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文章大意:本文是说明文。文章讲述了最新研究发现海洋塑料污染问题日趋严重, 呼吁政府、塑料制品行业合作解决海洋塑料污染问题。

1 . Walking along any beach in the world, you will find plastic of some kind on the shoreline, offering a reminder of the throwaway culture of the present day world. Now, a study has sounded a fresh warning on the damage caused to the marine (海洋的) ecosystem due to plastics, which eventually has an effect on human health due to the seafood we eat

In a paper titled “A Growing Plastic Smog”, researchers called on governments around the world to take firm action to handle the “plastic pollution” of the world's oceans.

The plastics break down over time into minute particles(微小颗粒) that cannot be seen by eyes, but find their way into the ocean ecosystem and into the seafood humans consume. “Microplastics are a problem because they are mistaken for food and eaten by small marine animals.” Charlene Trestrail said. “Once eaten, microplastics can damage an animal’s intestines(肠), and give out potentially harmful chemicals inside animals.”

Charlene Trestrail, a researcher at the University of Technology Sydney, said “the study shows just how big the problem is and that much of the blame was placed on the plastics industry for failing to recycle or design for recyclability.”

Paul Harvey, an environmental scientist, said “Globally, we have reached a point where we can no longer ignore the plastic pollution pandemic(流行病) that is infecting our oceans. This research shows us that beach cleanups and citizen science projects that focus on the environmental problems of plastics have little impact on solving the problem.”

Marcus Eriksen, lead author of the study, said that the findings were a “stark warning that we must act now at a global scale”. “Cleanup is useless if we continue to produce plastic at the current/rate, and we have heard about recycling for too long, while the plastic industry refuses any commitments to buy recycled material or design for recyclability. It is time for policymakers, governments and businesses to wake up and take the issue seriously.”

1. What is the third paragraph mainly about ?
A.The effect of chemicals.B.The harm of microplastics.
C.The food of marine animals.D.The breakdown of microplastics.
2. Who is to blame most for plastic pollution in the ocean?
A.Plastics industry.B.Government.C.Tourists.D.Cleaners
3. What does Paul Harvey think of beach cleanups?
4. What will the author talk about next?
A.The tendency of plastic pollution.
B.The bad effects of plastic pollution.
C.The measures to deal with plastic pollution.
D.The reason for plastic pollution in the ocean.
2023-07-27更新 | 76次组卷 | 3卷引用:贵州省兴仁市黔龙学校2023-2024学年高二上学期11月联考英语试题
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2 . Plastic waste is choking our planet. People are trying to help fix it by recycling, but their efforts aren’t going far enough. Even when plastic producers are held responsible and attempt to solve the problem, it doesn’t always go smoothly. Such has been the case for the company Torus Pak, which produces novel packaging for frozen meals on a large scale.

Like many other black plastic products, the Torus Pak packages used a carbon-based pigment (颜料). This pigment troubles the sorting technology which is used by many recycling facilities, so black plastic usually ends up being thrown away because the machines can’t identify it. Now the company is midway through the complex process of phasing out that pigment and switching that pigment to one that doesn’t use carbon.

But that doesn’t mean the problem is solved, for the recycling rate at the waste facility itself is not encouraging. Your discarded plastic may end up in a landfill even if you send it to be recycled. Worldwide, only about nine percent of all the plastic waste has been recycled, which amounts to less than 600 million tons out of over 6 billion. While one might assume the proportion of plastic being recycled is on the increase due to improved tech and increased public awareness of environmental protection, it’s actually become even lower in many places in recent years.

“The world wasn’t always flooded with single-use plastic products,” said Lisa Ramsden, senior plastic campaigner for Greenpeace USA. “We know how to live without them. We’ve just got used to a convenience culture that relies so heavily on them.”

The solution is obvious. To get out of this habit, we should stop using so much plastic, starting with many of the items we use just once for a few minutes. Companies need to shift toward using more refillable and reusable containers, and packaging made from materials that are less harmful to the environment. Governments must mandate (强制执行) such changes a goal we’re now finally inching closer to every day.

