons and several half-Ironmans later, he successfully completed a full Ironman race.     2     , motivated by the idea of being a healthy role model for the kids. Besides, he hopes to prove to cancer survivors everywhere that anything is possible.

Keeping on Running and Sharing Your Stories .    3    , RunKeeper shows a powerful way that technology can create a better social community. Anyone that has set an alarm for an A. M. workout knows that it seems impossible to get up and go. Enter RunKeeper, which maps your route and tracks your progress.     4     , and as a result, it keeps you motivated from sofa, to 5 km, or maybe just a faster mile.

Solving Problems

With a family history of Alzheimefs(老年痴呆症), Boston local Carrie Allen wants to be a young female who appeals to the concern on this disease. Her surprising tool? Cleats(防滑钉鞋). She brought a women football league, which is in its 10th year of raising money and awareness of Alzheimer's research across the country, to her city. Last year, a team called Blondes was technically the winner in Carrie's league.     5    , as the ladies raised a lot of money for it.

A.He continues to live an impressively active life
B.You may worry that your privacy will be invaded
C.While it seems like phones make us disconnected
D.But the Alzheimer's Association clearly came out on top
E.Read stories and get your sneakers ready to do sports together
F.Though it took efforts to get into the habit of doing sports every day
G.Besides, the app offers a built-in social community for other master runners
2020-05-13更新 | 120次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020届高三《新题速递·英语》5月第02期 (考点02七选五)
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Make Your Fitness Resolution Stick

Last year, the most common New Year’s resolution was fitness-related. A study showed that approximately 50 million Americans swore to increase activities and lose weight.     1    , success was hard to achieve. Two months later, only 37 percent of people in their 20s and 16 percent over age 50 had kept to their new fitness habit.

    2    , the benefits of such a change are clear. There is no question that exercise plays a role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Weekly exercise routines have been shown to reduce rates of depression and anxiety, lessen risk of heart attacks and strokes, and reduce the high rates of diabetes.

    3    . It’s suggested that 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise like swimming, or 75 minutes per week of intense exercise, like jogging, should be the minimum amount exercise needed to achieve maximum medical benefit if you stick to it.

Often, the best way to increase your exercise is to involve movement in your everyday life. On average, urban citizen who go to work by bike or public transportation are fitter than suburban citizens who drive to work.     4    . They are good ways to increase the amount of your movement every day.

Whether you determine to work out at your local gym three times a week, take 10,000 steps a day or give your dog an extra walk every day, what matters most is not your commitment to exercise but your sticking to it.     5    .

A.While behavior change is tough
B.Although they had good intentions
C.However hard they try to make up their mind
D.There is always one type of exercise that you are fond of
E.Besides, taking the stairs instead of the elevator also helps
F.So commit to something you love and keep to your fitness habit
G.The best form of exercise is the type that someone will consistently perform
2020-03-29更新 | 58次组卷 | 2卷引用:套餐练30-《2020年新高考政策解读与配套资源》
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . We’ve all been there: Just when you’re getting used to your new workout routine, suddenly your knee is killing you.     1     Before injury strikes, listen to these signs that might show your body needs some time off.

You’re always sore (酸疼).     2     But if you’re exercising regularly, you shouldn’t constantly be feeling sore. You should always give your muscles 24 to 48 hours to recover between training sessions. If you still feel sore, it’s possible you’re overtraining.

    3     Anger, anxiety, and tiredness are also signs. It is known that exercise can make us happier because of endorphins — a stress-fighting chemical — in the brain. However, those endorphins are also accompanied by cortisol, a stress chemical. And when cortisol levels remain high for an extended period, they cause harm on mental health.

Your heart rate is abnormal. One of the best ways to tell if you’ve been overtraining is to check your heart rate. If you’re above your normal, then your body is not really ready for a hard workout that day.     4           

The best thing about noticing these symptoms (症状)?     5     A little R&R (rest and recovery) is just what your body ordered!

