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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲LED 灯背后的蓝光污染。

1 . A new analysis of photographs from the International Space Station has identified a shift in the kind of lighting technologies that European countries are using at night to brighten streets and buildings. Researchers have found that the old warm high-pressure street lights are rapidly being replaced by cooler LED lights. The University of Exeter study, published in Science Advances, claimed that “this phenomenon is widely increasing the risk of harmful effects to ecosystems”.

LED lighting was promoted as being intended to reduce emissions, but its usage has raised energy consumption. One explanation of this is that the increase in power efficiency and the associated decrease in economic cost have driven increased demand for lighting, therefore, any efficiency gains have been counteracted by increased consumption of light.

The study also claimed that previous research into the effects of light pollution have underestimated the impacts of blue light radiation. Chief among the health consequences of blue light is its ability to reduce the production of melatonin(褪黑素)that regulates sleep patterns in humans and other organisms. Scientific studies have warned that increased exposure to artificial blue light can worsen people’s sleeping habits.

The increase in blue light radiation in Europe has also reduced the visibility of stars in the night sky, which may have impacts on people’s sense of nature. Blue light can also alter the behavioral patterns of animals including bats and moths, as it can change their movements towards or away from light sources.

David Smith, of the conservation charity Buglife, said, “Light pollution can dramatically impact animals. We should consider light from a wider biological perspective than that of just humans and focus on better quality lighting that is harmonious with our natural world. Better quality and lower levels of lighting would help save energy, and lower financial costs, while also making our environment safer for living beings. Authorities can dim the lights during night hours, and change the bandwidths(带宽值)of their LED bulbs to produce less harmful blue light.”

1. What is the phenomenon described in paragraph 1?
A.The rising demand for public lighting.
B.The increasing use of LED lights.
C.Old street lights producing lots of emissions.
D.Artificial lights at night wasting much energy.
2. What does the underlined word “counteracted” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. In which aspect are people influenced by blue lights?
A.Sleep patterns.B.Eyesight.
C.Learning ability.D.Social behaviors.
4. Why does the author mention David Smith?
A.To stress the importance of saving energy.
B.To persuade authorities to avoid using LED lights.
C.To show ways of improving the quality of LED bulbs.
D.To provide suggestions on reducing light pollution.
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2 . Plastic is everywhere. A lot of it ends up in the ocean. Most plastics in the ocean break up into very small particles called “micro-plastics”—less than five millimeters in length or about the size of a sesame (芝麻) seed. It is the most common type of marine debris (垃圾) found in the ocean. Plastic debris can come in all shapes and sizes and be harmful to our ocean and water life.

Micro-plastics come from various sources, including larger plastic debris that degrades into smaller pieces. In addition, micro-beads, a type of smaller micro-plastic, are very tiny pieces of manufactured polyethylene (聚乙烯) plastic added as exfoliants (去角质剂) to health and beauty products,like toothpastes. These tiny particles easily pass through water systems and end up in the ocean, posing a potential threat to water life. What is worse, these micro-beads or plastic particles in the marine environment are eaten by plankton (浮游生物),which are then eaten by fish. They continue to work their way up the food chain until they reach our dinner plates.

New research has shown that household dust is a more likely source of micro-plastics. According to researchers,114 pieces of micro-plastic settle on a dinner plate during the 20-minute duration of a meal. adding up to anywhere between 13,000 and 68,000pieces per year. And when you breathe in air, you could be breathing in the microscopic plastic particles as well.

How about drinking water? The non-profit journalism organization Orb Media tested 259 bottles of water bought from 9 different countries. The tests found that there was an average of 10. 4 plastic particles (0. 1 millimeters or larger) per liter of water. That level of micro-plastics in bottled water was double the level found in tap water. The findings suggest if you drink one liter of bottled water per day, you could be consuming tens of thousands of micro-plastic particles each year.

It is apparent that the problem of micro-plastics is still a huge one.

1. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A science lecture.B.A tourism brochure.
C.A wildlife website.D.A water advertisement.
2. Why did the author mention sesame seed in Paragraph One?
A.To state micro-plastics are eatable.B.To show micro-plastics are common.
C.To prove micro-plastics are small.D.To explain micro-plastics are light.
3. How does the plastic get into humans’ body?
A.Plastic debris→ health products →plankton →micro-beads →fish →humans’ body
B.Plastic debris →health products →plankton →fish →micro-beads →humans’ body
C.Plastic debris →micro -beads →health products →plankton →fish →humans’ body
D.Plastic debris →micro-beads →health products →fish →plankton →humans’ body
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.The Harmful Effects of Micro-plasticsB.The Development of Plastics
C.The Polluted Drinking WaterD.The Measures to Protect the Oceans
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3 . The tradition of giving gifts didn’t start with the modern holidays we celebrate. Many ancient cultures celebrated holidays with the exchange of gifts. People who love to give gifts often can’t wait until it’s time for the recipients to open their gifts. If you’ve ever been given a gift, you know that part of the fun is the curiosity that builds as you wonder what the gift is.

The wish to hide the identity of a gift until just the right moment led people to wrap gifts long, long ago. Historians believed wrapping gifts in paper probably started not long after paper was invented thousands of years ago.

Wrapping paper like what we use today, though, is a much more recent invention. More than 100 years ago, gifts were usually wrapped in heavy brown paper. Before that, cloth was often used. The technology to mass-produce wrapping paper didn’t come along until the early 1900s. The first American gift wrap company— Hy-Sill Manufacturing Inc. — was founded by Eli Hyman and Morris Silverman in 1903. It wasn’t as easy to wrap presents back then as it is today, though, because adhesive tape (胶带) wasn’t invented until 1930.

Over the years, wrapping paper has developed into what we see in stores each holiday season. But scientists say that the United States alone produces an extra 5 million tons of waste over the holidays, most of which is from wrapping paper and shopping bags. To cut down on this waste, some people carefully unwrap presents, so that the wrapping paper can be reused. Others have started to use reusable gift bags instead of wrapping paper.

1. What is the interesting part of people giving a gift?
A.Hiding their gifts and their feelings.
B.Giving the recipients a surprise.
C.Letting the recipients open gifts at once.
D.Following a century-old tradition.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.People didn’t know wrapping paper until 1903.
B.Heavy brown paper has been used to wrap gifts for 100 years.
C.Technology made wrapping paper widely available.
D.Adhesive tape was first created by gift wrap companies.
3. What do scientists worry about?
A.The future of reusable gift bags.
B.The waste produced by Americans.
C.Wrapping paper’s influence on the environment.
D.People’s admiration for wrapping paper.
4. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.The popularity of wrapping gifts.
B.The start of wrapping gifts in paper.
C.The problems caused by wrapping paper.
D.The story behind wrapping paper.
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