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阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . For sharks, the Mesoamerican Reef, which stretches over 600 miles, is a busy highway. Sharks use it to find their way and it provides them with food and habitat.

But as with on-land highways, this superhighway can be dangerous. Overfishing, commercial development and illegal practices are endangering the species. “We’re seeing a continued decline in shark populations. Our goal is to turn that round.” says Rachel Graham, founder of Mar Alliance, a non-profit organization focused on conserving sharks.

By monitoring sharks, Mar Alliance can collect important knowledge on the species to help inform conservation and push for political action. But rather than acting in opposition to the local fishing community, MarAlliance enlists their help.

They are the ones who are on the sea every single day,” says Graham, “and they’re the ones who decide the species’ future.”

MarAlliance employs up to 60 fishermen across its range, mostly on a project basis, training them to collect data, record and release fish. Not only does this provide an alternative income to fishing communities, making them less dependent on natural resources, but it also teaches them about the benefits of a healthy ocean ecosystem and how to fish sustainably.

Among them, Ivan Torres, who used to catch sharks to sell locally as food, has learned how critical they’re to the whole ecosystem, saying he’d never fish sharks any more.

If this attitude change continues to spread throughout fishing communities, Graham has hope for the shark populations. “The primary threat to sharks is unquestionably overfishing,” she says, “By reforming the industry, populations can bounce back.”

In 2020, Belize outlawed the use of gillnets, large panels of netting of trapping large sealife. The ban’s impact is already noticeable with a recorded 10-fold increase in shark populations.

But such regulations need to be copied along the whole superhighway for long-lasting impact, and countries need to find a sustainable balance between fishers and the fished. “We need to find a win-win strategy between fisher livelihoods and shark survival,” Graham emphasizes. “I hope that through education and providing an economic alternative for fishing communities, MarAlliance will help ensure safe passage for sharks along the reef”.

1. Which of the following best describes the Mesoamerican Reef for sharks?
A.Romantic but messy.B.Vital but insecure.
C.Adventurous but beautiful.D.Unfamiliar but reliable.
2. What does the underlined “they” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.MarAlliance.B.The fishers.
C.Monitoring authorities.D.The sharks.
3. What contributed to Ivan’s attitude shift apart from education?
A.A stricter fishing ban.B.The insurance payout he earned.
C.An offer of extra work.D.The fishing communities’ intervention.
4. What is mainly stressed in the last paragraph?
A.Solution to overfishing.B.Difficulties facing MarAlliance.
C.Impact of existing regulations.D.Features of international cooperation.
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It was a turtle that changed Victoria Cairns, a headteacher from Derbyshire. She was ________ in Bali underwater when she saw one of the island’s famous ________. It approached towards her in the crystal clear water, and she was ________ at first-until she saw the plastic bag in its mouth. She just thought the human was having a destroying ________ on the environment.

She set up anti-litter social media account to ________ awareness of the damage caused by ________ pollution. She regularly picks litter around her neighbourhood. “She’s done amazing work keeping the area clean, tidy and beautiful,” says her friend.

Cairns keeps a litter-picker in her car, and will frequently ________ on the way back from work to clean something up. When running, Cairns carries a ________ litter-picker in her backpack, and picks up rubbish on her cool-down walk.

“Some people don’t ________ things. There’s no value in a plastic bag, so they ________ it away, not into the bin but on the earth somewhere. It means they are doing it when people aren’t ________, as they know it’s unacceptable.”

When she collects plastic bottles and carrier bags, it feels like a small act of care: this bag will not end up ________ a turtle’s mouth. It is a(an)________ small act in the scheme of things, but it’s something.

Cairns makes a ________ to her surroundings. She has been litter-picking in the ________ near her house. “It’s so beautiful. You get a different perspective being on the water.” she says.

A.cheer upB.give awayC.pull overD.break down
2023-11-11更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省2023-2024学年高二上学期10月适应性联考英语试题(一)
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Small eco-friendly(利于环保的) decisions can add up to make a huge difference to our planet. Being eco-friendly doesn’t need to empty your wallet when you travel.     1    

Make flights a little greener if you need to take a flight for a trip. Do you know flying first class can be more than five times as heavy on carbon per person as flying economy class, according to studies? Why not fly economy class?    2    Therefore, you cut down on the weight of the airplane and save fuel and baggage charges.

