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1 . “Mama, when I grow up. I’m going to be one of those!” I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three. It was the first time that my _________ took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training. As I grew older and was _________ to more, my interests in the world of dance varied but that little girl’s dream of someday becoming a dancer in the company never left me. In the summer of 2005 when I was 18, I received the phone call which made that dream a _________; I became a member of the company _________ back to 1925.

As I look back on that day now, it surely _________ any sense of reality. I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief _________ I was halfway through rehearsals (排练) on my first day. I never actually expected to get the job. After being offered the position, I was completely _________. I remember shaking with excitement.

Though I was absolutely thrilled with the chance, it did not come without its fair share of _________. Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week, I found it vital to _________ up the material fast with every last bit of concentration. It is that extreme __________ to detail and stress on practice that set us __________. To then follow those high-energy rehearsals with a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day, I discovered a new __________ of the words “hard work.” What I thought were my physical __________ were pushed much further than I thought __________. I learned to make each performance better than the last.

Today, when I look at the unbelievable company that I have the great __________ of being a part of, not only as a member, but as a dance captain, I see a tradition that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to develop and grow — and inspires people every day to follow their dreams.

2024-08-24更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中素质测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Do you know that singing along to your favorite song can lift your mood and make you happy? Why do you think they play songs at the gym while you're working out?     1     Regarding learning, these harmonies can stimulate the brain to help with literacy(读写能力). Here are a few ways those jazzy beats can help with your child's reading.

Music strengthens attention and focus

In early childhood, many parents find that keeping the focus and attention of their child is impossible. Their brain still has much learning and calming to do, so it can make reading a challenge. Musical training helps them focus, as it requires much attention. You may play some songs while they are cleaning and doing other chores.     2    

Music enhances memory

Kids can remember anything except when you tell them to clean their room. Experts have discovered that melodies(旋律) are a great way to help link emotion and memory. For your child to develop comprehension skills, they need their mind to be sharp.     3     And they will better understand learning concepts.

Music expands the vocabulary

Early childhood requires your kid to learn new words. These words are based on their experiences. When you expose your child to certain melodies, it has a powerful effect on their little mind.     4     From classic tunes to hip-hop and jazz, your kid will grow their vocabulary and apply what they learn to their education.


When your child learned to walk , they fell more than they took steps. They had to practice before they ever developed the ability. In early childhood, good practice habits are essential for reading and many other things. Your child can enhance their learning abilities by engaging in music. Music can inspire your children and push them to practice more. Finally, they will learn the fact that practice makes perfect.

A.Music teaches the truth of life.
B.Music helps with listening ability.
C.Listening to lines of the song is the best way.
D.When music is involved, your child's memory can improve.
E.It's a fun game to play in early childhood as it helps recall.
F.It helps them to be more interested in the activities rather than get bored.
G.They know you will enjoy your routine better as you're motivated by them.
2024-06-16更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省淮南市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Evelyn Glennie is a unique musician. She is a percussionist (打击乐手) who plays with classical orchestras. When she performs, she hits the gongs, snare drums, vibraphones, timbales, cymbals, conga drums, bells, and bass drums that are in front of her. Although classical musicians usually wear formal clothes in concert, Glennie performs in bare feet. What really sets her apart, though, is that she is a musician who can not hear. Glennie has been almost totally deaf since she was 12 years old. Despite being deaf, she has become the first solo star to play her type of percussion instruments in classical music.

Glennie was born in Aberdeen, Scotland. At the age of eight, she started taking piano lessons. She found that she preferred the drums, so she began to concentrate on other percussion instruments. Her doctors were never able to find out why she started to lose her hearing. By the time Glennie was 12, most of her hearing was gone. Glennie stayed in her school and learned to read lips. She also continued her music lessons. She learned how to play percussion instruments by using her sense of touch. She learned to feel the difference between high and low notes. She became very sensitive to the vibrations created by different sounds. Glennie took off her shoes to make it easier for her to feel the vibrations made by her instruments.

