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1 . Pleasanton Partnerships in Education Foundation (PPIE) was started in 1987 to raise money by organizing running events for local schools. Based in Pleasanton, California, a suburb of San Francisco, the non-profit organization recently hosted a family-focused fitness event for the community. “Our event helps to bring the community together,” said Mindy Louie, events and outreach manager for PPIE. “We have more than 3,000 participants, hard-working volunteers and viewers.”

This year’s fitness event took place on April 30 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. It featured races of two miles, five kilometers and ten kilometers. A new Kids Challenge consisted of a quarter-mile run to encourage younger children to participate. When asked to describe the run, 11-year-old Jeremy Louie said, “Fun, exciting and enjoyable.” Jeremy added that he was happy to help support his school.

PPIE supports all 15 schools in the Pleasanton Unified School District, which include more than 14, 500 students and 800 teachers and staff. The nonprofit organization tries to fund programs affected by budget cuts, while encouraging fitness and athleticism. To date, the PPIE has raised over $1 million for the school district.

A local runners’ group called the BURN Youth Development (B. Y. D.) participated in the fundraising. The B.Y.D. has since grown to more than 100 youth members, 30 of whom ran in April’s PPIE event. Jerry Wu, the group’s founder and lead coach, explained that the B.Y.D. was born to keep kids running. “Watching them running strongly and happily makes me smile every time,” Jerry said.

Jerry encourages teamwork and teaches the students valuable running techniques. As a B.Y.D. member, Ollie Gu, an eighth grader, was one of the top finishers in the ten-kilometer run. He completed the race in 40 minutes and 46 seconds and won first place in the 12-to-15 year-old age group. “The race was extremely rewarding,” Ollie said. “I’m looking forward to it next year.”

1. Which race was recently created?
A.A ten-kilometer run.B.A quarter-mile run.
C.A five-kilometer run.D.A two-mile run.
2. Why does the author list some numbers in paragraph 3?
A.To stress the great influence of PPIE.
B.To show a small budget for education.
C.To introduce the school district in brief.
D.To advertise the organization’s programs.
3. What did both Jerry and Ollie want to convey?
A.Their duties as athletes.B.Their feelings as coaches.
C.Their recognition of the B.Y.D.D.Their anticipation of the next run.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Sports volunteers.B.Young sportsmen.
C.Running with teachers.D.Racing for education.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . A small study out of Skidmore College examined the advantages of morning vs, evening exercise for both women and men. Paul, professor for health at Skidmore, led the study.

“We had the groups divided into evening and morning groups,” he says. “We found women and men answered differently to different types of exercise depending on the time of the day, which surprised us.”

The study showed that for women who want to lower blood pressure (血压), the risk of heart disease or reduce fat, morning exercise works best. Those women hoping for upper body muscle (肌肉) gains or mood (心情) improvement should consider evening exercise. For the men, the findings were somewhat different: Evening exercise lowers blood pressure, the risk of heart disease, and feelings of tiredness. But similar to women, they burn more fat with morning exercise.

“For many people, the best time to exercise will depend on their chronotype,” says Heisz, author of Move the Body, Heal the Mind.

“Chronotype is your body’s natural habit to sleep at a certain time—it’s what decides whether you’re a night owl or an early bird. For the 25% of the population that considers themselves a night owl, getting both enough sleep and enough exercise can be difficult,” adds Heisz.

He continues, “Sleep—which provides your body the necessary time to recover (恢复) and make gains from exercise—should always be the first choice. When it comes to exercise, regardless of research on the advantages of certain exercises at particular times of the day, your results will not be good if it doesn’t allow enough time for sleep.”

1. What can women get by doing evening exercise according to the study?
A.A fat loss.
B.A good mood.
C.A lower blood pressure.
D.A smaller risk of heart disease.
2. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 5?
A.Give an example.B.Tell the difference.
C.Do an experiment.D.Explain a term.
3. What does Heisz think is important to achieve good results of exercise?
A.Enough sleep.B.Low-fat food.
C.Plenty of water.D.Lots of exercise.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A Night Owl or An Early Bird
B.Why Fitness Plan Being Important
C.How to Change Your Exercise Time
D.The Best Time of a Day to Exercise
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3 . You start by running around the school track three times to warm up. This is followed by exercises or long jump for the girls and football or basketball for the boys. That is an average 45 -minute PE class— but do you really enjoy it?

