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1 . The Lomax family needed a dog. Though their house was already full with seven people, they knew a dog would truly make the house a home. So they settled on a dog whom they named Jack.     1    

It was Jack’s protective instinct (本能) that would eventually save the lives of Lomax family. Indeed, if it wasn’t for him, the family may never have survived the terrible accident that would eventually befall (降临到头上) them one cold January day in 2017.

It was a night like many others. Autumn, the family’s youngest child and her mother Ashley had settled into bed in one of the bedrooms on the second floor. Jack, who rarely left Autumn’s side, had settled in there as well.     2     At some point during the night, while the family was fast asleep, a fire had started in one of the other second-floor bedrooms, Jack had picked up a whiff (些微的气味) of the smoke in the next room. In an instant, the brave dog jumped into action.

The four-legged family member knew something was wrong but had no way of telling his owners.     3     She pushed him off her and tried to roll over but he began again. Then he went to Autumn and did the same thing until both were up.

    4     She screamed at the top of her lungs as she ran from the room, alerting (使警觉) the rest of the family to the disaster that was taking place. Jack did his part again too, barking as loudly as he could. Ashley’s scream woke the four other adults and two more children.     5    

In no time at all, the fire had engulfed (吞没) nearly the entire home, but luckily, all of the Lomax had made it out alive, with Jack leading the way.

A.it turned out to be the best decision they ever made.
B.Jack took to little Autumn, the youngest of the family.
C.He jumped upon Ashley’s bed and began touching her face.
D.Their old house had been in the Lomax family for more than 30 years.
E.All of them jumped out of bed and headed out into the cold January night.
F.Little did they know that something terrible was about to happen that night.
G.As soon as she could, Ashley took hold of Autumn and began to move away from the door.
2021-08-30更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市第一外国语学校2020-2021学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般