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| 共计 2 道试题
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1 . It is one thing to visit a zoo as an ordinary member of the public but quite another to own a zoo and live in the middle of it; this at times can be a mixed thing. It certainly forces you to rush out at any time of the day or night to watch your charges (收费), but it also means that you are on duty 24 hours of the day and you can find that a fine little dinner party breaks up because some animal has broken its leg, or because the heaters in the snake house have failed. Winter, of course, is your least busy period and sometimes days pass without a single visitor.

But in the summer season the days are so full and the visitors so many that you can hardly seem to notice the passing of time and you forget how much you have in the bank.

1. From the passage we understand that the writer        .
A.is always visiting zoosB.lives in a cage in the zoo
C.is the owner of the zooD.can’t tell animals from people
2. If you live in a zoo, the writer says        .
A.you have to look after the animals every hour
B.you never have any free time
C.you only work at night
D.you are always having fine dinners
3. From the passage it is clear that in the winter        .
A.only one person visits zooB.the zoo is closed
C.nobody visit the zooD.very few people visit the zoo
4. Why does the writer find it difficult to have a dinner party in the zoo?
A.The animals eat all he food.B.It’s too hot in the snake house.
C.Something always goes wrong.D.The animals break your legs.
5. At the zoo in summer the writer says        .
A.there are too many visitors visiting the snakes
B.you don’t remember how much you have in the bank
C.time passes very slowly
D.you don’t know how to pass the time
2023-06-04更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省广元市剑阁县2018-2019学年高一英才班选拔考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . We often hear stories of animals rescuing people.But now someone has managed to return the favor.

The event took place one snowy January morning Thomas Smith was walking his dog,Jack,in the park."As I was walking,I just saw Jack running onto the ice towards the ducks in the middle,and then he fell into the water and couldn't climb out,"said Smith.He realized he had no choice but to try and save his dog."someone else told me the lake was only one-meter deep,but it was at least twice that.I had to break my way through the 6-cm ice.Finally,I got Jack by the neck,and pulled him out.I don't think I have ever felt so cold by the time we got back to dry land.And when we got there,everyone was asking if Jack was okay   no one was particularly worried,about me!"

A neighbor,Julie Brown,saw it all happen."The dog went onto an icy lake.All of a sudden,it started to go under.There were crowds of people around,and they were all shouting and screaming.Before I knew it,the owner Smith was in the water forcing his way through the ice.I can't begin to imagine how cold it was.Everyone was very nervous,but he was as cool as a cucumber   he just crawled back out,put the dog on its lead,and went home."

Many regard him as a hero,but Mr.Smith is quite laid﹣back about it."Most dog owners are the same as me.They would do what I did without a second thought.But in the future,I'm going to make sure he's on lead near any ice ponds,Pets are members of our family.Would you do the same for them?

1. What happened on a cold January morning?
A.Mr.Smith met Jack in the park.
B.Mr.Smith ran after Jack on the ice.
C.Jack fell from the ice into the water.
D.Jack played with the ducks in the water.
2. How did Mr.Smith save Jack?
A.He asked a neighbor for help.
B.He broke the ice and shouted to Jack.
C.He got Jack by the leg and pulled him out.
D.He pulled Jack out of the icy water by the neck.
3. The underlined phrases" as cool as a cucumber" in Paragraph 3 means"________".
4. In the last paragraph,the writer asks a question to _________.
A.suggest keeping pets for fun.
B.remind people to put their dogs on the leads.
C.encourage people to take good care of their pets.
D.advise people not to leave their dog near icy pounds.
5. What is the best title of the passage?
A.A Man's Pet DogB.A Dog's Best Friend
C.The Danger on the Icy LakeD.Suggestions for Pets' Owners.
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