For students at the Second High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, sports classes have experienced a welcome change. Senior 2 students now learn the traditional Chinese martial art of sword-fighting (中国剑术), making PE the most popular lesson on the timetable. “The classes used to be boring as we just did the same things again and again,” said Xiao Tong. “But now PE classes are such fun. Sword-fighting is so cool.” His classmate Wei Jie agrees. “As well as being fun, we learn about traditional Chinese culture,” she said. The usual morning exercises performed to music on the school playground have been replaced by kicking and punching practice (搏击操) to a pop music by Zheng Xiuwen. “We didn't pay much attention when we heard the old music,” Xiao explained, “But when Zheng's music is played, we get excited.” Mao Min, the PE teacher who introduced the changes, is pleased that the students now enjoy sports lessons more. “The classes encourage healthy lifestyles and I am always looking for creative ways to keep the students active,” he said. Schools offer activities according to what sports facilities (设备) they have. For example, students at the Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University can choose to learn swimming, taekwondo (跆拳道) or volleyball. “I take my volleyball very seriously so I keep fit by playing it,” said Senior 2 student Zhang Zheng. “Students only try hard in sports that interest them.”

1. Why was Xiao Tong not interested in PE classes in the past?
A.Because he didn't do well in sports.
B.Because he disliked the same activities.
C.Because he thought the classes too long-
D.Because he was tired of the PE teacher.
2. Which sport is NOT mentioned in the text?
A.Sword-fighting.B.Volleyball.C.Skating.D.Punching practice.
3. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Sword-fighting appears in PE classes.
B.Students try hard in all sports at school.
C.Schools offer necessary sports facilities.
D.PE classes are welcoming new changes.
4. What is the attitude of the students towards new PE classes?
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Getting motivated when you don't feel like working out is so much easier when you have a workout partner!    1    Your workout partner can actually help you realize your fitness goals.

    2    You are NOT your partner’s personal trainer or coach. You are equals, pushing each other to reach a similar goal together.

If you are doubting your discipline or feel like your motivation ebbs and flows(起伏), then a workout partner can make all the difference! For both of you!

With A Workout Partner, You Show Up

You set time to meet and exercise about an hour, and you are getting dressed and planning to head out soon. When you are alone, so many things can get in the way and seem more important: the laundry, the kid's needs, fixing dinner, petting the dog...     3    With a workout partner, the time is set and it becomes about them, their time, and honoring your commitment to them.

You’ll Work Harder With A Partner

You and your workout partner will have a workout plan, and you'll know what is expected for the day.     4    It's great how it works to motivate both people! Especially when, by themselves, they may not have worked out as hard.

A Workout Partner Keeps You Focused

Your focus on the exercise at hand is multiplied when you have a workout partner. There is a purpose for your meeting, and it becomes clear how to make the goal a reality with consistent work. The hard work seems worth it when you have a partner who is working towards the same goal.    5    

A.If you have ever done, you know what I mean.
B.Before you know it, your planned exercise time is gone.
C.As a workout partner, you are a motivator and a voice of reason.
D.Your partner will remind you of the potential mistakes you may make.
E.With a workout partner, you learn how to achieve the desired results.
F.So it makes you more focused, knowing your time together is limited.
G.Your partner will push and motivate you because he or she expects the same from you!
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . According to research, about 21.5 million American children between the ages of six and seventeen are involved (参与的) in a team sport.     1     But regardless of the reasons for getting involved, children can gain a lot from sports.

A 2006 report shows that taking up sports can increase both emotional and behavioral well-being in teenagers. And increased well-being can lead to higher confidence, which results in better overall performance.     2     In addition, they usually get along well with people around them and are less likely to have bad or risky behavior.

    3     Through this process, children develop social and leadership skills and learn the value of teamwork. Children involved in sports usually have stronger and better relationships with their schoolmates and a better understanding of people from different backgrounds.

Actually, sports give children an opportunity to communicate with adults in valuable and positive ways, which can help them develop closer relationships with adults. This effect is especially great when children don’t get along well with their family members.     4    

Although most effects of sports on children are good, there can be disadvantages. If the pressure to win is overemphasized (过分强调) or the expectations of parents or coaches become too great, kids may experience lots of stress.     5     To avoid these bad effects, children should not overemphasize winning but focus on developing certain skills.

A.Being physically fit is linked to having a higher IQ.
B.They may take part in sports for fun or to develop some skills.
C.However, children hardly play sports when they become older.
D.It can cause worries, headaches, stomach aches, and muscle pain.
E.For example, children involved in sports are likely to do well in their studies.
F.Organized sports require children to work together to achieve a common goal.
G.Many children say sports have helped increase their conversations with parents.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Many hear endlessly how good exercise is for our health,but you might be surprised to know just how good.    1    

It helps you breathe better.

Frequent exercise improves the volume of oxygen you can use in your body.This is what makes you fit and the benefits aren’t limited to sport.    2     Attending some professional courses can build core strength and improve shape,and so strengthen breathing muscles. 

Physical activity enhances your mental health.