A.You’re constantly tired or emotional.
B.Yes, you’ve over-worked yourself into an injury.
C.Fortunately, recovery is simple — just take it easy for a few days!
D.That’s one of the best ways to judge your readiness to exercise.
E.Sure, a bit of muscle soreness after some workout is totally normal.
F.It’s much easier to relax and check heart rate than it is to recover from an injury.
G.Doing the same activity over and over without proper recovery is going to cause injury.
2020-03-17更新 | 111次组卷 | 4卷引用:2019-2020学年高一《新题速递·英语》3月第02期(考点02七选五)
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Spring and summer are the best seasons of the year for lots of activities, especially jogging(慢跑). This kind of running is the choice of many people who live in the city, work in the office and want to keep healthy.     1    

1. Make good preparations before jogging.

    2    There, you’ll have an opportunity to find and buy all the necessary sportsware. Pay attention to the selection of jogging shoes, if you don’t want to suffer from the feeling of heaviness, pain and leg swelling after the run. With all these pieces of wisdom. your body will be truly grateful to you.

2. Do fitting warming-up activities

Every runner, especially the beginners should know that all physical activities without proper warming up can cause a terrible pain and result in harm to muscles. It will probably lead to a final discomfort in your body or even disease.     3    Actually, it usually just takes you 15 minutes to increase the range of motion of our joints and warm up every muscle of the body.

3.    4    When running, you usually feel physical and mental pleasure. Sometimes this pleasure can be replaced by negative feelings or even some kind of pain. No matter how healthy you’re, you should always pay attention to how your body reacts. If something is wrong during your jog or run, the body will certainly let you know by giving you some hints(暗示). Watchfulness can help you avoid all possible aftereffects of over exercise.

Every type of sport is special and useful in its own way. While jogging can sometimes bring pain and discomfort, it really offers you greater joy and satisfaction. So don’t step back.    5    I hope these tips will help you prepare yourself for jogging and avoid any serious issues.

A.Listen to your body signals.
B.Never give in to difficulties while jogging
C.However, jogging without preparation will bring great harm.
D.One of the best ways to prepare is to go to specialized (专门的) shops.
E.Just go in for jogging, but remember to follow the above rules
F.Therefore, you should make it a habit to warm up before jogging
G.Here are some basic rules to make jogging safe, useful and comfortable
2019-12-09更新 | 518次组卷 | 17卷引用:【人教版2019选择性必修一】Unit1 Part1 作业
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . It’s very common these days for people to take some sort of regular exercise each week. But if you’ve never done it before, what’s the best way to go about it?     1     He or she will create a personalized plan for you based on your aims.

However, each hourly session can be steep considering you have to pay both the personal trainer and membership of the gym, too. So what’s left? Well, if you have the courage to do it, you can make your own plan. It’s relatively easy to do if you have the know-how.     2    

First, keep your fitness goal in mind. Are you looking to slim down or increase your abilities? Whatever it is, make sure the things you choose to do are achieving that goal. Next, do your research.     3     Watch as many of these as possible, but make sure to be a little critical of them — everyone has a different physique and what works for one may not work for another. Finally, keep your feet on the ground.     4     It takes at least three months to see any realistic body changes. And don’t be overzealous(过度热衷的) — never work in pain   — a good workout is difficult and challenging, but never painful. Pain means you are damaging yourself.

If nothing else, focus on calisthenics (健身操).     5     Do as many of one exercise as you can without stopping, and then try and repeat that number twice more — make sure you sweat, and don’t forget to rest for a minute in between each activity!

A.Be patient with yourself and set realistic goals.
B.But before you do, here are some basic pointers.
C.Well, many people make use of a personal trainer.
D.They just don’t want to design their own workout plan.
E.These days, social media is full of fitness videos and advice.
F.Find a way to make each exercise more difficult as you get in shape.
G.These are the basic body movements which everyone can do anywhere.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Running is a great way to get in shape and just about everyone can do it. Given that it's so easy to take up the sport, a lot of beginners jump right into running without actually knowing what it takes to establish a healthy routine.