1. What is the problem with Torus Pak packages?
A.They are expensive for customers.
B.Their production process is complex.
C.Their pigment is hardly appealing.
D.They are hard to define recyclable.
2. What does the author mainly stress in paragraph 3?
A.The reason for recycling plastic waste.
B.The potential of recycling plastic waste.
C.The outcome of recycling plastic waste.
D.The objective of recycling plastic waste.
3. What is advised to solve the plastic pollution in the text?
A.Advancing recycling technology.
B.Reducing the use of plastic products.
C.Setting higher environmental goals.
D.Making some stricter relevant laws.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Recycling fail to solve plastic pollution.
B.A company contributes a lot to recycling.
C.Great changes happen in recycling plastic.
D.Plastic pollution is increasingly worsening.
2023-05-22更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省遵义市部分高中2022-2023学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题
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3 . The essence (本质) of fast fashion is to make clothes inexpensively and quickly, to get new trends and styles into stores and online as soon as possible, and it comes at a high social and environmental cost. Keeping production costs low means they can make their clothes cheap, using cheap labour in unsafe working conditions, and in countries with bad environmental regulations.

Throw-away culture is deeply rooted in our society; three in five of our clothing pieces are thrown out within a year. Fast fashion brands keep the consumers hungry and feeling like they need more by attracting them with newness and convincing the consumers that they need what they’re selling. This only results in increasing textile waste as people no longer want but throw it away.

Criticisms of the fast fashion industry include its negative environmental impact: water pollution, the use of toxic (有毒的) chemicals and increasing levels of textile waste. Textile dyeing is the second largest polluter of clean water globally, after agriculture. Fast fashion companies rely on their products being made cheaply and quickly, so they avoid talking when it comes to being aware of their impact on the environment. Greenpeace’s recent Detox Campaign showed that many brands use toxic and dangerous chemicals in their supply chains, and many of the chemicals are either banned or strictly controlled in lots of countries.

In conclusion, the fast fashion industry has a bad effect on our environment through fast fashion brands’ ecological practices and only continues to make the problem last for a long time in the future through extreme consumerist culture. In order for change to happen, the common people need to open their eyes and take measures to prevent the fast fashion from growing.

1. What’s one of the characteristics of fast fashion?
A.Causing a lot of anxiety.B.Making people buy old clothes.
C.Selling most clothes through stores.D.Producing clothes quickly.
2. Why are fast fashion clothes cheap?
A.They are mainly sold online.B.They are made in unsafe countries.
C.They are made by cheap labour.D.They save the cost of advertising.
3. How does the society think of throwing away clothes according to the author?
4. What’s the way to change fast fashion mentioned in the text?
A.Changing fast fashion brands’ working conditions.
B.Changing clothes stores’ sales model.
C.Introducing stricter laws for factories.
D.Raising public awareness of preventing fast fashion.

4 . Nowadays, the most effective way to get power comes from burning fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. They are less costly than other forms of energy. But burning fuels releases carbon dioxide, known as CO2 gas. Scientists agree that increasing amount of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere is partly to blame for the rising temperature. It's clear the change in the atmosphere can have a big effect on the weather condition around the world.

However, keeping extra CO2 from entering the atmosphere is a difficult process. It’s not enough to advise people to burn the fuels in a clean way. As a result, scientists are looking for the best method for capturing the gas and storing it away from the atmosphere. Some of this research is taking place in Norway. The Technology Center in Mongstad (TCM) is the largest facility in the world for major testing of the CO2-capturing technology.

Tore Amundsen is its chairman. He says TCM has produced important information since it opened. The center is connected to a nearby electric power plant. It treats the waste gas from the plant using the chemical solvent (溶剂) which attracts the CO2 molecules. Then researchers take the solvent with the CO2 molecules and boil it. In this way, they can separate CO2 from the solvent and use the solvent again to capture more CO2. TCM can help capture 90 percent of the CO2 from the waste gas. With the current state of technology, it will increase the cost of electricity between perhaps 30% to 40% when the technology is applied to a power plant.