Doing something active releases “happy” brain chemicals that make you more positive.The more you do it,the better you’ll feel.But you do need to work up a sweat.If you’ve had a bad day,treat yourself to a little bit of exercise.    3    


The way your guts (内脏) feel often impacts on your mental and physical health.Walking,running and yoga strengthen abdominal (腹部的)muscles,increase the heart rate and encourage your muscles to move digestive waste through your body more efficiently and digest food more quickly.

Keeping active keeps you young.

There may not be an elixir (灵丹妙药) of youth just yet,but keeping fit comes close.Just 15 minutes of exercise a day for eight years can increase your lifespan by three years.The more you do,the longer you could live.    5     It can be low-intensity exercise—swimming,a long walk on a running machine at the gym,or a low-intensity workout via special APPs.

A.It aids your digestion.
B.It gives you a better appetite.
C.Increased muscle strength helps too.
D.Here are the benefits you can get from exercise.
E.This is because physical activity delays cell ageing.
F.People think this will catch our attention and inspire our action.
G.Power walking or rope skipping is a brilliant stress reliever.
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7 . “Being a sports fan is a very psychologically healthy activity,” says Daniel Warm, professor at Murray State University whose research program centers on the psychology of sport fandom(运动迷). Fandom connects us to other like-minded people, which satisfies our human need for belonging, he says.

These relationships are significant: People who identify as sports fans have higher levels of self-esteem, lower levels of loneliness and tend to be more satisfied with their lives compared to those who aren’t interested in sports, Wann says. Fans tend to have more access to social support, help and resources as well. Research suggests that when people have support from their communities, they have better health.

Beyond bonding, fans get to enjoy the psychological benefits of winning, even if they have nothing to do with the players or games.

Of course, teams sometimes lose. Prior to a sporting event, there’s at least a 50-50 chance that you’re going to be disappointed in your outcome.

So, why do people continue to put their faith behind teams that tend to lose? People who feel a strong psychological connection to a team are more likely to root for a team when they’re having a losing season.

“Sports random has nothing to do with the outcome of a game,” Warm says. For example, if a pizza restaurant continually got your order wrong, you’d likely switch to a more reliable parlor(店铺). But because being a fan is so central to people’s identities, people are willing to accept defeat and continue to be loyal to a team.

Being part of a fan community can also help people cope with losses. A 2019 study found that watching a football game with other fans helps to relieve the negative psychological effects of losing. For fans of the losing team, sharing the pain may have protected them from losing self-esteem.

“There are other things that random brings with it above and beyond the ability to enjoy the team’s successes,” Warm says. Watching sports can be a way to relieve stress, or spend time with family, he says.

To that end, some surveys suggest that activities like March Madness pools can reduce productivity. Any sort of fandom can be distracting, but Warm says that talking about sports at work and spending time with people who share a common interest can make people more excited to go to work.

However, if you find you’re consuming so much sports content that your work is suffering, or it’s impacting your interpersonal relationships, then it can be a sign you should tone it down, he adds.

1. What is the characteristic sports fans generally bear?
A.Higher sense of self-worth.B.Worse health conditions.
C.Being ready to help others.D.Various means of support.
2. Why do fans continue to support teams that tend to lose?
A.Fans are forced to be loyal to teams.
B.Fans are good at sharing pains with teams.
C.Fans are brave enough to accept losses.
D.Fans own a great sense of identity and belonging.
3. Which is the effect of talking about sports at work?
A.Leading to distraction.
B.Making people too excited to go to work.
C.Increasing people’s productivity.
D.Impacting interpersonal relationships.
4. What is this passage most likely from?
A.A poster.B.A textbook.
C.A science fiction.D.A magazine.
2023-08-17更新 | 78次组卷 | 4卷引用:新疆乌苏市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文为一篇记叙文。81岁的Jeanne Daprano仍然在突破身体的极限,她参加竞技比赛,打破世界纪录,接受新的挑战。文章介绍了她如何开始跑步并描述了她对运动的热爱。

8 . At 81 years old, Jeanne Daprano is still pushing her body to the limit. She’s still running competitive races, breaking world records and taking on new challenges.“The thing I’m learning about aging is that it’s inevitable,” Daprano said.“I’m not going to escape it. There are two ways to go:You can either press on or give up.”

Daprano grew up in Iowa. Then, she moved to California. As a primary school teacher, she began running in order to keep up with her student.“I was known as a running teacher,” she said.“I had my students do fitness before we studied in the morning and then throughout the day.”Then she began running competitively with 5K and 10K road races before moving to the track. She is now the world record holder in the women’s 75-year-old age group 400 meters and 800 meters. “When I get to the final fi nish line, I want this body to be worn out. I’m not doing this to live to be 100. I’m doing this to be the best I can be today.”

