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阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Open an app at your smart phone and scan the code bar on the garbage can. When you throw garbage into the garbage can, it will show the weight of the garbage and the points you can get from doing so.     1     It will become more popular in the future. Yes, we are talking about the smart garbage can.

    2     The environmental problems have become constant headaches in the development of those cities. Encouraging garbage classification has become an effective way.

In some cities, a variety of multifunctional smart garbage cans are being put into use. In Beijing, for example, a smart garbage can is equipped with an LED screen, which not only shows national policies on garbage classification but also shows the correct steps for garbage sorting. It can also calculate the weight of the garbage and the accumulated points one can get. They can be traded for some articles of daily use.     3     Its body is actually a screen. It is equipped with some Internal sensors. When people throw garbage into it, the internal sensors can automatically tell the types of the garbage. Meanwhile, people can see how to deal with them.     4    

Garbage disposal is a small issue that involves everybody each day. However, it is also a big issue.    5     With smart garbage cans in our daily life, the idea of garbage sorting will become more established. Our dream of building a greener and more beautiful China will come true so long as we start to make small changes right now.

A.Garbage sorting has been a new fashion.
B.Another kind of garbage can is even smarter.
C.It is no wonder that residents cheered for their presence.
D.Such a way of handling garbage has appeared in some cities.
E.It will affect China’s transformation towards green development.
F.Over 200 million tons of garbage is produced each year in some cities.
G.The good habit of garbage classification can improve the living environment.
2021-05-01更新 | 1274次组卷 | 18卷引用:2022届山东省威海市文登新一中高三4月阶段模拟英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假定你是校英文报的主编李华,最近准备出一期关于“倡导低碳生活”的专刊。请为专刊写一篇寄语,内容包括:
1. 专刊的意义;
2. 专刊的内容;
3. 寄予的希望。
2. 请按如下格式在答题卷的相应位置作答。
Dear Readers,

Warm regards,

Li Hua


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Conservation scientist Kim Williams-Guillen was trying her best to come up with a way to save endangered sea turtles (海龟) from egg thieves when she had an “aha” moment: If she placed a fake (假的) egg containing a GPS tracker in the reptiles’ nests, she might be able to track the thieves.

Williams-Guillen found a flexible plastic material to mimic (仿造) the shell of real eggs. She and colleagues then used a 3D printer to produce the fakes of the same size, weight, and texture and put the smallest GPS tracking devices inside each. The researchers then went to four Costa Rican beaches, where green sea turtle come ashore to make their nests. As mothers laid their eggs under cover of night, the researchers slipped a fake egg into each nest. Once the fakes are covered in sand and mix with the real eggs, it’s very difficult to tell the difference between the two.

Of the 101 fake eggs, 25 were taken by thieves. The farthest moving egg traveled 137 kilometers inland. The fake egg sent its final signal the next day from a residential property, suggesting that the research team had tracked the eggs through “all of the players in the entire chain.”

By understanding that chain, Williams-Guillen says researchers can identify trading hot spots. She emphasizes that the tracker is not a way to catch local thieves, many of them living in poverty, but a tool to better understand their routes, which could help them and eventually law enforcement (执法部门) identify larger players in the chain.

In the meantime, Williams-Guillen and her colleagues are working to get their fake eggs to other sea turtle conservation organizations. Ultimately, though, scientists and nonprofits are going to engage communities with local outreach and education programs to save sea turtles. She says, “The real meat and potatoes of conservation isn’t going to come from deploying (布署) eggs.”

1. What can be learnt from paragraph 2?
A.Fake eggs are made and employed.B.Sea turtles have become endangered.
C.Sea turtles lay eggs during the daytime.D.The idea of fake eggs came into being.
2. Why did researchers track the turtle eggs?
A.To confirm whether the fake eggs really work.
B.To provide data for doing research on turtle eggs.
C.To arrest the locals stealing the turtle eggs from the beach.
D.To identify the trading routes and get the big players punished.
3. What do Williams-Guillen’s words mean in the last paragraph?
A.Deploying eggs needs advocating further.
B.Turtle conservation mainly relies on joint efforts.
C.She feels disappointed with the local communities.
D.Deploying eggs makes no difference in preserving turtles.
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?
A.Saving endangered sea turtles is urgent
B.Endangered turtles can be traced with GPS
C.GPS eggs helps to save endangered sea turtles
D.A conservation scientist is devoted to protecting sea turtles
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述恶劣的环境导致Watford所在社区出现健康问题,Watford和另外9个学生成立Free Your Voice组织,发起反对建立垃圾焚化炉的运动,最终迫使该项目被叫停。

4 . Watford and her family have lived in Curtis Bay, Baltimore for generations. Her community has faced environmental injustice. Heavy industries continued to move in her community. As a result, her neighbors have had to live with serious respiratory (呼吸的) problems.

When she knew a plan to build the nation’s largest trash-burning incinerator (焚化炉) less than a mile away from her high school, she realized she had to take action. The incinerator was being sold wrongly as clean, renewable energy equipment but actually it would be a source of brain-damaging chemicals and would release 200 million tons of greenhouse gases per year, both worse than coal burning. Watford felt she had a responsibility to warn her community to work together to shut this plant down.