Glennie was very talented. At 16 she was accepted to the Royal Academy of Music in London, England. She was the music school’s first solo percussion student, graduating when she was 19. To build her career, she performed anywhere she could. There was very little solo music written for her instruments, so she asked for percussion music to be written for her. She then performed the new pieces in her solo concerts. Glennie attracted attention by performing in radio and television concerts. One 1988 concert was recorded live and made into a CD. This recording earned Glennie her first Grammy Award for a classical music performance.

Today Glennie performs all around the world. In addition to classical orchestras, she plays with folk musicians and rock stars. She has written music for movies, television shows, and commercials. Every year more new compositions are written for Glennie to perform. She has even taken up a new instrument: the bagpipes. Glennie considers herself a pioneer in music, not because she is deaf but because she has become a solo percussion star in classical music.

1. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Glennie wears formal clothes when she performs.
B.Glennie was talented in music.
C.Glennie entered the Royal Academy of Music when she was only 12 years old.
D.Glennie hates to play with other musicians.
2. What makes Glennie so different from other musicians?
A.She can performs kinds of musicial instruments
B.She liked taking off her shoes when she performed.
C.She is a musician who can’t hear.
D.She is a pioneer in music.
3. In the future, Glennie will most likely________.
A.always perform with other musicians in concertB.quit playing classical music in concert
C.learn to play other musical instrumentsD.focus on studying the piano again
4. Which is the best summary of the passage?
A.Deaf as she is, Evelyn Glennie is an award-winning solo percussionist who performs mainly classical music.
B.When Evelyn Glennie found that there was little music written for solo percussionists, she didn’t give up
C.Although classical musicians usually wear formal clothes in concert, Evelyn Glennie performs barefoot.
D.Evelyn Glennie lost her hearing at a young age, and doctors were never able to find out why.
2023-11-30更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省池州市贵池区2023-2024学年高二上学期期中教学质量检测英语试卷
书信写作-推荐信 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假定你是李华,你的同学Jenny发邮件说她准备参加你校即将举行的中国音乐大赛,但是她不知道选哪一首音乐参赛。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
Dear Jenny,


Li Hua

2023-11-25更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍的是机器人音乐指挥家EveR 6,介绍了其特点以及缺点。

5 . Last Friday, a robot called EveR6 led an orchestra (管弦乐队) in a performance of Korean music at the National Theater of Korea. EveR 6 is about as tall as a person, and has a human-like face that can show emotions. Its joints (关节) allow it to move its arms quickly and smoothly in many different directions.

But EveR 6 doesn’t think on its own like some advanced Artificial Intelligence programs. Instead, it has a limited group of movements that it has been trained to perform. To make these movements as natural as possible, EveR 6’s movements are based on those captured from real human conductors.

In Friday’s performance, the National Orchestra of Korea presented a concert titled “Absence”. The concert included five different pieces of music. Two were conducted by EveR 6, and two were conducted by Soo-Yeoul Choi, who leads the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra. Both conductors worked together on the final piece.

Mr. Choi was impressed with the way EveR 6 moved. “The robot was able to present such detailed moves much better than I had imagined,” he said.

But Mr. Choi added that the robot’s biggest weakness is that it can’t hear. “Some people think that conducting is just a combination of hand waving and keeping the beat,” said Mr. Choi. “But a good conductor needs to listen to the orchestra, so that he or she can correct and encourage the orchestra as it plays.”

Mr. Choi and EveR 6 both conducted a piece of music called “Sense”. Instead of musical notes, EveR 6 had instructions for how to play the piece. The conductors and musicians had to work together to create the music. Mr. Choi communicated with the musicians while EveR 6 kept the beat. Mr. Choi said that once EveR 6 started, the musicians had “no choice but to follow its beats”.

Mr. Choi doesn’t think robots are likely to replace human conductors. But he believes robots could be helpful in situations like practice sessions where the same thing needs to be repeated many times.

