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1 . Drive through any suburb in the U. S. today, and it’s hard to miss the recycling bins that have become companions to America’s trash cans. Recycling has become common, as people recognize the need to care for the environment. Yet most people’s recycling awareness extends (延伸) only as far as paper, bottle, and cans. People seldom find themselves facing the growing problem of e-waste.

E-waste rapidly increases as the techno-fashionable frequently upgrade to the most advanced devices, and the majority of them end up in landfills (填埋). Some people who track such wastes say that users throw away nearly 2 million tons of TVs, VCRs, computers, cell phones, and other electronics every year. Unless we can find a safe replacement (替代品), this e-waste may get into the ground and poison the water with dangerous toxins (霉素), such as lead, mercury, and arsenic. Burning the waste also dangerously contaminates the air.

However, e-waste often contains reusable silver, gold, and other electrical materials. Recycling these materials reduces environmental problems by reducing both landfill waste and the need to look for such metals, which can destroy ecosystems.

A growing number of states have passed laws to ban (禁止) getting rid of e-waste. Still, less than a quarter of this waste will reach lawful recycling programs. Some companies advertising safe disposal (处理) in fact merely ship the waste to some developing countries, where it still ends up in landfills. These organizations prevent progress by unsafely disposing of waste in an out-of-sight, out-of-mind location.

However, the small but growing number of cities and corporations that do handle e-waste responsibly represents progress toward making the world a cleaner, better place for us all.

1. What can we know from the first paragraph?
A.E-waste cannot be put into trash cans in the U. S.
B.Many Americans now have access to recycling bins.
C.Most Americans have realized the dangers of e-waste.
D.Most of America’s trash cans are made of recycled material.
2. Which can best replace the underlined word “contaminates” in Paragraph 2?
3. What can we learn according to paragraph 4?
A.Much e-waste is still not properly handled.
B.Some developing countries welcome e-waste.
C.Laws have played a major role in getting rid of e-waste.
D.The e-waste buried in the landfills won’t destroy ecosystem.
4. What’s the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.To tell us how to recycle &waste.
B.To talk about the future of e-waste.
C.To discuss if it’s necessary to, recycle e-waste.
D.To encourage people to deal with e-waste properly.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When Abdus Salam looks across the garbage-filled river near his home in one of the major clothing producing districts in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, he remembers a time before the factories moved in. “When I was young there were no clothing factories here. We used to catch fish in the river,” he said. The river beside him is now black like ink. Waste from nearby clothing factories has polluted the water.

Fashion is responsible for up to one-fifth of industrial water pollution, thanks in part to weak management and enforcement in producer countries like Bangladesh, the world’s second biggest clothing producing country, where wastewater is commonly discharged directly into rivers and streams. The wastewater not only hurts the environment, but pollutes drinking water sources.

Once in waterways, poisonous chemicals from dyes (染料) build up to the point where light is prevented from coming through the surface, reducing plants’ ability to photosynthesize (进行光合作用). This lowers oxygen levels in the water, killing plants and animals. These chemicals and heavy metals can also build up in the body, increasing the risk of serious illnesses and skin problems. What’s worse, chemical-rich water is also used to water crops, with one recent study finding that dyes were present in vegetables and fruit grown aiound Savaz, just north of Dhaka.

Luckily, change is coming. In Bangladesh, there are signs clothing producers are taking environmental responsibility more seriously, with brands committing to initiatives, such as the Partnership for Cleaner Textile, that tackle water, energy and chemical use in the industry. Shahab Uddin of Bangladesh’s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change said a range of measures were being taken to address pollution, including updating conservation and environmental laws, giving fines to polluters, setting up centralized treatment plants, and working with international development partners to improve wastewater treatment. And under a new environmental policy called Zero Liquid Discharge, dyeing, finishing and washing industries must submit a time-bound plan to reduce, recycle and reuse wastewater.

“There is definitely room for further improvement. These challenges cannot be solved overnight,” Uddin added.