She co-founded Free Your Voice (FYV), a 10-person student organization devoted to community rights and social justice. Together, they decided to start a campaign to take down Energy Answers, the incinerator’s developer. They went door-to-door talking to neighbors and organizing protests.

When it was discovered that Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPS) was going to be a customer of Energy Answers, the organization fought with the board and presented their case, urging BCPS to withdraw from the project. BCPS was convinced to cancel their contract, which in turn inspired 22 other customers to do the same. Without any financial gain, Energy Answers had no market to move forward with its plan.

Watford continues to work with Curtis Bay residents toward fair development. They have a vision for the future which includes building a zero-waste movement, a solar farm, and green jobs. She wants the entire human family to join the fight for environmental justice because survival as a species depends on our ability to take action.

1. What caused respiratory problems in Watford’s community?
A.Poor medical care.B.Terrible environmental conditions.
C.Constant bacterial infection.D.Unbalanced distribution of resources.
2. What is Watford’s attitude to building the incinerator?
3. What was the result of their campaign?
A.BCPS lost financial support.B.Energy Answers stopped its plan.
C.The investors found new market.D.Many customers revised their contracts.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.A teenage hero against urban pollution
B.A teenage hero fighting for an advanced city
C.A battle for Baltimore’s sky by a teenage hero
D.The social justice challenge for a teenage hero
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,Malaika Vaz从小热爱冒险,在电影制作中寻求一种既能满足她冒险欲望又能倡导保护她所接触的物种和生态系统的方式,呼吁观众保护自然。

5 . When Malaika Vaz was a kid, living in Goa, India, she was constantly surrounded by nature. Among her childhood experiences, she recalls journeys to the Arctic and Antarctic, climbing mountains, diving, and windsurfing.

At some point in her late teens, Vaz realized adventure didn’t really mean anything if there wasn’t an intention to protect the natural spaces we were exploring in. Motivated by her passion for filmmaking, she began to seek a way that would both satisfy her appetite for adventure and allow her to advocate the protection of the species and ecosystems she interacted with.

Today Vaz wears many hats in the filmmaking world, as a documentary director, producer, and presenter. After falling in love with manta rays (蝠鲼), she discovered they were being hunted illegally and started to dress herself as a seafood trader to get as close as possible to the issue. She traced sellers to figure out why the threatened species were being killed. She shared the shocking details in Peng Yu Sai, her Green Oscar-nominated film on the matter.

The subjects that grab her attention, Vaz admits, run the gamut. When she was asked to define her focus, she replied that she preferred variety. She always argues that the issues she looks into are more interrelated than they may initially appear. “I think that it’s exciting to dive into the different aspects of environmental stories,” she says.

Her work doesn’t stop at recording important stories; she also ensures the message is heard. From Vaz’s viewpoint, real improvement in planetary protection lies in the hands of each of us rather than just those of several environmentalists. “If you’re an engineer and you care about the natural world, you can change the kind of construction materials you use. If you’re a teacher loving nature, you can bring that into the learning for your class.” she says.

As a filmmaker, Vaz believes it’s important to figure out ways that attract the audience who can push for the protection of the natural world.

1. What did Malaika Vaz decide to do in her late teens?
A.Motivate children to get close to nature.
B.Make a film about her childhood experiences.
C.Develop a passion for an adventurous lifestyle.
D.Combine nature exploration with nature conservation.
2. What is the film Peng Yu Sai mainly about?
A.The role of manta rays in the local economy.B.Vaz’s personal life as a seafood trader.
C.The threatened species in India.D.The illegal trade in manta rays.
3. What does the underlined part “run the gamut” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Are quite popular.B.Cover a wide range.
C.Make little progress.D.Are hard to deal with.
4. What message does the author convey in Paragraph 5?
A.Human beings are closely linked to nature.
B.Stories are effective in changing people’s behavior.
C.Everyone can make a difference to the environment.
D.Environmentalists play a big part in solving environmental issues.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

6 . Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?

In 1969,the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River Cleveland, Ohio. It    1    (be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it    2    (actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of    3    most outstanding(杰出的)examples of environmental cleanup.

But the river wasn’t changed in a few days    4    even a few months. It took years of work     5    (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is    6    (clean) than ever.

Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit    7    is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don’t know how to control your credit card use. When you face such an impossible situation, don’t you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?

While there are    8    (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the    9    (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be     10    (patience).

2016-11-26更新 | 4739次组卷 | 58卷引用:2016届山东淄博第六中学高三上第一次10月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Plastic fishing nets, the so-called ghost nets, abandoned yearly in the sea—about 1 million tons—are more than just rubbish; they’re a killer. Fish, sea birds, and turtles get caught in the netting and die, with more species at risk.

Much shocked at this, Pranveer Singh Rathore, a materials-science engineer and materials R&D manager at Samsung, and his team set themselves the task of giving new life to the deadly nets. Last month, Samsung revealed a new line of Galaxy products made in part from recycled plastic fishing nets for the first time. The company estimates this year alone it can recycle over 50 tons of ocean-bound plastic into the key components that will go into its smartphones, tablets, and computers, thus taking a bite out of the global ghost nets problem.

