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1 . Hundreds of new drivers have been given bans (禁令) for using their mobile phones at the wheel, as part of stricter new laws introduced. In March, the punishment for driving while on the phone was doubled to six points — meaning drivers with less than two years’ experience faced a ban.

New laws meant the punishment for being caught on a mobile phone at the wheel was increased to six points. The new rules were introduced in England, Scotland and Wales. Drivers who get six points within two years of passing their test will lose their licence, creating a one-strike rule for mobile phone users. To get back behind the wheel, new drivers have to retake both the theory and practical parts of the driving test.

Mr Williams in the RAC said, “These people have spent hours and hours and hundreds of pounds learning to drive to gain their personal freedom only to throw it all away through this foolish behaviour. The only comfort is that they won’t be drawn into some terrible crashes caused by the distraction (使人分心的事物) of a hand-held mobile phone.”

When the new laws were introduced, Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said they would act as a strong warning to mobile phone users. However, the numbers suggested a total of 15,752 drivers received the punishment of six points for using a mobile phone between March and August. This is an increase from 15, 237 drivers in the same period of last year.

National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead on roads Policing, Chief Constable Anthony Bangham, said the police took the offence (违法行为) seriously. “This is not a small offence and is never a risk worth taking because a moment’s distraction behind the wheel can change lives forever.” “Our message is simple — don’t do it,” he added.

1. What can we infer from Paragraph1?
A.The new laws have not been passed.
B.The new laws are not strict enough.
C.Drivers with less than two years’ experience won’t be affected.
D.Punishment for driving while phoning used to be three points.
2. What will happen if a Welsh citizen who got a licence last year gets six points?
A.He will be fined a lot.
B.He must learn the new rules.
C.He will lose his driving licence.
D.He will be given a warning.
3. When the new laws were first introduced, _________.
A.traffic accidents were cut down
B.there were still many drivers who broke them
C.drivers thought the laws were unfair to them
D.fewer people broke them compared
4. What does Anthony Bangham mean?
A.The police didn’t take the new rules seriously.
B.The roads policy should be improved for safety.
C.A moment of carelessness may cause big accidents.
D.The laws need to be improved a lot and retested.
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