Experts say the best way to store the captured CO2 gas is to place it below the surface of the ground. Scientists can use the pumping technology to put it into areas left empty after the removal of oil or natural gas. But TCM does not pump the CO2 it captures. Instead, it releases the gas into the atmosphere. Tore Amundsen says only highly developed industrial nations can afford the pumping technology. So far, only Canada has a power plant that pumps CO2 gas. In total, there are just a few similar power plants in the world.

1. What can we learn about the CO2 gas?
A.It is usually found in coal.
B.It leads to world climate change.
C.It is a new kind of energy.
D.It does good to the atmosphere.
2. Scientists want to deal with CO2 gas by_________.
A.sending it into the atmosphere
B.finding clean fuels to use
C.collecting it with technology
D.stopping people from burning fuels
3. Which of the following is TRUE about TCM?
A.It works well in treating the waste gas.
B.It’s the only center to study the CO2 gas.
C.It was set up by Tore Amundsen.
D.It helps the power plant save a lot of money.
4. According to experts, the captured CO2 gas________.
A.can be used with oil or natural gas
B.should be put underground
C.must be allowed to go into the air
D.should stay in the chemical solvent
2020-03-10更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省铜仁第一中学2019-2020学年高二上学期期中英语试题
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5 . You may think that light pollution isn’t something extraordinarily important. You may believe that every other type of pollution has a larger impact on the environment than light pollution does. But light pollution is serious.

Light pollution, or “sky glow”, is the glow you can see at night above cities and towns. Light pollution is a problem that has been accompanying man ever since he started his first fire some 15,000 years ago. Light pollution is the light that comes from streetlights, buildings, parking lots and any other source of light that is reflected or directed into the atmosphere.

Urban light pollution means that one-fifth of the world’s population can no longer see the Milky Way with the naked eye(肉眼). Many city kids, even if they did look through the orange smog above their heads, would probably see only a handful of stars. We have lost our view of the stars, and we have mucked up our night-time environment as well. Astronomers are calling for the dark places on Earth to be preserved as national parks.

Lots of people find the ever-brightening night annoying, and animals that are programmed to prefer the dark may avoid a brightened habitat. Sea turtles can get lost searching for a beach to lay eggs, and their hatchlings(孵化的幼仔)may confuse over-lit beachfront resorts for the ocean horizon, wasting precious energy needed to find the sea and escape predators(食肉动物). Because their necks aren’t yet long enough to see things far away, baby turtles rely on the mirror image of the moon to guide them to the sea, to begin their new life. A car may even hit a particular turtle, which was thinking the light from a nearby city was moonlight reflecting off the ocean waves. Birds that live in and around cities can die because of sky glow, too. The bright lights can blind them, leading to countless collisions with buildings and other tall structures.

On an individual level, people can help reduce much sky glow by using lighting only when necessary. The stars above us are priceless heritage— for not only for astronomers but for all humans. More of our children should be able to look up at night and see the Milk Way.

1. According to Para.2, light pollution_________.
A.has existed for nearly a century
B.is mainly caused by the light at night
C.doesn’t include the light coming from buildings
D.refers to the light only shining directly into the atmosphere
2. The underlined phrase “mucked up” in Para. 3 probably means_________.
3. To find the sea, baby sea turtles mainly depend on_________.
A.the moonB.the ocean waves
C.the sky glowD.the mirrors
4. The author mentions the Milk Way in the last paragraph to show that_________.
A.light pollution isn’t something important
B.the Milk Way can’t be seen with naked eye
C.we should take action to reduce light pollution
D.most kids are looking forward to seeing the Milk Way
2019-07-28更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省铜仁第一中学2018-2019学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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6 . Josh Hill, a biology teacher at Mar Vista High School in California, US, often gets sick after swimming in the ocean at Imperial Beach in California.

He and a group of students are raising awareness(意识)about water pollution by taking weekly water samples(样本)of the ocean and publishing their results online.

Every Thursday, Hill and his students collect water from the ocean. Students then take the samples to their school and test them for levels of bacteria. Usually, samples closer to the border have higher levels of bacteria, Hill said.

“Water quality is usually the worst at the southern end and it increasingly gets better,” he said.