It’s no small task to give waste fishing nets a second act. The nets are typically made of a substance called nylon which tends to dramatically degrade (降解) the longer it sits in the ocean and is exposed to the sun. “This makes it nearly impossible to use abandoned fishing nets directly,” Rathore explains. Besides, high-performance smartphone, tablet, or PC has to be waterproof and can survive severe weather. The nylon in the fishing nets falls far short of that level of durability (耐用).

To deal with that problem, Samsung last summer teamed up with two partners: one to collect and transform the nets into tiny nylon pellets (颗粒) while the other to strengthen their toughness and durability. The end result: The partners hit upon an eco-friendly and high-performance plastic material that’s being used to build the component parts for its latest line of products. For example, two parts of the Galaxy S22 mobile phone—the key bracket and the inner cover—are made of these fishing-net plastic materials. Samsung aims to use even more upcycled materials in future product lines.

“That’s the hope for the globe and our mission,” Rathore smiles.

1. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Rubbish in the sea.B.Recycling the deadly nets.
C.Ocean species’ extinction.D.Ghost nets’ threat to sea life.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The low level of durability of nylon.B.The second act of waste fishing nets.
C.The great difficulty in reusing ghost nets.D.The positive comment on Samsung’s products.
3. What is special about Samsung’s new Galaxy products?
A.They are made from tiny nylon pellets.B.They put an end to the problem of fishing nets.
C.They can stand up to water and severe weather.D.They contain materials recycled from ghost nets.
4. What can we learn about Rathore’s work?
A.It makes plastic easier to break down.B.It marks the shift of Samsung’s mission.
C.It protects the planet from choking on plastic.D.It raises public awareness of ocean exploration.
书信写作-倡议信 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 假如你是学生会主席李华,请你围绕“保护环境,低碳生活”为主题,写一封英语倡议书,旨在号召大家积极采取行动,践行低碳生活(low-carbon life)。内容包括:
1. 保护环境的重要性;
2. 如何低碳生活;
3. 发出倡议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear fellow students,
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . In 2022, campaign group Fashion Revolution Chelsea dye a garden for its Chelsea Flower Show presentation. An ancient craft, natural dyeing is a practice whose time has come again, with hand tie-dyed fashion also making a comeback in recent years.

The revival has been encouraged by Covid lockdowns, “which allowed people to explore the craft at home, says natural-dyeing enthusiast and teacher Susan Dye. It’s unlikely, though, that the practice would have caught on in quite the same way if not for a continually growing discomfort about fashion’s heavy footprint. From carbon emissions to animal cruelty, fashion is under considerable inspection. “Put it this way, 97% of dyes used in the industry are petrochemically (石油化学产品) based,” says sustainable fashion consultant Jackie Andrews, who helped advise the UN Ethical Fashion Initiative. We’ve got net zero targets which mean we’re going to have to remove all those petrochemicals from the manufacturing cycle.

Fashion is a huge polluter. According to the UN Environment Program, the industry is responsible for up to one-fifth of all industrial water pollution—due to the fact that most clothes today are produced in poorer countries where regulation is weak and enforcement weaker. Waste water is dumped directly into rivers and streams, poisoning the land as well as the water sources of people and animals who rely on them.

It’s easy to see why someone who cares about people, planet and animals, as well as clothes, might turn to natural plant dyeing. From the beauty of the raw materials—often wild plants-to the property of only bonding with natural fiber like cotton and linen (亚麻布) from the minor footprint of recycling old clothing that has grayed or faded over time to the vibrant and long-lasting dyeing results, plant dyeing feels like a quiet act of rebellion. This is why, while beginners start with simply changing their clothes’ color, new worlds open. Many of today’s natural dyers grow their own dye plants, run local community workshops, and advocate for change in industrialized fashion systems and beyond.

1. What is the main reason for the growing discomfort mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.The adoption of petrochemical-based dyes
B.The disturbing consequences of the fashion industry.
C.The fashion industry’s focus on luxurious designs.
D.The challenging net zero targets to be achieved.
2. How does the author illustrate Fashion is a huge polluter?
A.By making a comparison.B.By listing numbers
C.By giving examples.D.By introducing a new topic
3. What does the underlined phrase a quiet act of rebellion in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.A protest against turning to natural fiber.
B.An objection to recycling old clothing
C.A resistance to vibrant colors in natural dyeing
D.A struggle for a sustainable fashion industry
4. What would be the most suitable title for the passage?
A.The Environmental Impact of Natural Dyeing
B.The Return of Natural Dyeing with Ethical Appeal
C.Fashion Revolution’s Dye Garden Presentation
D.The Petrochemical Dye Industry and Its Challenges
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 假设你是红星中学高一学生李华。你校将组织英文演讲比赛,主题为“Green Living”。请你写一篇演讲稿,倡议同学们以实际行动为环保做贡献,内容包括:
1.词数 120 左右;
Good morning, everyone!

That’s all. Thank you.

共计 平均难度:一般