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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The beginning of March brings some funny weather to China as temperatures rise and rainfall is accompanied by thunder. Welcome to a season     1    (know) as Jingzhe, or the “Awakening of the Insects”.

Falling     2    (usual) on March 5, it is one of the solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar, which used to instruct ancient Chinese people’s daily lives and     3    (farm).

The Chinese classics recorded a time when spring thunder revived insects     4     had been hibernating(冬眠)for the winter. They rise up from the earth, and plenty of other creatures also put in their first     5    (appear) of the year. Soon, peach blossoms     6    (be) in full bloom while orioles will sing from tree branches.”

Chinese farmers attach great importance     7     Jingzhe, since it kicks off spring plowing, one of the     8    (busy) times in the farmlands. With insects buzzing, it is time to protect the crops from these pests. Poultry and livestock also need protecting from diseases.

Spring     9    (consider) the most precious time of the year for agriculture. At     10     beginning of the year, farmers till the soil, giving crops the best possible environment and more nutrition. In the north, irrigation needs to be timely while in the south, it is almost time to plant rice and corn.

2023-02-20更新 | 154次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省九校2022-2023学年高二下学期开学考试联考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Six Solar Terms in Summer


Lixia is the first solar term in summer, signifying the beginning of the hot summer.    1    People usually consider Lixia as an important solar term. When it comes, the temperature rises obviously, and summer heat arrives, there is a remarkable increase in thunderstorms, and crops enter their peak season for growth.

Xiaoman and Mangzhong

During Xiaoman, summer harvest crops such as wheat already bear fruits, and their seeds are full though they are not ripe yet. Thus, the solar term is named Xiaoman. The solar term Xiaoman is in late May. Summer begins to reach all parts of the country. Rainfall begins to increase further. Mangzhong means, "wheat with awn(芒)should be harvested soon, and rice seeds with awn can be sown".    2    


On the day of Xiazhi, the daytime in the Northern Hemisphere(半球)reaches its maxi-mum length.    3    At Xiazhi, though there is direct sunlight, it is not the hottest time in a year.

Xiaoshu and Dashu

    4    Xiaoshu is minor heat, which means it's not very hot. The weather is getting increasingly hot, but not the hottest moment yet. The crops in the entire country begin to grow rapidly, and this situation requires more intensive field management. Dashu is extreme heat. Compared to Xiaoshu, it's much hotter.    5    And it also marks the period with the fastest growth for crops which enjoy heat.

A.The character shu means heat.
B.It predicts the busy farming activities of farmers.
C.The temperatures rise and summer drought begins.
D.The more northern a place is, the longer its daytime is.
E.People need to prepare for heat prevention and cooling.
F.It means the end of spring, and the beginning of summer.
G.It marks the hottest period with the highest temperatures in a year.
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