    3     If possible, choose the train instead of a flight. Those travelers who seek to reduce carbon emissions should seriously consider rail travel, especially for long distances.

Eat and drink locally. Step away from Starbucks and McDonald’s and seek out the best in local produce. Jonathan Engels, from Green Global Travel, recommends seeking out traditional local dishes rather than imported stuff to recreate the same unhealthy food we try to avoid at home.

    4    If you choose a vegetarian diet, it is even better.

Do not disturb. One of the simplest ways you can help the environment is by hanging up a “Do not disturb” sign on your door.     5    You save the electricity needed to vacuum(用吸尘器打扫),and the water needed to wash sheets and clean bathrooms, not to mention the harmful chemicals used in the cleaning process. Best of all, some hotel chains reward you for choosing not to have your room cleaned.

A.Slow down your travels.
B.Plan how to travel in advance.
C.It means you can conserve energy.
D.Have an enjoyable meal with friends or family.
E.You can also help by packing as light as possible.
F.Here are some easy tips to make a difference on holiday.
G.Street food is always a cheap way to experience the best a region offers.
2023-05-07更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市2022-2023学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(A卷)
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Helping the environment and protecting our resources are very important activities.     1     There are several ways that you can help protect this planet we call home.

Use reusable bags. Plastic bags that get thrown out end up in landfills or in other parts of the environment.     2     Also, it takes decades for the bags to decompose (分解). Therefore, whether you are shopping for food, clothes or books, use a reusable bag. This cuts down on litter and prevents animals from getting hold of them.

Use reusable drink containers. Instead of buying individually packaged drinks, consider buying a reusable water bottle.     3     A lot of coffee shops, Starbucks, for example, even offer a discount to customers who use a reusable container for their drinks.

Save electricity. Use energy-efficient light bulbs (灯泡) instead of regular bulbs. They last longer, which will save you a bit of money. What’s more, make sure you turn off lights, the TV, and other devices when you are not using them. Turn off your air conditioning or heat when it’s not necessary.     4     Open your windows in the early fall or put on more clothes in the early winter.

Save water. More water is wasted than we realize. Turn off the water tap when you are brushing your teeth. Don’t turn your shower on until you’re ready to get in and wash your hair. Limit your water usage as you wash dishes.     5    

A.This is especially true as the seasons change.
B.And students without doubt can make a difference.
C.They last longer, which will save you a bit of money.
D.Everyone should take measures to fight against the water pollution.
E.These can kill animals who get stuck in them or mistake them for food.
F.Not only will this help protect the environment, but help you save money.
G.Developing these habits will be good for both the environment and your wallet.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Carbon dioxide emissions from transportation are now thought as the top source of green-house gases. One of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to reconsider how much, and how often, you travel.

Going car free for a year could save about 2. 6 tons of carbon dioxide, according to a study from the University of British Columbia. How can you stop using a car? Try taking a train, bus or better yet, riding a bike.

But let’s be realistic. You will likely need to use a car this year. So, when you do, here are some tips to make your trip more climate-friendly. Driving efficiently can help to reduce emissions. Go easy on the gas and brakes and drive like you have an egg under your foot. Regularly service your car to keep it more efficient. Keeping your tires pumped correctly can re-duce emissions. Low tire pressure will hurt your fuel economy. Air conditioning and frequent city driving can make emissions go up. So cut down on these as often as possible. Use cruise control (定速巡航) on long drives-in most cases, this can help to save gas. Don’t weigh your car down with extra things that you don’t need on your trip.

Fly often? Taking one fewer long round-trip flight could reduce your personal carbon footprint significantly. If you use public transportation often and fly less, your carbon foot-print might still be relatively sustainable, but if you drive and fly a lot, your emissions will be sigher. If you can’t avoid flying, you can offset them by donating money to sustainable proacts, such as supplying efficient stoves to rural homes, or projects which help farmers deal with crop waste environmentally.

