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Lake Castle Administration

State of Georgia

Smoking Ban(禁令) in Public Places

Public Notice Number 328ROD47                                Date- -July 20th

All individuals are informed that a legislation (法律) regarding(关于) “Ban of Smoking in Public Places” has been approved. Staring from 25th July the law will come into effect(生效、实施). Any person found including in smoking at any point of time, with any substance will be fined(罚款) a sum of 1,000 dollars.

No “First Warming”will be issued. This notice itself serves that purpose. Notice regarding this ban is being displayed in various TV channels, newspaper and radio stations.

Details of the Ban:

First Offence--$ 1 ,000 Fine

Second Offence-- $ 2 ,000 Fine

Third or more Offence-- $4,000 Fine

Fine is payable at Municipality Collection Centre of the State of Georgia.

H. M. Swinson,

Medical Heath Officer,


1. When will the new law go into operation?
A.Three days later.B.Five days later.
C.A week later.D.A month later.
2. From the notice, we can know that ________.
A.special smoking places will be set up
B.Smokers breaking the law will be warned firstly
C.one will be fined $4.000 at most by law
D.more people will give up smoking
3. Where should the fines be paid?
A.At Lake Castle Administration.B.At Municipality Collection Centre.
C.At H. M. Swinon, Medical Health Officer.D.At federal Government of Stare.
2021-06-26更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般