    1    . If you are just starting out, avoid the following things to help you increase your chances of running success.

Doing too much too soon

One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is doing too much too soon. Picking up a new hobby like running is no doubt exciting. Runners need to ease into the sport before increasing the distance.    2    .


Beginners might think they need to run nearly every day to meet their fitness or weight-loss goals, but this couldn't be further from the truth.    4    , especially for beginners whose muscles and bones haven't yet been conditioned for such intense (剧烈的) exercise. So it's important to give your body ample rest between workouts. Follow a training plan that includes rest days.

Comparing yourself to others

    5    , You're excited about running, so you are probably reading running blogs, magazines and message boards where you might start to feel inadequate about your own running pace. Instead of getting down on yourself, remember that every runner was once a beginner and use their success as motivation!

A.Not running every day
B.Not taking rest days
C.Running is a demanding activity which can be really hard on your body
D.As mentioned, a healthy routine is what they attach importance to
E.When starting out with running, it's tough not to compare yourself to others
F.Many make a number of common mistakes, which can interfere (干扰) with training or lead to injury
G.It will help reduce the risk of injury, so you can continue with your new running routine
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . "Tennis is as good for the mind as it is for the body," says Dan Bloxham, head coach at the All England Lawn Tennis Club.     1    .

Family fun

Tennis is the perfect sport for the whole family to enjoy together. When playing with children, use red or orange tennis balls as these are softer than the classic yellow ones used at Wimbledon and will make the game easier and slower to play.

Super social

Instead of going to the pub, why not grab a bat and catch up with friends over a game of tennis? It’s one of the most social sports around and a great way to meet people.     2    , you could turn up at a club anywhere in the world and be able to play even if you don’t speak the language.


Tennis is a huge challenge when it comes to fitness and uses all the muscles in your body as you run across the court, jump to reach high shots and race to the net.

Unlike cycling, which puts emphasis on the muscles in your legs, tennis uses the arms, legs, shoulders, and core, providing a total body workout.     4    . It also improves coordination(协调), strength and cardio fitness.

Digital Detox(脱瘾)

    5    . The game requires your full attention and as you are mentally engaged, you can’t watch a screen. Because the game involves concentration and the need to hear both the ball and your opponent, you also can’t listen to music.

A.Wonder workout
B.Huge Outdoor Challenge
C.And as it is a universal game
D.Playing tennis provides a real break from technology
E.Playing is so great a good calorie burner for getting in shape
F.Here he explains why taking up tennis is a good idea for everyone
G.If you can’t find a group, search Facebook or ask the front desk at your gym
2019-05-22更新 | 95次组卷 | 3卷引用:2019年5月2019届高三第三次全国大联考(新课标Ⅲ卷)-英语
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . A new urban sport, parkour, is hitting the streets. It has evolved from obstacle course training into a fitness option for young people. In parkour, the outside world is the gym!     1     The goal of parkour is a direct route from one place to another. You meet an obstacle, you overcome it.

Mark Toorock, who teaches the techniques of parkour at his fitness gym, says that parkour is a method to train the body and mind using obstacles as the medium. He says that this new sport is demanding and takes years to master.     2    

But Toorock, who used to be a martial arts expert, says that everyone can benefit from learning the basic skills involved in parkour like running, jumping and crawling (爬行). These are the things that humans used to have to do all the time.     3     The original idea of parkour was to return to running and jumping as basic elements in moving from one place to another.

Georges Hebert, a French navy officer, was so impressed by the effortless athleticism of African tribes that he devised a training method based on running, climbing, jumping, balancing and throwing. The word parkour comes from parcours de combatant, the French term for a military obstacle course.     4    

Dr Kenneth Kao explains that the sport of parkour is not extreme — it is the environment which is extreme and dangerous. Being outside, jumping off railings and flipping over park benches can be quite frightening, so parkour courses in gyms concentrate on practicing all the individual moves to make everything easier.     5     However, that is not real parkour because it’s indoors with a fixed obstacle. The goal for everyone is to go outdoors.

