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1 . US people are overweight, eat lots of fast food and fill their homes with pets. At least that’s what 21 European teenagers think.

The students, 18 from Germany and 3 from France, are exchange students. They are studying in the US for a year. After a few days in the US, they said what they thought about the country.

Most talked about the amount of fast food US people eat. It’s not that the students don’t eat fast food. They just don’t eat as much.

Laetitia Villeneuve from France said she eats fast food, usually McDonald’s, only once or twice a year.

“I like it,” said Nora Koeberle from Germany. “But I couldn’t eat it every day. I’d get fat.”

Students are surprised at how big US people seem.

“There are fat people in Germany,” said Antonia Greimel from Germany. “But not as many as there are here.”

They also spoke about the animals. Silvana Wolfram from Germany said she had heard about how people had lots of pets in the US.

Other ways of US high schools interested the students.

For example, Koeberle said she wouldn’t be able to play an instrument or sports as part of her classes in Germany. She can in the US.

But the best thing about US high schools is something the European kids can’t get back home. “I do wish we had parties,” Koeberle said.

1. Where do the 21 students come from?
A.Germany and France.B.Germany and England.
C.France and Greece.D.England and Greece.
2. Which of the following about the students is TRUE?
A.Greimel thinks there Ve more fat people in Germany.
B.Villeneuve eats McDonald’s once or twice a week.
C.Koeberle has music class or PE class in Germany.
D.Wolfram has learned something about pets in the US.
3. According to the last paragraph, we know ________.
A.Koeberle will go to parties before she leaves the US
B.there are not parties in Keoberle’s school in Germany
C.Koeberle wants to hold a party with her classmates
D.Koeberle doesn’t like the parties in the US
4. The passage is mainly about ________.
A.why US people eat so much fast food
B.why US people are overweight
C.what the 21 European students think of US people
D.how people have lots of pets in the US
共计 平均难度:一般