Hill collects the samples on Thursdays so that students can publish the results on the Surfrider Foundation’s website in time for the weekend. The Surfrider Foundation has give Mar Vista lab equipment and promote the students’ results on its site.

Most of Hill’s students grew up in Imperial Beach. Many have gotten sick from the water or know someone who has.

Cameron Bell, 17, who is currently applying to college, wants to pursue a STEM career. He appreciates the fact the he can get lab experience at school. “Our research really impacts our community because it’s keeping people safe,” he said.

On a recent Thursday morning, Anthony Gass, 15, collected some samples. Before he got into the water, his classmates helped him put on waterproof(防水的)clothes and tie a rope around his waist to protect him from the onrush of water.

Hill said the protection probably wasn’t necessary, but that it was better to be safe than to be sorry. “We just want to make sure we protect the students,” he said.

1. What did Josh Hill and his students discover after checking the water samples?
A.Water quality at the northern end isn’t polluted.
B.Water nearer to the border is bless polluted.
C.Water pollution is getting worse and worse.
D.Different levels of bacteria are found in the water.
2. What can we learn about Bell?
A.He is now applying for a job in college.B.He doesn’t want to have a career in STEM.
C.He thinks that their research is meaningful.D.He isn’t grateful for his research experience.
3. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The results of the students’ research are not published online.
B.Many students in Imperial Beach get sick due to the water pollution.
C.Very few safety measures are adopted in students’ research work.
D.Mar Vista High School is not equipped with modern science labs.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.US students’ research on water pollution.B.Severe ocean water pollution in the US.
C.US students’ tests for water resources.D.Tips on how to reduce water pollution.
2019-01-16更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:【市级联考】贵州省遵义市2018-2019学年高二第一学期期末统考(含听力)英语试题
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真题 名校

7 . In the United States alone,over 100 million cell-phones are thrown away each year.Cell-phones are part of a growing mountain of electronic waste like computers and personal digital assistants.The electronic waste stream is increasing three times taster than traditional garbage as a whole.

Electronic devices contain valuable metals such as gold and silver.A Swiss study reported that while the weight of electronic goods represented by precious metals was relatively small in comparison to total waste,the concentration(含量)of gold and other precious metals was higher in So-called e-waste than in naturally occurring minerals.

Electronic wastes also contain many poisonous metals.Even when the machines are recycled and the harmful metals removed,the recycling process often is carried out in poor countries,in practically uncontrolled ways which allow many poisonous substances to escape into the environment.

Creating products out of raw materials creates much more waste material,up to 100 times more,than the material contained in the finished products.Consider again the cell-phone,and imagine the mines that produced those metals,the factories needed to make the box and packaging(包装)it came in.Many wastes produced in the producing process are harmful as well.

The U.S Environmental Protection Agency notes that most waste is dangerous in that"the production, distribution,and use of products-as well as management of the resulting waste-all result in greenhouse gas release." Individuals can reduce their contribution by creating less waste at the start-for instance,buying reusable products and recycling.

In many countries the concept of extended producer responsibility is being considered or has been put in place as an incentive(动机)for reducing waste.If producers are required to take back packaging they use to sell their products,would they reduce the packaging in the first place?

Governments' incentive to require producers to take responsibility for the packaging they produce is usually based on money.Why,they ask,should cities or towns be responsible for paying to deal with the bubble wrap(气泡垫)that encased your television?

From the governments' point of view,a primary goal of laws requiring extended producer responsibility is to transfer both the costs and the physical responsibility of waste management from the government and tax-payers back to the producers.

1. By mentioning the Swiss study,the author intends to tell us that         .
A.the weight of e-goods is rather small
B.natural minerals contain more precious metals
C.E-waste deserves to be made good use of
D.the percentage of precious metals is heavy in e-waste
2. The responsibility of e-waste treatment should be extended          .
A.from producers to governments
B.from governments to producers
C.from individuals to distributors
D.from distributors to governments
3. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The increase in e-waste.B.The creation of e-waste.
C.The seriousness of e-waste.D.The management of e-waste.
共计 平均难度:一般