1. What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To blame clothing factories for river pollution.
B.To introduce Bangladesh’s clothing industry.
C.To call for the closure of clothing factories.
D.To recall the good old days in Dhaka.
2. What can we say about Bangladesh?
A.It is the biggest clothing producing country.
B.It causes 20% of the world’ s water pollution.
C.It suffers from serious drinking water shortages.
D.It has poor control over wastewater discharge.
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The difficulty of dealing with poisonous chemicals in waterways.
B.The chemicals from dyes negatively affecting photosynthesis.
C.The damaging effects of wastewater from the fashion industry.
D.The way to remove harmful chemicals from the food chain.
4. What does Zero Liquid Discharge require the clothing industry to do?
A.Establish centralized treatment plants.
B.Set a deadline for tackling wastewater.
C.Pay high fines for discharging wastewater.
D.Join international groups to treat wastewater.
2023-12-19更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省通化市梅河口市第五中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . As newer, more advanced technologies come out, huge amounts of electronics (电子产品) are thrown away, instead of being reused. These goods often end up in landfills, where the chemicals inside them may be a danger to the environment. Electronics can contain harmful materials. If these materials get into the ground or water, the pollution can cause serious problems. Most electronics require metals. These metals must be mined from the Earth. Often the mining process creates serious pollution.

A group known as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Forum is trying to make people more aware of the problems of e-waste. Recently, the WEEE Forum asked researchers from the United Nations (UN) to study a kind of e-waste that’s often not noticed because people don’t consider the goods to be electronics. The WEEE Forum calls this kind “unable-to-be-seen” e-waste.

The UN study shows that about 1/6 of all e-waste is “unable-to-be-seen”. Though it’s “unable-to-be-seen”, it’s certainly not a small amount. The “unable-to-be-seen” e-waste weighs about 9 billion kilograms. The WEEE Forum says that if this e-waste were put into 40-ton trucks and the trucks were then lined up, the line of trucks would be about 5,630 kilometers long.

The surprising kind leading the “unable-to-be-seen” e-waste group was toys. Worldwide, roughly 7.3 billion electronic toys are thrown away each year. These include goods like car racing sets, electric trains, and musical toys. They also include toys with electronic parts, like dolls that speak or games with electronic timers. In all, toys make up about 35% of “unable-to-be-seen” e-waste. But the problem is far larger than just toys. The report also shows that other everyday goods like home alarms, smoke alarms, power tools, and computer cables (电缆) are also big sources of “unable-to-be-seen” e-waste.

The WEEE Forum is hoping that as more people and governments become aware of e-waste, they will make a much greater effort to make sure electronics get reused.

1. What is paragraph 1 mainly about?
A.The amount of electronics.B.The development of electronics.
C.The ways of reusing electronics.D.The pollution of electronics.
2. What causes some e-waste often unnoticed?
A.People’s interest in electronics’ character.
B.People’s impression on electronics’ package.
C.People’s misunderstanding of electronics.
D.People’s struggle to adapt to electronics.
3. How does the author support his viewpoint in paragraph 3?
A.By showing numbers.B.By providing examples.
C.By making a summary.D.By making a comparison,
4. Which of the following is the WEEE Forum’s solution to e-waste?
A.Designing advanced electronics.B.Making electronics get reused.
C.Stopping giving away electronics.D.Reducing electronics’ production.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Levi Draheim, 11 years old, and 20 other young people have accused(控告)the us encouraging the climate change. For more than a century, human activities have been increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That has caused a host of effects globally, from changes in weather to ice melting at the poles.

Levi lives in Satellite Beach,Fla. He once had to leave his home because of strong storms. He rains flooded the town’s streets. And he had trouble breathing during red tides, which can develop wt harmful ocean algae(海藻)grow out of control.

Climate change is making these events more frequent. Levi and his family also have another climate-change-related problem. Sea level is rising. “If climate change worsens, the island that I live or will be gone,” he explained.

The young people say the US government allowed the use of fossil fuels(矿物燃料). Burning those fuels gives off greenhouse gases, driving climate change. The youths want the government to solve the problem of pollution. So they took the government to court in 2015.

The case has had several hold-ups. In the beginning, the government asked the trial court(初审法庭) to refuse to accept the case. The court didn’t do that. Then they turned to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. That court said the case could go ahead, and the Supreme Court agreed. Both sides did work to get ready for trial. But the government again tried to get the case thrown out without a trial.