1. What does the author think of going car free?
2. Which can be adopted to save fuel of your car?
A.Maintaining your car properly.B.Using cruise control in the city.
C.Stepping hard on the gas and brakes.D.Geiting rid of all the necessary loads.
3. What does the underlined word “offset” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Make up for.B.Team up with.C.Set foot in.D.Put up with.
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.How to save fuel when driving carsB.How to reduce your carbon footprint
C.Reduce carbon footprint by all meansD.Lower carbon footprint in transportation
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Different ways have been applied to dealing with waste paper, specifically used newspapers. Some people put them in the recycling area, while others keep them as wrappers (包装纸). While these are both good measures, a Japanese publishing company had a better idea for their end use.

The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd. invented the “Green Newspaper”, which allows people to grow plants with it. This unique newspaper was published on Greenery Day, which is focused on environmental news and made of green paper with seeds placed into it. What makes it even more special is the ink (油墨) used to print words and photos, which is made from plants. The publisher advises readers to tear the used newspaper into small pieces and plant them in a container with soil. They should water them, like they would do for any plant. Within a few weeks, the seeds will grow into plants.

This brilliant concept was invented by Dentsu Inc., one of Japan’s most famous advertising companies, which works with the publishing company on the initiative (倡议). The publisher’s belief is environmental sustainability (持续性). As its mission statement says, “The Mainichi doesn’t take action only through information, but also by solving global issues.” With joint efforts, this initiative has reached the corners of Japan and sold around millions of copies daily. Other such initiatives producing plantable paper are also seen in India and the US.

About 95 million trees are lost for producing newspapers every year. The Internet, the number of whose users stands for 62.5 percent of the population worldwide, has influenced how people read news and the print readership has dropped greatly. However, the reinvention and reimagination of this newspaper will bring about a change in the publishing industry as well as having an environmental influence.

1. Why was the Green Newspaper invented?
A.To get newspapers cheaper.B.To make the most of waste paper.
C.To improve the printing.D.To advertise the publishing company.
2. What can be learned about the “Green Newspaper”?
A.It uses high-tech materials.B.It provides energy for seeds.
C.It’s printed with plant-based ink.D.It’s published to celebrate Greenery Day.
3. What message does the publisher’s mission statement convey?
A.It’s easier said than done.B.Everything comes to one who waits.
C.Many hands make light work.D.Actions speak louder than words.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.About 59 million trees are lost for producing newspapers.
B.The Internet has changed the way people read news totally.
C.The popularity of the Internet leads to the fall of the print readership.
D.The “Green Newspaper” will encourage more people to protect the environment.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Five years ago, we cut nearly every single tree across 19 acres here, piled and burned the branches and left the trunks where they lay. The goal was to restore one of the Ozarks’ rarest ecosystems, a type of dry and rocky grassland.

Logging down trees to bring back grass may seem puzzling in a time of climate change, as forest conservation and tree planting have become popular ways to keep carbon out of the atmosphere. But it is exactly what we should do in some parts of the Southeast. The climate and biodiversity crises are problems to be solved together. We can’t afford to rob biodiversity to pay for the climate. And grasslands are surprisingly good at pulling carbon out of the atmosphere. A single sunflower might not be the carbon grab that an oak tree is, but grass’s deep root systems store the element deep underground, where it can take hundreds or thousands of years to return to the atmosphere.

For the past century, the commonly held belief was that forests once covered most of the region from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. But we now know that’s not true. Much of the Southeast was a string of large and small grassland ecosystems with enormous biodiversity. All of these unique grasslands are under threat, but not all by tree invasion. The few remaining grasslands in Arkansas are being converted to grow rice, Virginia grasslands are being flattened by housing developers, and low-lying coastal grassy plain is facing sea-level rise. Because grasslands are so easily navigated (导航) and settled, they may be the most threatened ecosystems in the world.

And it’s obvious that everywhere, grasslands remain undervalued. Many conservation organizations working in the Southeast are still focused on tree planting and preserving existing forests. The Nature Conservancy’s Cumberland Forest Project covers 253, 000 acres of land in Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia, part of an effort to store carbon and create continuous habitats for species migration during climate change. In fact, recent laws are beginning to lead us in the right direction.

