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1 . Friday night lights are good for the game, but they may be bad for biodiversity.

According to a study published Friday in the journal Animal Conservation, bright stadium lighting could affect the feeding habits of bats. Insects swarm (涌往) to these lights in large numbers, creating a competitive advantage for bat species who aren’t afraid of humans and human structures. This could impact local ecosystems and reduce biodiversity.

For most humans, there simply isn’t enough daylight hours—we have been developing new ways to light the night since we first controlled and used fire. But researchers say our need for continuous visibility can have serious consequences for neighboring species.

Light pollution has been linked to some ecosystem damage. Baby turtles, for example, naturally use the light of the moon to travel towards the open ocean. But constant and poorly designed artificial lighting can affect their sense of direction, obviously disturbing their life cycles.

“Increasing light pollution is a major feature of global change that’s caused by humans, and it is a potential threat to biodiversity,” co-author M. Corrie Schoeman said in a press release.

Dr Schoeman, a professor of biology at the University of Kwazulu-Natal, conducted field experiments to determine how stadium lighting affected bat behaviors. He found that “urban exploiter” bats were drawn to hunt near bright lights, while “urban avoider” bats were not. Exploiter species are able to take advantage of human resources, such as artificial light. Avoider species, by comparison, tend to avoid humans and human structures.

But it’s hardly survival of the fittest. This man-made, ecological scale-tipping could result in the decline or loss of avoider species. And that, in turn, could threaten the balance of local ecosystems.

Luckily, light pollution is considered an “easy fix” compared to other forms of pollution. Smart lighting design— hooded (带罩的) streetlamps,motion-sensitive residential lights (触控住宅用灯), and better controls to remove unnecessary brightness—can obviously reduce light pollution. As for stadium lights, earlier games could do a lot of good, both for bats and for our ecosystems as a whole.

1. What does the author want to demonstrate with the example of baby turtles?
A.Turtles are good at using human lights.
B.Light pollution has caused ecological damage.
C.Artificial lighting can train turtles’ sense of direction.
D.Human neighboring species have their own way of lighting.
2. What can we learn about the “urban exploiter” bats?
A.They are the fittest of their species.
B.They are fond of artificial lighting.
C.They always defeat “urban avoider” bats.
D.They break the balance of their species.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.How to reduce light pollution.B.How to improve stadium lights.
C.How to balance the ecosystem.D.How to recognize unnecessary brightness.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Evolution of BatsB.Competition Among Bats
C.Stadium Lights Change Bat BehaviorD.The Number of Bats Are Decreasing
2023-07-03更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届内蒙古包头市第四中学高考模拟(四)英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般