A.Gyms provide thick floor matting (垫子) for rolling and rubberized boxes for jumping over.
B.The bridges, buildings and railings (栏杆) of each and every city are the equipment.
C.Every action in parkour is natural, so everyone must have the ability to move in this way.
D.Parkour was introduced into china in recent years and has gained popularity.
E.But today, due to modern transport, these basic skills are no longer used on a regular basis.
F.The French word for people who participate in the sport is traceurs or traceuses.
G.Beginners should realize that they won’t be jumping over buildings any time soon!
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . For the first time in 10 years, the United States government has changed its guidance on how much exercise people need to stay healthy and when they should start.

For children and teens

The new guidance states that the most important time for children to begin exercising is between the ages of 3 and 5.     1     That could be light activities, moderate activities, or even vigorous(剧烈的)activities.

Doctors say it is important to start young.They add that from birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life.     2     Also, children who start exercising at a young age are more likely to establish healthy behaviors they will continue into adulthood.

But that does not mean putting a small kid on a treadmill(跑步机)or other exercise equipment.     3       After all, it's a kid’s nature to play freely and happily.

    4     But it shouldn’t be less than one hour a day three times a week.Their activities should mostly be aerobic(有氧的)exercise, such as biking, swimming or running, which can strengthen the heart and lungs.Such exercise should also include muscle-and-bone-strengthening activities;such as climbing trees or playground equipment and playing sports.

For adults

For adults, the guidelines recommend exercising 150 minutes a week. That could be walking, gardening, dancing, etc.    5     Experts say that even short amounts of aerobic exercise can provide health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety and improving sleep.

A.Any kind of activity that gets people exercising will do.
B.Aerobic activity works only if it lasts for at least 10 minutes.
C.Simply giving a kid the time and space to play actively is enough.
D.Children above 5 can have a relatively shorter time for daily exercise.
E.Children in this age range require about three hours’ active activities daily.
F.Attaining the health benefits from exercise may be harder than earlier thought.
G.These developments have a 1asting effect on a child’s ability to succeed in life.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Forget expensive gym memberships — you don’t need to spend a fortune to exercise. From the best free classes and apps to outdoor gyms, here is how to work out at a minimal(最低的) cost.

In-store exercise classes

In the same way as bookshops double up as coffee shops, activewear shops have learned to multitask as gyms. Outlets from Sweaty Betty(which has branches throughout the UK) to Asics and Nike offer free running clubs: check out their websites to sign up online.     1    , and some classes are heavily in demand.


I gave up the gym five years ago when I faced the fact that my monthly visit was costing me £80. With the first £80 saved I bought some discounted running shoes.     2    .

Good Gym

    3    , then Good Gym could supply motivation while doubling the feel good factor. It connects local runners with a range of necessary good deeds from gardening to changing a lightbulb. Some jobs require two runners, others two dozen. The idea is you run to the mission, do the deed, then run back, thereby combining altruism(利他主义), fitness and socializing in one rewarding act.


You might be surprised to discover how many cheap fitness options lie within a short walk of your doorstep. Many local authorities offer fitness initiatives. Mine (Hackney, in east London) organizes £1 exercise classes from family taekwondo(跆拳道) to chair-based yoga.     5    . Check your local council’s website. They are also likely to run tennis courts.

A.Embrace your community
B.Try to walk faster and further
C.I have been running weekly ever since
D.There is no fee, but you still need to book
E.If you don’t mind your cross trainer sitting on carpets
F.If you are the sort of person who finds it hard to exercise alone
G.Others, such as Kent, have a walking and exercise referral programme
2019-03-08更新 | 254次组卷 | 5卷引用:江苏省高三年级-七选五空名校好题
共计 平均难度:一般