1. Why were the trees cut down in Ozarks?
A.To take in more carbon.B.To regain its grassland.
C.To create a new ecosystem.D.To deal with climate change.
2. What is paragraph 3 of the text mainly about?
A.The reasons for grasslands reduction.B.The purpose of cutting down trees.
C.The changes of ecosystems.D.The result of tree invasion.
3. What is presented about grasslands in the Southeast?
A.Grasslands are greatly valued.B.Carbon can be broken down by grasslands.
C.Forests took up more region than grasslands.D.All the grasslands are not threatened by trees.
4. What might the author continue talking about?
A.The importance of grasslands.B.The influence of planting trees.
C.The measures of restoring grasslands.D.The present situation of the Southeast.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定你是李华,上周六你校在图书馆举办了一场学生英语演讲比赛,主题为“是否应该进行海洋探索”。现在请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1.写作词数应为80 左右;

An English Speech Contest on Ocean Exploration

阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . With greater climate catastrophe (气候突变) on Earth, it is natural for us to make every effort to stop the potential floods, snowstorms, and alarming reports from scientists. For many of us (myself included), part of that means running out to buy reusable straws, organic cleaners, and packaging-free products.

However, before you rejoice in “green” purchases, take a second to consider the results of a new study from Arizona University. By comparing the shopping habits, mental health and environmental impact of young people, the researchers reaffirmed a principle: Buying less beats buying “green” stuff without effort. And that is true whether you are looking at the impact that your purchases have on the Earth or on your own happiness.

It should not come as a shock that simply consuming less is better for the planet. After all, every new item a factory yields requires some resources to produce. Take plastic bag bans for instance. If your city is getting rid of single-use shopping bags, it can be tempting to pay for a fashionable organic cotton bag hanging in the check-out line of your local supermarket. However, experts insist that growing cotton is actually no better for the Earth than producing the conventional plastic bags. Your best bet for carrying your groceries if you care about sustainability? Any bag you already own. This is true of many kinds of “green” products.

It is not just the Earth that will be happier if you buy less. You will feel more contented too, according to the new study. “People believe that they might well be self-satisfied about becoming environmentally conscious through green buying patterns, but it doesn't seem to be that way”, said the lead researcher Sabrina Helm. “Reduced consumption has effects on increased well-being and decreased psychological distress, but we don't see that with green consumption.”

“Owning every new green product on the market might make you feel contented, but if you relieve yourself of that burden of ownership, most people report feeling a lot better,” said Helm.

1. Why does the writer mention green shopping habits?
A.To call on a green lifestyle.B.To praise people's green efforts.
C.To introduce a social trend.D.To present a half true “green truth”.
2. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.The plastic bag bans are of no effect.
B.Using any bag you have is the best bet.
C.Reduced consumption is better for the Earth.
D.Growing cotton is actually far worse for the Earth.
3. What does the underlined “that” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The sense of achievement.B.The sense of happiness.
C.Psychological pressure.D.Environmental awareness.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Less is MoreB.The Greener, The Happier
C.Happiness GuaranteeD.What Are Really Green Products?
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Dongying city in China’s Shandong Province has witnessed(目睹) ecological improvements in the Yellow River Delta, thanks to various    1    (effect) measures to improve wetland restoration and protection.

Years ago, the wetlands there    2    (threaten) due to less water from the river and other factors.    3    (protect) the wetlands ecosystem, the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve was established in 1992. Since then, the city    4    (carry) out several management projects and restored the biotic(生物) population in the zone.

Dongying has been adopting a comprehensive wetlands restoration model by giving high     5    (prior) to protecting the nature reserve and letting nature restore     6    (it). Over the past three years, it’s transferred(转运) 469 million cubic meters of water to the nature reserve,    7    has recovered the ecological functions of the wetlands there.

Last year, Dongying built a real-time monitoring network for bird species at the nature reserve, which helps ensure that birds are free    8    disturbance of human activity and puts the habitats of cranes and other species under key protection. As a result, the nature reserve has seen    9    obvious increase in the variety and number of bird species. Home to 371 bird species, it’s become an important stop, wintering ground and breeding place for migratory birds. Dongying is currently working to build the Yellow River Estuary National Park, which will cover 3,523 square kilometers,    10    (include) land area and sea area, to explore pathways for the protection of Delta ecology.

2023-05-04更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省烟台市2022-2023学年高二下学期期中学业水平诊断英语试题
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