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1 . Keep Sight of Dry Eye

Do your eyes feel uncomfortable or dry? If so, you might have dry eye syndrome (综合征).     1     It can affect the enjoyment of social activities and your ability to focus on your studies. But solutions for dry eyes do exist, so read on.

In the past, dry eye syndrome was mainly a condition experienced by older adults, but it now affects many young people as well. Dry eye often results from overuse of computers or smartphones, which causes the user to blink (眨眼) less. Since blinking helps keep our eyes wet, a lack (缺少) of it can lead to dry eye.     2     As a result, those who spend a lot of time indoors are particularly at risk. Finally, wearing a medical mask can cause dry eye, since breathing with a mask on can force air out through the top of the mask and into our eyes.

    3     The first step toward prevention is cleanliness. When you wash your face, clean your eyes with a mild soap. Then, cover your eyes with a warm, wet cloth. Preventing dry eye also means avoiding tiredness in the eyes, so take frequent breaks when using your computer. While you’re on a computer break, focus on blinking, making sure that you close your eyes fully on each blink.     4     Another way to prevent dry eye is to drink more water. For good overall health, experts advise drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, which will increase tear production.

If you suffer from dry eye syndrome, these steps can go a long way toward making your eyes feel better. However, if the problem doesn’t go away, then it’s time to see a doctor.     5    

A.After all, your health is worth keeping an eye on.
B.Blinking can help protect the surface of your eyes.
C.This happens when you don’t produce enough tears.
D.Air-conditioning and fans also contribute to dry eye.
E.Limit screen time and take breaks from staring at screens.
F.Treatments for dry eyes can include eye exercises and eye drops.
G.All it takes is a few lifestyle changes to prevent and treat dry eye syndrome.
2023-01-05更新 | 226次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东城区2022-2023学年高一上学期期末统一检测英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般