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1 . The recent reports of a 4-year-old girl on a Shanghai beach have gone viral on social media platforms, provoking debate about whether China should criminalize negligence in child supervision.

The father of the little girl claimed that he left her alone on the beach for about 12 minutes to fetch his phone. However, she was nowhere to be found when he was back. Surveillance (监控) videos show that she waited for about 10 minutes before walking toward the water’s edge alone, and then disappeared into the water. Two weeks later, her body was discovered about 100 kilometers away in neighboring Zhejiang Province.

The core issue in this case is the father’s leaving his young daughter unattended on the beach, causing her tragic death. Should such behavior, when it causes harm to a child, be seen as a criminal act? In an online survey, more than 90 percent of respondents insisted that the father be held legally responsible and face criminal punishments.

Nevertheless, according to Liu Chunquan, a lawyer, it may not satisfy the criteria for criminal negligence, since the primary focus of Chinese criminal law is on extreme cases of parental neglect, such as physical abuse and mental torture. Rarely do legal authorities charge parents; instead, they are just likely to face penalties consisting of warnings and fines.

In 2022, a 2-year-old baby drowned in a cesspool while in the company of his father. The court ruled shared responsibility between the father and the cesspool’s owner, with a 7:3 proportion. The owner was ordered to pay 20,000 yuan to the child’s family. Unluckily, similar cases do exist nationwide. Roughly, 100,000 children lose their lives in accidents annually in China, which is largely due to negligence, such as parents leaving their children unattended, either in locked cars or at home. Besides, drowning is now the main cause of death for children aged 1 to 14 years old.

It is no wonder that an increasing number of netizens request that specific laws and regulations be passed to ensure the safety of children and their well-being. Hopefully, criminalizing child supervision negligence in China can serve as a warning and precaution.

However, downsides of introducing such legislation may also emerge. For instance, it’s difficult to distinguish between a regrettable accident and criminal negligence, so that over-criminalization can be triggered, in which well-meaning parents making honest mistakes are charged with a crime.

Therefore, a more balanced approach to addressing the issue of infant safety should involve a combination of new legislation, education and support services. The ultimate objective is to prevent similar catastrophes in the future. We must recognize that children are not only their parents’ offspring, but also the nation’s future.

1. What can we infer from the tragedy of the 4-year-old girl?
A.Her father’s carelessness and negligence should be to blame.
B.The beach in Shanghai should not be open to small children.
C.Her father has been sentenced to severe penalties by the police.
D.She would have survived if she had not waited in the water for a long time.
2. What are the figures in paragraph 5 intended to prove?
A.Irresponsible adults contribute to children’s death.B.People can’t be too concerned about child safety.
C.Kids shouldn’t be allowed to swim alone.D.Parents’ constant monitoring is a must.
3. Updated legislation in child supervision is in demand for the following reasons except _______.
A.the mild penalties in the existing lawsB.parents’ ignorance of potential dangers
C.frequent occurrence of such incidentsD.masses of netizens’ urgent appeals
4. What attitude does the author hold to criminalizing child supervision negligence in China?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Are you the only child in your family? If so, do you enjoy it or do you want more siblings(兄弟姐妹)?

On May 31, a key meeting of the Communist Party of China unveiled a policy that would allow all couples to have up to three children.

The move is expected to maximize the population's role in driving economic and social growth, since this is a critical time for China to transform the world's most populous country into a powerhouse(强国)with a quality workforce, according to the National Health Commission.

The three-child policy is also expected to prevent the decline in the nation's birthrate and address the challenge of a rapidly aging population, China Daily reported.

China's annual number of newborns has fallen for four years in a row. The country's total birthratethe average number of children born to each womanstood at 1.3 in 2020. The number is below the rate of 2.1 that would maintain a stable population, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

The declining birthrate has also brought a sharp increase in the proportion of the population aged 60 or above, rising from 10.3 percent to 18.7 percent in the past decade. An increasingly elderly population will increase the cost of labor and the pressure on the social security net. It also means there will be a lack of young labor force. Therefore, it's not good for economic growth, according to Chen Youhua, a professor at Nanjing University.

In fact, the new birth policy is a step to further relax the family planning policy. The one-child policy was introduced in the 1970s and aimed to control the fast-growing population. Then in 2013, China allowed couples to have a second child if either parent was an only child, and in 2016, all couples were allowed to have two children.

However, not all people have shown their support for this latest policy. Many couples complained about the rising costs of raising a child. A netizen named Qinfeng commented, "High cost of education and both the physical and mental exhaustion stopped me from having more than one child." Also, many women are reluctant(不情愿的)to give birth because that could mean sacrificing their career prospects, according to Mu Guangzong, a professor at Peking University.

In that case, Mu noted that it is better to implement supporting measures with the three-child policy, such as more preferential(优惠的)policies for couples that would ease their parental burden.