1. What do we know about EveR 6 from the text?
A.It is an experienced conductor.B.It has a lifelike appearance.
C.It is able to listen to music.D.It is much shorter than a person.
2. What does the underlined word “captured”in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What advantage does a human conductor have over EveR 6?
A.Waving hands.B.Keeping the beat.
C.Having instructions.D.Communicating with musicians.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A robot conducting an orchestra.B.An orchestra having performed in Korea.
C.Modern music combined with technology.D.Two conductors getting worldwide recognition.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Theater Upcoming Events

Dear Evan Hansen


Aug. 30-Sep. 25, 2022

Dear Evan Hansen is a deeply personal and profoundly contemporary musical about life and the way we live it. The New York Times calls it “a breathtaking knockout of a musical.”

Recommended for age 12 and up

Bluey’s Big Play


Nov. 22-27, 2022

When Dad feels like a little bit of Sunday afternoon time out, Bluey and Bingo have other plans! Join them as they pull out all of the games and cleverness to get Dad off that bean bag. Bluey’s Big Play is a new theatrical adaptation of the Emmy Award-winning children’s television series, with an original story by Bluey creator Joe Brumm, and new music by Bluey composer Joff Bush.

Suitable and enjoyable for all ages.

Shear Madness


Oct. 4, 2022-Oct.1, 2023

Set in present-day Georgetown, Shear Madness is an interactive comedy that engages audiences as armchair detectives to help solve the murder of a famous concert pianist who lives above the Shear Madness hairstyling salon (沙龙).

Performance Timing: 2 hours, with one short break.

No Excuses, No Limits


Jan. 13-15, 2023

Inspired by this international all-star breakdance crew of seven of the world’s best differently-abled dancers, No Excuses, No Limits takes audiences on a journey of each dancer’s story through dance, music, audience interaction, and a gained understanding of the limitless possibilities that any person can hold.

Most enjoyed by ages 7+.

1. Which of the following is adapted from a children’s television series?
A.Shear Madness.B.Dear Evan Hansen.
C.Bluey’s Big Play.D.No Excuses, No Limits.
2. What do we know about the comedy?
A.It presents the impact of hairstyling salons.B.It is aimed at remembering a concert pianist.
C.It runs for 2 hours without a pause.D.It lets audiences solve the crime.
3. When can you enjoy an uplifting story about dancers?
A.On Sep. 22, 2022.B.On Nov. 25, 2022C.On Jan. 14, 2023.D.On Oct. 1, 2023.
2023-05-23更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省池州市贵池区2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Music is good for the health. And drumming may be best of all. As well as being physically demanding, it requires people to adjust their limbs and to react to outside stimuli, such as what the rest of the band is up to. It is particularly helpful for children who have emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Researchers at the Clem Burke Drumming Project an organization named after Blondie’s drummer, who was one of its founders have shown that teaching such children to drum helps them to control their reactions more generally, to focus more effectively on tasks they are given, and to communicate better with other people.

The project’s latest work, led by Cahart of King’s College, London, goes a step further. It looks at the neurological (神经系统的) changes which accompany these shifts.

Ms. Cahart and her colleagues found36 autistic(自闭症)teenagers and divided them into two groups. One had drum lessons twice a week for eight weeks. The others did not. At the beginning and end of the project everyone was asked to stay still for 45 minutes in a machine to see how the activity of their brains had changed. Their behaviour was also recorded.

As expected, most of the drumming group showed positive behavioral changes. And these were indeed reflected in their brains. The machine scans showed that several groups of connectivity between parts of those brains had strengthened during the experiment. In particular, two regions involved in attention control, formed strong links, respectively, with places associated with introspection (内省) and with areas involved in understanding facial expressions.

These changes in the brain thus nicely match the changes in behaviour which learning to drum brings. Not a surprise, perhaps. But a confirmation of drumming’s power to heal.

1. Which is not the benefit of drumming for children who have emotional and behavioural difficulties?
A.To be more brilliant and active.
B.To control their reactions more generally.
C.To communicate better with other people.
D.To focus more effectively on tasks they are given.
2. What are recorded in the process of the project?
A.The way and frequency of drumming.
B.People’s attention control on drumming.
C.People’s emotion and their behaviour.
D.Activity of people’s brains and their behaviour.
3. What are the main changes in the brain caused by drumming?
A.Places associated with introspection is more active.
B.Connectivity between parts of brains is strengthened.
C.Regions involved in attention control becomes stronger.
D.Changes in the brain cannot match the changes in behaviour.
4. What is this article mainly about?
A.The way of keeping health.
B.The healing effect of Drumming.
C.The relationship between brain and behaviour.
D.The relationship between drumming and brain changes.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 请阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文

What if you were deaf? What if you were sick with cancer? What if you were suffering from both? What would be your last wish?

