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1 . Dogs are welcome in the outdoor areas of restaurants in New York, US. In the past, health and safety laws made it illegal (违法的) to bring dogs to any restaurant in New York. But last May state lawmakers voted (表决) to let people bring dogs to restaurants that have tables outdoors: Not one lawmaker voted no. The law was soon passed. Several special rules are included in this law. The dogs must be kept on a leash (皮带). Dogs must not share water bowls. Also, restaurants can choose to let people bring dogs or not.

New York joins California, Florida and Maryland in the list of states with similar laws. In many European countries, bringing dogs to restaurants is common. Paris in France has allowed dogs to go with their owners in restaurants for a long time.

Governor Andrew Cuomo believes that this new law will help businesses grow. But not all New Yorkers are happy about this new law. Christopher Miller is the spokesman for the New York City Department of Health. He told the New York Daily News that letting dogs in restaurants could cause problems. “The Health Department loves all dogs, but just not at restaurants where they can create a risk to the health and safety of diners, restaurant workers and other dogs,” Miller said.

New York City is often the center of the new ideas in the US. A law asking some restaurants in the city to show the amount of calories (卡路里数量) in the food they served was passed in 2009. The city leader tried unsuccessfully to stop the sale of large amounts of soft drinks in 2012. Smoking was made illegal in restaurants in 1993.

1. What can we know about the new law from Paragraph 1?
A.Who made it.B.Why it was made.
C.Why there are special rules.D.What the special rules are.
2. How many states in America have similar laws now?
3. What did Christopher Miller think of the new law?
A.It could help businesses grow.B.It could be bad for the environment.
C.It could bring health and safety problems.D.It could make people pay more attention to dogs.
4. Which of the following is illegal in restaurants in New York City now?
A.Smoking.B.Bringing dogs.
C.Supplying high-calorie food.D.Selling soft drinks in big cups.
2023-11-18更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南迪庆州藏文中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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