After moving to Atlanta about a decade ago, Daprano met fitness trainer David Buer. Ever since, she’s been coming to his gym, where he tailors workouts for Daprano’s specifc needs.“When she came to me, she was pushing 70 years old,”Buer said.“I’ve worked with other individuals of Jeanne’s age, but she came to me with different goals. She had a unique drive and passion—not just a passion for fitness or athletics but for life in general.”

Last February, Daprano took on a new challenge: her first indoor rowing competition. In classic fashion, she broke the world record in the 80-to-84 age group, rowing 2,000 meters in 9:23:7. For those hoping to either start getting in shape or stay in shape for a long time, she offers this advice: Listen to your body. What are you passionate about? How are you going to keep physically fit and mentally fit? Start where you are. Don’t look ahead or compare yourself to somebody else.

1. What does the underlined word“inevitable” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. Daprano started her life as a runner when ________.
A.working at a primary schoolB.taking fitness training classes
C.volunteering in a 5K road raceD.moving to Atlanta
3. What might be Buer’s first impression of Daprano?
A.She was a qualified teacher.B.She was an unusual woman.
C.She was too old to run a race.D.She was hard to get along with.
4. What does Daprano suggest we do?
A.Run right now.B.Live and learn.
C.Follow your heart.D.Be a good listener.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Swimming has been called the perfect exercise. After all, you can get all of the benefits of an aerobic (有氧的) workout without any damage to joints, and it can be done by both the very old and the very young.     1     — just you and the deep blue. So, let’s take a big breath, and dive into the benefits of swimming.

Full body workout.     2    . So, whether you swim a gentle breaststroke (蛙泳) or backbreaking butterfly, you will get a full body workout. Plus, exercising in water makes your bodywork harder, so, 30 minutes in a pool is worth 45 minutes of the same activity on land.

Destress and relax. Whether it’s work stressing you out, the kids being a nightmare, or just life in general, we all get times when we just want to SCREAM.     3    . Swimming regularly can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve your sleep patterns.

Burn those calories. Swimming is one of the most effective ways to burn calories. A gentle swim can burn over 200 calories in just half an hour, more than double that of walking.     4    .

No sweat. If sweating puts you off other forms of exercise, fear not! As a swimmer, you’ll never feel sweaty no matter how hard you work because the water around you is constantly cooling you down.

    5    . While all exercise can produce greater health and longevity, studies point to swimming as one of the best choices for doing so. Researchers at the University of South Carolina looked at 40, 547 men, aged 20 to 90, for over 32 years. The results showed that those who swam had a 50 percent lower death rate than runners, walkers, or men who didn’t exercise.

A.Lengthen your life
B.Well, help is at hand
C.Lower the risk of accidents
D.And there is no fancy equipment needed
E.Swimming uses all the muscles in the body
F.No matter what your fitness level, the general benefits of swimming are yours
G.And a faster swim would see a chocolate bar gone quicker than if you went running or cycling
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The beach may seem like an inviting place to run on a cool summer morning, but is running on the sand good for your body? It can be, but it’s important to be aware of the challenges that some beach runners experience before you get ready.

Running on the beach can be a good thing. It’s certainly different from running on a track or a pavement. For starters, sand can be a challenge because it has an uneven(不平坦的) surface. As you push off, you’re going to lose some of your push as the sand moves. So, you’re not going to be able to push yourself forward as you would on a track or a pavement. But this unevenness has an upside: It gives your body an extra workout, forcing you to exercise muscles that don’t get as much use during runs on firm surfaces. For example, your feet, ankles and lower back might feel sorer and more tired than usual after a beach run just because the surface is constantly moving and changing step to step.

You also might feel sore afterward because beaches tend to slope (倾斜) down to the water. If you’re going for a long run on the beach, you might notice that one side of your body might feel sorer because you’re putting more pressure on it due to the slope.

Some beach runners prefer to run barefoot-- not wearing anything on feet. However, if you’re not used to barefoot running, start slowly and don’t run long distances at first. That’s because running barefoot uses more different muscles than running with shoes does, and it’s important to strengthen these muscles and adapt your feet. If you want to run barefoot and as long as you run carefully enough into it, go for it!

Running on the sand can be a smart choice for you, because running on softer ground surfaces can reduce muscle damage.

1. Why is it difficult to run on the beach for starters? ________
A.The soft surface makes people fall over easily.
B.It’s hard to keep one’s balance on its hard surface.
C.People need to run carefully on its smooth surface.
D.Running on its uneven surface takes much effort.
2. Which of the following best explains “upside” underlined in Paragraph 2? ________
3. What’s the author’s attitude to barefoot running? ________
4. The passage can probably be found in ________.
A.a primary school textbookB.a tourist guide
C.a sports magazineD.a scientific report
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