Finally, trial was set to start on October 29, 2018. But on October 19; the US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts told the trial court to hold up. The youths’ lawyers objected. On November 2, the Supreme Court finally agreed that the trial could go forward. Right now, it is hard to say when that what happen.

1. What does the underlined word “That” in Paragraph 1 refers to?
A.The increasing amount of greenhouse gases.
B.The time of human activities.
C.Harmful ocean algae.
D.Climate change.
2. Levi thinks that climate change        .
A.makes his family poorer
B.is less valued by common people.
C.will force his family to move again
D.is the direct cause of his sufferings in life.
3. According to Levi,the US government        .
A.should provide people with places to live during storms.
B.encourages human activities driving climate change.
C.should stop the growth of the harmful ocean algae.
D.fails to improve people’s living conditions.
2023-10-05更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市东北师范大学附属实验学校2022-2023学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . It’s no secret that inhaling (吸入) smoke is bad for your lungs. But now, scientists are suggesting smoke may also carry and spread infectious diseases. The theory, published in Science Magazine, is based on research that found wildfire smoke is crowded with thousands of species of microorganisms. Some of these microorganisms, including bacteria and fungal spores, are known to cause disease.

The new research suggests that when a wildfire burns plant or animal matter and disturbs soils, it exposes thousands of species of bacteria and fungi that otherwise might not easily become airborne (空气传播的). You might think the high heat from fire would kill these organisms, but one study mentioned in the article found that some bacteria even multiply post-fire. Scientists say the organisms attach to smoke particles, allowing them to travel thousands of miles across continents.

Dr. Peter Chen, director of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, is interested in the theory but somewhat skeptical that the microorganisms in smoke would actually cause infections. Many bacteria and fungi don’t cause lung infections, says Chen, but it’s certainly possible that a significant amount could worsen symptoms in someone with a preexisting lung condition. “I always thought it was the particles in smoke that were causing these issues,” says Chen. “But when I read this, I started thinking: Could it be the microorganisms that are also worsening existing illnesses?”

Whether the microorganisms in smoke actually cause infection or simply worsen potential respiratory (呼吸的) issues, the article raises a new health threat that is “certainly alarming”, says Kelsey Jack, an associate professor of environmental and development economics. This is especially true for lower-income populations, Jack says, because people with fewer means are often more exposed to the environment. If smoke is affecting the air quality in a certain area, the people who work outside, or who have to go to the office on foot or by bike will inhale more smoke than those who drive.

But until more research is done, Chen says the best thing people can do is just follow existing recommendations when air quality is poor—including staying indoors, keeping windows and doors closed, using HEPA filters and running air conditioning.

1. What can we know about the microorganisms from paragraph 2?
A.They could be killed by high heat.
B.They could reproduce in large numbers after fires.
C.They could possibly travel through air by themselves.
D.They can easily attach themselves to smoke particles.
2. How do most microorganisms affect people according to Dr. Peter Chen?
A.They might worsen lung diseases.B.They will cause lung infections.
C.They will destroy living environments.D.They might damage respiratory systems.
3. Why are low-income people suffering more than others?
A.They live in poor areas.
B.They drive to and from work.
C.They have suffered from lung disease.
D.They are exposed to polluted air more frequently.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Results of the new research.
B.Suggestions on dealing with poor air quality.
C.Disagreements between the author and Chen.
D.Benefits of preventing smoke from polluting the air.
2023-06-14更新 | 182次组卷 | 5卷引用:吉林省东北师大附中、长春十一高中、吉林一中、四平一中、松原实验中学五校2021届高三联合模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 容易(0.94) |

6 . Hundreds of years ago, life was harder than it is today. People didn't have modern machines.

Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution to all living things in the world.

Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog.

Many countries are making rules to fight against pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, and they mustn't let dirty smoke go into the air.

We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and do not throw them on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution.

Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight against pollution.

1. Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today because_________
A.there were many problemsB.there were too many people
C.there were wars now and thenD.there were no modern machines.
2. The most serious kind of pollution is________
A.noise pollutionB.water pollutionC.air pollutionD.waste things
3. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The air.B.The city.C.The quilt.D.The smog.
4. To fight against the pollution, we must_________
A.clean water after it is thrown awayB.throw waste things in the dustbin
C.let dirty smoke go into the airD.encourage more people to drive to work
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The coronavirus pandemic(新冠疫情)has brought with it the rise of a new kind of single-use plastic in the form of personal protective equipment (PPE), like face masks and gloves. Experts warned that these sharply increasing single-use items could cause a new wave of plastic pollution and kill wildlife.

The charity Ocean Conservancy reported that volunteers had collected more than 100,000 PPE items from coasts and waterways during the last six months of 2020. They sent out a survey to more than 200 International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) coordinators and volunteers asking about their experience with PPE. The results show that it is a real problem. Volunteers collected 107,219 pieces of PPE in 70 of 115 participating countries. Of those surveyed, 94% reported seeing PPE at a cleanup, and 40% found five items or more. Further, 37% found the items had already sunk into the water.

“During one of our clean-ups in the canals of Leiden, our volunteers found a latex(乳胶)glove with a dead fish trapped in the thumb,” said Auke-Florian Hiemstra, a study coauthor from Leiden University. “Also, in the Dutch canals, we observed that a water bird was using face masks and gloves in its nests.” Other animals that have gotten tangled up in face masks include a fox in the UK, a pufferfish in Florida, and two crabs in France. Numerous dogs and cats have been observed eating PPE as well.

The danger posed by PPE goes deeper than what the eye can see. Luckily, there are ways that all of us can be part of the solution to the problem of PPE pollution. Hiemstra suggested using reusable PPE instead of single-use products. In that case, we should deal with them properly by cutting the ear loops to prevent animal entanglements(缠绕物)and throwing them away in a bin that is not overstuffed. “We definitely think it is important for citizens to understand how much PPE is ending up in the environment and impacting animals,” Hiemstra said.

1. What problem did experts mention in paragraph 1?
A.The decline of wildlife due to overhunting.
B.The shortage of personal protective equipment.
C.The plastic pollution caused by anti-pandemic products.
D.The increasing number of coronavirus patients.
2. What do the numbers in paragraph 2 mainly show?
A.The leading cause of ocean pollution.
B.Volunteers’ great efforts to protect the ocean.
C.The large amount of PPE in the environment.
D.Difficulties of cleaning up plastic waste in the ocean.
3. What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.PPE pollution has threatened many animals’ lives.
B.Litter makes it hard for boats to pass through the canals.
C.Water birds may not be affected by plastic pollution.
D.PPE is attractive to dogs and cats due to its smell.
4. What is Hiemstra’s suggestion for reducing PPE pollution?
A.Limiting the production of non-recyclable plastic.
B.Cleaning the rubbish bin regularly.
C.Raising the price of PPE items.
D.Replacing single-use products with reusable ones.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A Plastic Ocean is a film to make you think.Think,and then act.We need to take action on our dependence on plastic.We’ve been producing plastic in huge quantities.Drinking bottles,shopping bags and even clothes are made with plastic.    1     What happens to all the rest?This is the question the film A Plastic Ocean answers.

The film begins as a journey to film the largest animal on the planet,the blue whale.But during the journey the filmmakers make the shocking discovery of a huge,thick layer of plastic floating in the Indian Ocean.    2     In total,they visited 20 locations around the world during the four years to make the film.

In the film there are beautiful shots of the seas and marine life.    3     We see how marine species are being killed by all the plastic we are dumping in the ocean.The message about our use of plastic is painfully obvious.

    4     In the second half,the filmmakers look at what we can do to deal with the problem.

They present short-term and long-term solutions.These include avoiding plastic containers and recycling as much as you can.The filmmakers also stress the need for governments to work more on recycling programmes.