1. What might NOT be the main cause for the new policy?
A.To increase the population's role.
B.To stop the declining birthrate.
C.To improve the child- care service system.
D.To address the challenge of the aging population.
2. What can be known from the text?
A.China's annual number of newborns has fallen for decades.
B.The government will protect the legal rights of women in employment.
C.Measures will be taken to improve the high-quality education.
D.The new policy allows couples to have up to three children.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word "implement"?
A.To carry out.B.To get along with.
C.To make use of.D.To have a command of.
4. What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To show his love of children healthcare.
B.To introduce the new family size policy.
C.To share his concerns about birthrate.
D.To emphasize the physical and mental exhaustion.

3 . The sudden death of the 23-year-old female emplovee of Pinduoduo has sparked a heated debate, with many criticizing the overwork culture. Three experis share their views. Excerpis (节选) follow:

Labor laws compatible (兼容的) with digital era needed

This case should inspire society to reflect on how to better protect employees’ rights in the digital era. The relevant clauses in the Labor Law cannot be specifically applied to charge internet companies suspected of violating laborers' rights and interests.

The blurring (模糊) of the line between social and economic activities in the digital era makes it difficult to define fixed working hours.

Lawmakers should find out the new factors affecting labor relations due to the rapid development of internet and communications technology. This can pave the way for law-making on working hours in the digital era. “996” working schedule is against labor laws.

More than one year ago, it was shocking to hear e-commerce tycoons (巨头) Liu Qiangdong and Jack Ma publicly support the "996" working schedule to push their employees to work harder. A growing number of companies have been using different methods to exercise ever-increasing control over their employees.

To correct the situation, it is vital that the country bring in specific law on internet enterprises, especially in terms of labor contracts and work schedules, and make it clear that the “996” working schedule is illegal.

Death due to overwork needs legally definition

Work pressure and long working hours can seriously affect workers' physical and mental health, making. them more easily hurt by occupational and stress-related diseases.

But it is difficult to prove that a person dies of overwork. Only a person who dies at the workplace or of a sudden illness within 48 hours of getting off work is considered a victim of work.

China should issue guidelines explaining in detail what leads to death due to overwork.

1. What do the three experts agree on?
A.The Labor Law in China is non-effective.
B.It is difficult to define fixed working hours.
C.Supervision on companies should be tightened.
D.Improvement should be made to the current laws.
2. Why does the expert mention Liu Qiangdong?
A.To highlight the models of e-commerce.
B.To introduce tycoons' attitudes to overwork.
C.To confirm their efforts to protect employees.
D.To express disagreement on “996” working schedule.
3. What does the underlined exercise mean in the text?
A.To make somebody anxious.B.To do sports or other physical activities.
C.To use your power to achieve something.D.To test or make experimental use of something.
4. Who can be considered a victim of work?
A.Someone dies on his way to office.B.Someone dies of a heart attack in his office.
C.Someone dies three days after work.D.Someone dies after work without symptoms.
2021-05-11更新 | 166次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖北省华中师范大学第一附属中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A measure in the House’s $ 2 trillion economic bill would require states to cut greenhouse gas emissions (排放) promising rewards for transportation departments that post reductions and “consequences” for those that don’t.

Peter A. DeFazio, chairman of the Transportation Committee, said the proposal is designed to push states to act. “We’re going to give them very large motivation to actually make those meaningful targets and deliver on those targets,” he said. According to the proposal, states that cut emissions could get a $ 1 billion pot of money and potentially receive other bonus funding from the federal government. The bill doesn’t spell out potential consequences for not reducing emissions, leaving the decision to national transportation officials. Experts say they could include barriers to accessing highly prized grant funds (拨款).

Much of the attention on cutting emissions from the transport industry-the nation’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases-has focused on the adoption of electric vehicles by putting money in charging factories and supporting battery-powered cars. The new measure sides with environmental advocates who argue the nation can’t battle a changing climate without changing how Americans move around. Environmentalists say the nation’s changing to electric vehicles probably won’t happen quickly enough to limit temperature rises unless Americans can be convinced to drive less, and that would mean building new networks focused on walking, cycling and transit (运输).

Opposition to the emission measure is deep-seated. The heads of five western state transportation departments wrote a letter to Capitol’s committee last month saying the proposal would harm rural areas because options such as heavy-traffic pricing are not well-suited to places which are populated in few people, and it doesn’t make sense to target those state agencies when there are multiple reasons that influence emissions, including fuel economy standards for cars and local decisions about where to build stores and homes.

Kevin DeGood, a transportation researcher, said basic construction shape how people can get around. “It is funny that the state transportation departments suggest in the letter that they do not deeply influence greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation industry,” he said.