Kenneth was the right unfortunate boy, whose single mother was both deaf and seriously sick with hopeless cancer. How eager her mother was to hear, enjoy, and appreciate the most beautiful sound of the world! For her, it undoubtedly came from her beloved 15-year-old son — Kenneth.

Kenneth was sent by his mother to a famous piano teacher who took him in under her guidance, and Kenneth was devoted to each piano lessons and practiced extremely hard. However, there was one small problem. Kenneth was not music ally talented and therefore was very slow in learning. The teacher didn’t have much faith in the boy because of his weakness. However, his mother was very enthusiastic and every week she would send Kenneth to the teacher.

Then one day Kenneth stopped attending the piano lessons. The teacher thought that he had given up and in fact she was quite pleased since she did not give much hope to Kenneth.

Not long after, the piano teacher was given the task to organize a piano concert in the town. She sent out leaflets to invite the students and public to attend the event. Suddenly, she received a call from Kenneth who offered to take part in the concert. The teacher told him that he was not good enough and that he was no longer a student since he had stopped coming for lessons. Kenneth begged her to give him a chance and promised that he would not let her down.

Finally, she gave in and she put him to play last, hoping that he would change his mind at the last minute.

When the big day came, the concert hall was crowded with excited people. The performance was wonderful, the atmosphere was warm, everyone was in a celebratory mood, indulging (沉浸) in the wonderful music feast, and the applause and cheers were warmly received.

1. 续写词数应为150左右:
2. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好.
Paragraph 1:

Finally, it was Kenneth’s turn to play.

Paragraph 2:

After the performance, the piano teacher asked Kenneth how he managed to play so brilliantly.

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下而材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As a single mother, I’ve never doubted my daughter Jane’s dream to be a singer on the stage. At an early age, she was crazy about singing. Whenever she had a chance, she would sing to her heart’s content. Her sweet and charming voice tended to get people around attracted to her songs.

Living in a small city, I took several odd jobs, determined to do everything in my power to support her. Soon after Jane attended school, her music teacher Mary noticed her talent by chance and volunteered to give her some guidance on how to sing. Jane practiced so hard that before long she made great progress in singing.

Unfortunately, one noon a year later, Jane was crossing the street when a careless driver knocked her down. She was rushed to hospital. When I hurried there, the doctor told me that my daughter would probably not stand on her own feet. I froze with shock, feeling as if I had been thrown into a dark world. Weak and dizzy, I was about to fall to the ground when someone took hold of me.

It was Mary, who got the news and raced here. She comforted me, saying firmly, “Grace, Jane needs you. You must stay calm and strong.” I nodded. Having calmed down, I entered the ward with Mary.

That night, Jane recovered her consciousness (知觉) and opened her eyes. Holding her hand, I said, “My dear, everything would be fine.” Mary comforted her gently, “I know you are a strong girl, Jane. Don’t worry. We’ll be standing by you.” I was heartbroken to see tears streaming down Jane’s cheeks.

After two months, we returned home from hospital. Her teachers and friends frequently visited her. Jane eventually accepted the fact that she would have to get around in a wheelchair. Never did she refer to the subject of singing again. I knew she was a nice and understanding girl, who was afraid that talking about her original dream would upset the two of us.


One day, however, Mary came with good news.


When the host announced it was Jane’s turn, she was wheeled onto the stage.

2022-06-01更新 | 1212次组卷 | 21卷引用:安徽省宿州市省、市示范高中2023-2024年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . What kind of music does the woman like best?
A.Rock.B.Pop.C.R &. B.
2022-04-30更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省滁州市部分学校2021-2022学年高二下学期4月联考英语试题(含听力)
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