We make a shocking amount of plastic.Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year,and at least 8 million of those are dumped into the oceans.The results are disastrous,but it isn’t too late to change.    5    

A.This causes them to travel around the world to look at other affected areas.
B.Once you’ve seen the film,you’ll realize it is time to do our part.
C.It has raised public concern all over the world.
D.We live in a world full of plastic,and only a small amount is recycled.
E.But the film doesn’t only present the negative side.
F.In conclusion,we only have one earth to live on.
G.These are contrasted with dumps of plastic rubbish.
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . As Plastic Chokes the Ocean, Technology Can Help

Some 8 million tons of non-recyclable (不可回收的) plastic end up in the ocean each year. At an alarming rate, the seas may have more plastic than fish by the middle of the century.     1    

Require a global solution to a global problem.     2     The developed countries and most of developing countries show their leadership in this process by setting goals, encouraging other member states, and offering support for poor countries.

    3     Although they are helpful to protect clean water and air, as it is known, non-recyclable plastic is widely used in the markets. Therefore, non-recyclable plastic still can be bought in our daily life. Its disappearance needs much more time and efforts.

Pay more attention to the new studies on plastic and technologies. Some of researchers are aiming to make replacements for plastic.     4     For example, “interceptors” can remove river pollution before it reaches the ocean.

Expect more responsibility from manufacturers.     5     As a start, they should be encouraged to simplify complex packaging. And their working with world governments will support poorer nations to improve waste collection and landfill (垃圾场) management.

The world doesn’t have enough time in trying to solve the problem. The sooner these efforts start, the better.

A.Strengthen the connection between countries.
B.Others are doing more research on new technologies.
C.Nearly 200 countries agreed to ban plastic pollution.
D.Establish production limits for non-recyclable plastic.
E.They should care about different laws on plastic in the poorer countries.
F.They are well aware of how to reduce the harms their products cause.
G.Thus it’s necessary to take immediate action to stop that.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . A handful of old mobile phones lay in a grey bucket. These outdated devices, which are about to be chopped into thousands of pieces, will be given a second life as recycled e-waste. But many phones won't.

According to the latest estimates, the world gets rid of approximately 50 million tonnes of waste annually. E-waste is full of dangerous materials that can cause damage to human health and the environment if not managed properly. But only 20 percent of global e-waste is recycled.The rest ends up in landfill, or burned—or is not recycled at all.

And yet,Switzerland is a good example of how to deal with the growing environmental issue. The country collects and recycles roughly 7S percent of this discarded material. This is thanks to a strong voluntary take-back system, where consumers can take e-waste to a reclining collection point or any electronic shop retailer(零售商). A recycling station can be found within at most 300 meters from any residential area. Everyone gets involved. Switzerland's e-waste system is unique and can't be easily copied-due to a strong recycling culture within the country.

However, Switzerland faces the same global challenges as every nation.The built-in lithium batteries(锂电池)aren't easy to take out. The only way to remove these potentially dangerous components is with a bar and hammer. This poses a significant risk to those handling the goods. As such, producers need to be more transparent(信息透明的) and show more clearly where the harmful substances are, and how they can be removed.

Once the battery is removed, e-waste is sorted into different component parts—-metals, plastics and other materials. Roughly 70 percent of the device can be recycled. The material that cannot be recycled is used for other purposes like construction material or is burned to generate energy. Mobile phones—from a material perspective (角度), from a value perspective,and also from an environmental impact perspective -are very important.

For the past 15 years, Switzerland has been actively encouraging and supporting electrical waste disposal practices. They are happy to share their knowledge, experience, lessons learned, and they are happy if other people pick up on it.

1. What can we know about the global e-waste?
A.Only 20% of the e-waste is useful.
B.It is becoming an environmental problem.
C.Most of it has been given a second life.
D.It has been the major cause of pollution.
2. what can we inferred about the"take-back"system in Switzerland?
A.It is unique and easy to copy.
B.It features many devoted volunteers.
C.It gains great support and understanding.
D.It is complicated and not easily accessible.
3. To help recycle e-waste, what are mobile phone producers advised to do?
A.Remove harmful substances.
B.Use less dangerous components.
C.Offer customers free bars and hammers.
D.Help make the removal easier and safer.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.How to fight against e-waste.
B.Why E-waste gets out of control.
C.How to be champion of recycling.
D.How to lead an Eco-friendly lifestyle.
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