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1 . The reopening of an Asian American-owned bookstore in Manhattan's Chinatown following a January fire has received a warm welcome back from its supporters.

Yu &. Me Books, which is regarded as the first female-owned Asian American bookshop in New York City, has raised more than $369,000 for repairs since a tragic fire on January 4. It reopened on Wednesday. "We are so excited to welcome you all back to our Yu &. Me Books home," the store announced on Instagram. "We can't wait to shed tears, laugh loudly and open our hearts with all of you who have made us feel at home."

The fire in an apartment above the bookstore on Mulberry Street killed one of the building's residents. Smoke and water damage also devastated Yu & Me Books, destroying almost all its inventory and equipment, according to a GoFundMe campaign that store owner Lucy Yu set up to make up for the costs.

During the restoration and renovation (翻新) of the original bookstore, the business operated from a location within The Market Line, an underground marketplace on the Lower East Side, and several pop-up shops (临时店铺) in the city.

"It was a bookstore I always wanted to visit, and I'm so happy that they were able to reopen," Charlotte Leinbach, a teacher for New York City's Education Department said. Leinbach hadn't been to the bookstore before the fire, but she had heard quite a bit about its fate. She bought two books, the second and third in the series Before the Coffee Gets Cold.

"It's hard to find a lot of books written in Japanese, and then translated into English," she said. "The design of the bookstore is really nice, and the layout is great. I am glad that they also sell used books. I love buying new books because it's fresh and it's nice, but it's always nice to see people in the community giving their books back and reselling and just passing them on." She said she will continue to support the women-run small businesses that focus on people and authors of color.

"I actually came on the day of the opening, but there were too many people, and it was too crowded, so I just haven't had a chance to look at it," Liam Li, another Asian American, said. "This place is unique. It's in Chinatown. As Asians live in New York City, I feel this offers the most space for the community. I understand like a minority in this society, it is not easy to have a store like this," she added.

1. Which word can replace the underlined one "inventory" in Paragraph 2?
2. How did Lucy Yu get the money to make up for the losses?
A.By applying to the government for money.
B.By getting money from an insurance company.
C.By raising money from her friends and relatives.
D.By collecting money from a fund on the Internet.
3. What can we infer about Charlotte Leinbach from the text?
A.She often gave a hand to the store owner before the fire.
B.She sang high praise for the arrangement of the store.
C.She prefers to buy used books rather than new ones.
D.She translates books as her part-time job.
4. Which can serve as the best title for the news report?
A.Chinatown bookstore's reopening welcomed
B.Smoke and water damage destroy Chinatown bookstore
C.Yu &. Me Books-first female-owned Asian American bookshop in NYC
D.Chinatown bookstore in New York City means a lot to Asian Americans
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2 . A Russian spacecraft traveling to the International Space Station Thursday had to make an emergency landing when a rocket engine failed to fire. It was the latest in a recent series of failures for the Russian space program, which is also used by the U.S. to carry its astronauts to the station.

United States astronaut Nick Hague and Russian astronaut Alexei Ovchinin landed safely about 20 kilometers from Dzhezkazgan in Kazakhstan. The city is about 450 kilometers from the Russia’s Baikonur space center, which Russia operates through an agreement with the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Both the U.S. space agency NASA and Russia’s Roscosmos reported that the two were quickly recovered from the landing area by rescue crews. A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said, “Thank God the crew is alive” after they had landed safely.

About two minutes after launching, the three-stage Soyuz booster rocket suffered an unspecified failure of its second stage. Russia’s TASS news agency said the capsule carrying the two men separated from the troubled rocket safely. This caused the capsule to drop very sharply into the Earth’s atmosphere. Parachutes(降落伞)helped slow the returning capsule. Search and rescue teams were sent to recover the crew.

Russia’s RIA news agency reported that Russia has immediately put off all manned space launches after the failure. Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin said he had ordered a state commission to carry out an investigation into what went wrong. He said Russia will share all relevant information with the U.S.

The TASS news agency said that the ISS crew has enough supplies and that the failed launch will not affect operations.

The U.S. and other nations have depended on Russia to carry astronauts to the ISS since the retirement of the Space Shuttle program in 2011. In coming years, American aerospace companies SpaceX, with its Dragon 2, and Boeing, with its Starliner, are expected to return to space.

1. What can be the best title of the text?
A.The Rescue of Two Astronauts
B.The Launch of Russian Spacecraft
C.Cooperation between Russia and America
D.Emergency Landing in Failed Space Launch
2. What caused the failure of the launch?
A.The problem of the engine.B.The terrible weather.
C.The drop of the capsule.D.The wrong operation.
3. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.SpaceX is sure to go back to space soon.
B.America carried astronauts to the ISS by itself before 2011.
C.Now only Russia can carry astronauts to space.
D.the ISS crew lives a very good life in the space station.
4. What can we learn about the launch?
A.The capsule landed safely in Dzhezkazgan, Russia.
B.Russia had never failed in the space launch before this failure.
C.The failed launch will have a serious effect on the operations.
D.At first the capsule dropped very rapidly into the Earth’s atmosphere.
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