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1 . Stephen Hawking, one of the world’s most famous scientists, believed that to survive, humans will one day have to move into space. “Once we spread out into space and establish independent settlements, our future should be safe, ”he said.

Today, several leading countries in space exploration are all planning to send astronauts-people who travel into space - back to Earth’s closest neighbor: the moon. Some of these countries want to create space stations there within the next 10 years. These stations will prepare humans to visit and later live on Mars or other Earthlike planets.

Robert Zubrin, a rocket scientist, thinks humans should take control of space. He wants to start with Mars. Why? He thinks sending people to Mars will allow us to learn a lot of things-for example, the ability of humans to live in a very different environment. Eventually, we could create new human societies on other planets. In addition, any advances we make in the fields of science, technology, medicine, and health will benefit people here on Earth.

Not everyone thinks sending humans into space is a smart idea. Many say it’s too expensive. Also, most space trips are not short. A one-way trip to Mars, for example, would take at least six months. People traveling this kind of distance could face many health problems In addition, these first people would find life extremely difficult in space. On the moon, for example, the sun’s rays are very dangerous. People would have to stay indoors most of the time

Despite these concerns, sending people into space seems certain. In the future, we might see cities on the moon or even new human cultures on other planets. First stop: the moon

1. What is Stephen Hawking’s idea about future life in space?
A.Humans will live a healthy life.
B.Humans will live a better life on the moon.
C.Humans will create hospitals on other planets.
D.Space will be a safe place for humans to live in.
2. Why are some countries planning to build space stations on the moon?
A.To learn more about the moon’s surface
B.To improve cooperation among countries.
C.To prepare humans to live on other planets
D.To reduce the number of people living on Earth
3. What does Robert Zubrin think of sending people to Mars?
A.It will take a long time
B.It will cost a lot of money
C.It will be extremely difficult.
D.It will benefit people on Earth a lot
4. What’s the attitude of the author towards humans’ moving into space?
5. What can be the best title for the text?
A.A Trip to Mars.B.Living in Space.
C.Astronauts on the Moon.D.The Exploration of Space.
2022-11-15更新 | 282次组卷 | 3卷引用:辽宁省2021-2022学年高二7月学业水平测试(合格性考试)英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Mounting a telescope on the balcony at home, Wang Zhipu, a 16-year-old boy from Fujian Province, observes the skies, takes photos and begins his voyage into space after class. Recently, his efforts were rewarded when he won the title of “Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2021” in the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s annual astrophotography contest. His winning entry, entitled Family Photo of the Solar System, shows seven of the eight planets lined up horizontally, with the sun on the left and moon on the right, both pictured larger in size than normal.

“All families are unconventional, so I adored this fresh, gently playful concept around the solar system,” said the competition judge Sue Prichard while talking about Wang’s picture. “A meaningful technically accomplished work from a rising star of astronomical photography.”

It hasn’t been easy taking pictures of outer space. For about half a year, Wang had to calculate the best time to shoot planets when they’re opposite the sun in Earth’s sky to get the brightest images. What’s more, he still needed to wait for clear weather to see better. For example, to capture a clear picture of Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, which is often cited as the most difficult of the five brightest planets to see with the naked eye, Wang tried to shoot it three times in the early morning but failed. At sunset, he shot 10, 000 frames of video and selected several thousand better frames to overlay, further refine them and form a more satisfactory picture.

Sometimes Wang would be so absorbed in his observations that he wouldn’t go downstairs to fetch a coat, even in the middle of winter. Other times, he stood for hours under the burning sun to get the perfect shot. To get an ideal shot, he often gets up at dawn, sleeps early to wake up at midnight, and even takes time off from evening classes when necessary.

1. What kind of feeling does Sue Prichard show for Wang’s prizewinning picture?
2. What did Wang need to do in preparation for his photographing?
A.Figure out when the planets shine best.
B.Find out where clear weather can be seen.
C.Work out how far the planets are from the sun.
D.Make out when the planets face the earth most directly.
3. What’s the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Wang’s passion for outer space.
B.Wang’s habits of observing stars.
C.Wang’s addiction to shooting skills.
D.Wang’s choices of shooting occasions.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Stars Gathering, Teenager Is the Brightest
B.Medals Shining, Teenagers Gains the Gold
C.Eyes on the Stars, Teenager Wins Top Photo-prize
D.Dreams in Heart, Teenager Succeeds in Top Contest

3 . Scientists have not found any signs of life on Mars yet,but they say a robotic vehicle called “Curiosity” is helping them learn a lot about the planet’s history and climate.

Curiosity landed on Mars in August 2012 after travelling through space for more than eight months.It was sent to Mars by scientists from NASA in the United States.

Curiosity is about the size of a car and has six wheels.It also has a robotic arm,cameras,and instruments that allow it to examine things it finds on the surface.Then it sends the information back to the earth.

Curiosity’s main task is to find out if anything could live on Mars,either now or in the past.On Nov.2,NASA scientists held a press conference (新闻发布会) to discuss what Curiosity had found in its first two months on Mars.

Curiosity has found soil that is similar to the sand formed by volcanoes (火山) on the earth.Scientists say that studying the minerals in Martian soil will help them understand what conditions were like on the planet in the past.Curiosity also found smooth stones like the ones found on river beds and seashores on the earth,where their rough edges have been worn down by water.Mars is very cold and dry now,but scientists say the smooth stones tell them that a river used to run through the place where they were found.

Curiosity has been testing the atmosphere around Mars for a type of gas called methane (甲烷),but so far it has not found any.On the earth,most methane is produced by plants or animals.Methane on Mars might indicate that some type of tiny plants or animals lived there.

Curiosity is the fourth robotic vehicle to be sent to Mars.It will continue to explore the planet for about two years.

1. Which of the following descriptions about Curiosity is TRUE?
A.It landed on Mars in January 2012.
B.It is small in size and has four arms.
C.It took over eight months to arrive in Mars.
D.It was sent to Mars by scientists from Russia.
2. According to the information sent back by Curiosity,scientists believe that    .
A.there’s no air on MarsB.Mars is warm and wet now
C.the soil on Mars is richD.there used to be water on Mars
3. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 5 refers to “   ”.
A.smooth stonesB.rivers
C.robotic vehiclesD.volcanoes
4. We know from the sixth paragraph that    .
A.some tiny animals once lived on Mars
B.there are no plants or animals on Mars now
C.the atmosphere around Mars is full of methane
D.Curiosity is designed to test the atmosphere around the earth
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Humans benefit a lot by going to Mars.
B.Scientists will stop the research on Mars soon.
C.It is possible to build an earth-like environment on Mars.
D.A robotic vehicle helps scientists get useful information from Mars.
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