1. How does the government provide motivation?
A.By praising.B.By punishing.
C.By financing.D.By restricting.
2. What is an intended result of the bill?
A.Greatly changed climate.B.More convenient stores.
C.Stable fuel economy standards.D.Eco-friendly transport system.
3. Why did some states mention heavy-traffic pricing?
A.To oppose the emission measure.B.To introduce solutions to emission.
C.To call for attention to rural areas.D.To list several reasons for emission.
4. What’s Kevin’s attitude towards the letter in paragraph 4?
2023-05-28更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省华大新高考联盟2021-2022学年高三下学期4月教学质量测评英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Peru is prepared to approve new laws that would make it easier to investigate and punish researchers who engage in academic cheating, including paying to have their names added to a paper.

The move comes as Peru’s national science agency seeks to crack down on authorship buying and other dishonest practices. It recently removed two scientists accused of dishonest publications from a national registry that is key to receiving government sponsor, job promotions, and salary bonuses. And officials are investigating more than 170 other researchers at a Peruvian media report claimed were involved in academic misconduct, including 72 listed n the national registry who work at 14 universities in Peru.

The new laws will empower universities and government officials to punish such behavior. Dishonest publishing practices “transcend mere moral misbehavior” because they enable researchers to obtain government and private funding without telling the truth, says Edward Málaga Trillo, a member of Congress who is the driving force behind the bills, which lawmakers are expected to finalize early this year. “These individuals are operating academic cheating.”

Peru’s academic community has been struggling with a rising tide of false authorship and related problems. One cause, some researchers say, is a 2014 law that aimed to stimulate research by rewarding researchers who boost their publishing output. For example, under a scoring system used by universities, researchers can earn five points for authorship in a high-impact journal, and two points when the journal is lower impact. A massing points can bring bonus payments and career promotion.

Signs of dishonest publishing can be obvious, notes Nahuel Monteblanco, president of Cientificos. pe, a Peruvian group that investigates misconduct. Many of the papers cited by Punto Final have numerous co-authors from different nations with few prior publications on the same subject. “If your colleague consistently publishes 20 articles a year with co-authors from other countries, that’s highly suspect,” Monteblanco says.

1. What action did Peru take recently to address academic cheating?
A.Fining 72 offenders for academic dishonesty.
B.Disqualifying 2 scientists from a national registry.
C.Punishing 170 researchers for academic misconduct.
D.Withdrawing government fund from 14 universities.
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “transcend” in paragraph 3?
A.Change.B.Strengthen.C.Go beyond.D.Approve of.
3. What do we know about the 2014 law in Peru?
A.It advocated a fair scoring system.B.It applied to high-impact journals.
C.It led to an increase in false authorship.D.It aimed to punish dishonest publishing.
4. The most suspicion might be given to a productive researcher with _________.
A.career promotionB.consistent research focus
C.few citations by Punto FinalD.co-authors from various countries
7日内更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖北省武汉市高三下学期4月调研(二模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . After nearly a year of frantic (狂热的) lobbying and debate, the EPA has finalized strict new rules on vehicle emissions that will push the auto industry to accelerate its transition to electric vehicles (EV). The EPA expects that under the new rules, EVs could account for up to 56% of new passenger vehicles sold for model years 2030 through 2032, meeting a goal that President Biden set in 2021.

The regulations are a cornerstone of the Biden Administration’s efforts to fight climate change. Combined with investments the U.S. is making in battery and electric vehicle manufacturing, the auto regulations will help shift the U.S. away from relying on fossil fuels for transportation, a senior administration official said during a call with reporters. “Three years ago, I set an ambitious target that half of all new cars and trucks sold in 2030 would be zero-emission,” Biden said in a statement, adding that the country will meet that goal and “race forward in the years ahead”.

Biden added that U.S. workers “will lead the world on autos - making clean cars and trucks, each stamped ‘Made in America’.” The new rules require auto manufacturers to slash emissions of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide that are heating the planet, as well as air pollutants that contribute to soot and smog. The administration says the new standards will avoid more than seven billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions and deliver almost $100 billion in annual benefits, including $13 billion in health benefits as a result of less pollution.

“That’s going to have immediate benefits in improving air quality, but also improving people’s health,” Cara Cook, director of programs at the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, told reporters ahead of the EPA’s announcement. “So they’re not breathing in dirty air, especially for those who are living near major roadways and highways, heavy traffic [areas]. Those are the ones that are going to really experience a significant amount of benefits from these rules.”

1. What does the new rules aim to do?
A.To relieve heavy traffic.
B.To conserve the traffic regulations.
C.To hinder the transition to electric vehicles.
D.To achieve environmental friendly transportation.
2. What does the underlined word mean in paragraph 3?
3. What’s Cara Cook’s attitude towards the new policy?
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Fighting climate change.
B.Achieving zero-emission.
C.New rules on green vehicle benefit.
D.The acceleration of the auto revolution.
2024-05-16更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市重点中学5G联合体2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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