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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

During lunchtime a terrible traffic accident happened on the Clark Memorial Bridge. A semi truck, a pickup truck and two passenger vehicles crashed, causing the semi truck to break through the bridge barrier(护栏) and partially hang over the Ohio River 100 feet below. The frightened driver was dangled(悬挂) midair in the cab while waiting for rescue. The Louisville Fire, EMS and Metro Police departments quickly arrived on the scene by 12: 06 p. m.

With no time to waste, the fire department immediately arranged rescue equipment—an aerial ladder (空中梯子), pulley system (滑轮系统) and a safety rope in an effort to reach the woman trapped in the truck. The EMS team communicated with the driver to help keep her calm as firefighters prepared for the rescue attempt.

Firefighter Bryce Carden, an expert in rescue, led the attempt. After everything was considered, Bryce knew he must reach the trapped driver, cut her seat belt and secure her in a harness(安全吊绳). The success of the rescue depended on trust, according to Bryce. The truck driver had to trust him and he, in turn, had to trust the rest of the team. While he remained aware that any extra weight on the truck could cause it to fall into the Ohio River, he stayed calm and focused. He told the driver the rescue process and worked to gain her trust.

“Take a deep breath and here is what I need you to do.” Bryce said to the driver when he carefully approached the driver across an aerial ladder. News crews captured the dramatic scene using a drone(无人机), and people around the world watched heroes at work.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Bryce managed to reach the trapped driver.


To everyone’s relief, the driver eventually succeeded in removing her foot from the car.

2024-07-15更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省2023-2024学年2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
完形填空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述的是一位 81 岁的老人独自驱车回家,却因为暴雪天气被困在车上将近一周,幸好他及时得到了救助,奇迹般地幸存了下来。

2 . Jerry, 81 years old, set out from Big Pine, California, on February 24th to return to his home in Gardnerville, Nevada. _________, he was trapped alone in his car in a heavy snow for nearly a _________.

The temperatures dropped from 35F to15F overnight, and many areas saw _________amounts of snow — an unusual occurrence for a state that’s not used to _________ winters.

Jerry survived by _________ the few snacks he had in his car. He _________ his window occasionally to eat snow. A hotel bath towel was the only thing Jerry had to keep himself   _________

On February 28, the Inyo County Search and Rescue team received “a call for a _________person”. Then, on March 2, they succeeded in locating Jerry’s car partially buried in _________. The crew loaded Jerry onboard and transported him directly to __________ care.

Jerry was only in the hospital for a few hours and afterward was returned to his __________ in Gardnerville. According to his grandson Christian, he was __________ well.

Christian hopes his grandfather’s miraculous (奇迹般的) rescue can serve as a warning to others about just how __________ winter travel can be. But above all, “if someone gets __________, don’t give up hope,” said Christian. “The human body is   __________   for what it can endure (忍耐).”

A.turn downB.rolled downC.took downD.pushed down
2024-06-22更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . In a breathtaking incident in Berlin, a young man narrowly escaped a life-threatening situation where he became trapped beneath a bus.

The 16-year-old found himself unable to move beneath a tyre (轮胎) of the bus when   he fell down during an attempt to catch the departing vehicle at a local stop on a Monday afternoon. The quick response of the bus driver, who immediately stopped the vehicle, coupled with the assistance of roughly 40 people, including both passengers and bystanders, led to a remarkable achievement. Together, they managed to lift the right side of the bus sufficiently to free the young man.

Frank Kurze, one of the courageous volunteers who participated in the rescue, recalled the messy scene, stating, “I saw the men trying to lift the bus, and it was clear to me that I also had to help lift the bus and try to pull the young man from underneath.”

Nearby medical professionals from a healthcare center in the Spandau neighborhood of Berlin instantly arrived at the scene to provide vital first aid. Michelle Rueckborn, one of the nurses on duty, shared their response, saying, “We were at work when we heard screams, and our coworker looked out of the window and saw what had happened, and said ‘Grab the doctor’s kit and run.’”

Sandra Grunwald, another nurse present at the scene, added, “He was responsive but understandably confused, unsure of what was unfolding around him.” Despite the frightening circumstances, the young man unbelievably survived with only minor injuries, thanks to the collective effort of around 40 individuals who came together to perform a heroic rescue.

The Berlin police department praised the collective efforts of those involved in the rescue as “heroes” and expressed their gratitude on social media, stating, “Thank you, Spandau. Thank you, Berlin.”

1. What was the accident at the bus stop?
A.A teenager got caught under a bus.B.The tyre of a bus suddenly blew out.
C.A young passenger fell from his seat.D.The driver found the bus uncontrollable.
2. What did Frank Kurze do at the rescue scene?
A.He recorded the whole event.B.He stepped forward bravely.
C.He turned to medical staff.D.He called more volunteers in.
3. Which of the following best describes the medical professionals?
4. What message does the text try to convey?
A.One good turn deserves another.B.Kindness brings mental rewards.
C.Many hands make light work.D.Opportunity is for the prepared.
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a hot day. The sun scorched (炙烤) down and everywhere you looked, you could see the heat waves blowing above the sand. John rolled over, realizing that half of his body was well and truly burnt. He had not meant to sleep in the sun but the heat and late nights studying for his examinations made him miserable. Stretching, he got to his feet, picked up his surfboard and looked around. The beach, which had earlier been crowded in the sun, was now comparatively empty. Seagulls flew down to clean up the food of people’s picnic lunches.

The ice-cream van had gone, and so were the lifeguards who were doing first aid on the beach. John looked up to where the sun was and estimated it was about five o’clock. Time to head home. It was “Mum’s Kitchen Rule” that had him moving homewards. If he did not get home in time for dinner, he would go hungry. Wandering along the water’s edge, he happened to glance out to sea. What made him look up at that particular moment, he never knew, but it was the right time for the swimmer he spotted. His hand was up, signaling distress (险情) and he was calling out something.

Quickly John glanced around the beach — no one else was close enough to help the man, and crucially, no one had noticed. Cupping his hands to his mouth, he shouted “Help” to get the attention of other people on the beach. Someone waved back to him and John pointed to the swimmer. “Get help,” he shouted. Then without hesitation, he jumped into the sea with his surfboard. John was a strong swimmer and had a good skill for distance swimming. His coach had tried hard to persuade him to go into competitions but he was not interested.


Now he was swimming for more than enjoyment or medals.


Fortunately, the sea was not rough and there was no wave.

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