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1 . People who argue that William Shakespeare isn’t responsible for the plays attributed to his name are known as anti-Stratfordians (from the name of Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon). They think that Shakespeare simply was not educated enough or from a high enough social class to have written plays with such a wide range of subjects like history and international culture. Shakespeare was the son of a glove-maker. He only had a basic grade school education, and he never set foot outside of England — so how could he have written in such detail about historical figures and events, or about different cultures and locations around Europe? But in fact, most anti-Stratfordian arguments can be refuted (反驳) with a little background about Shakespeare’s time and upbringing.

First of all, those who doubt Shakespeare’s authorship often point to his common birth and brief education as blocks to his writerly talents. Although it’s true that Shakespeare did not come from a noble class, his father was a very successful glove-maker and his mother was from a very wealthy land-owning family — so he would have been educated accordingly. Also grade school education in Shakespeare’s time was actually quite strict and exposed students to classic drama through writers like Seneca and Ovid. It’s not unreasonable to believe that Shakespeare received a very solid foundation in poetry and literature from the courses at school.

Next, anti-Stratfordians tend to question how Shakespeare could write so extensively about countries and cultures he had never visited before (for example, Romeo and Juliet was set in Italy). But again, this criticism doesn’t hold up to close scrutiny (推敲). For one thing, Shakespeare was living in London, a business, political and cultural center of Europe. Among the daily crowds of people, Shakespeare would certainly have been able to meet travelers from other countries and hear firsthand accounts of life in their home country. For another, it was also the age of the printing press. Such technology made it possible to print and circulate books much more easily than in the past. This allowed people to read about life and ideas throughout Europe. One needn’t travel the continent to learn and write about its culture.

1. What is the main purpose of this text?
A.To explain two sides of an argument.
B.To criticize a theory by presenting evidence.
C.To give some historical background about a literary figure.
D.To encourage readers to be skeptical about famous writers.
2. How does the author prove Shakespeare was well-educated?
A.By referring to Shakespeare’s educated parents.
B.By insisting upon Shakespeare’s natural talent.
C.By comparing Shakespeare with other writers of his time.
D.By explaining grade school education in Shakespeare’s time.
3. What can be inferred from the text?
A.International travel was extremely rare in Shakespeare’s time.
B.Until recently, classical drama was only taught in universities.
C.In Shakespeare’s time, glove-makers weren’t part of the upper class.
D.Some writers in Shakespeare’s time wanted to harm his reputation.
4. Why does the author mention Romeo and Juliet?
A.It’s Shakespeare’s most famous play.
B.It was inspired by Shakespeare’s trip to Italy.
C.It’s an example of a play set outside of England.
D.It was unpopular when Shakespeare first wrote it.
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2 . From civil rights to environmental protection, the following books of fiction and nonfiction cover a wide range of topics. And every young liberal(开明人士)should read them.

An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore

Al Gore caught the attention of the world with his 2006 book An Inconvenient Truth, which was later turned into a movie. Based on his lecture tour on global warming, the work explains climate change in a user-friendly way and opens the public’s eyes to the plight(困境)of our planet.

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

When John Steinbeck won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962, he was praised for his realistic and imaginative writings, including The Grapes of Wrath. This book centers on a family of Oklahoma farmers who are forced off their land during the Great Depression. While it touches on timely issues such as labor unions and agricultural industry changes, it also explores universal themes of power, family, self-interest and dignity.

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Focusing on the meat-packing industry in Chicago, Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel The Jungle explores the life of immigrant workers in the early 20th century. The best-selling account actually made President Theodore Roosevelt pass the law about food safety that year.

The Conscience of a Liberal by Paul Krugman

Economist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman presents 80 years of US history in The Conscience of a Liberal, which examines the fall and rise of economic and political inequality. Many believe the 2007 book was a clear call for progressives(进步人士)to take control of the country’s economic future.

1. Which book should you read if you want to know something about environmental issues?
A.The Jungle.B.The Grapes of Wrath.
C.An Inconvenient Truth.D.The Conscience of a Liberal.
2. What role did The Jungle play in US history?
A.It helped bring a new law into effect.
B.It helped increase the meat sales of Chicago.
C.It helped develop the meat-packing industry.
D.It helped change the life of immigrant workers.
3. What do The Grapes of Wrath and The Conscience of a Liberal have in common?
A.They explore the value of a happy family.
B.They have the same historical background.
C.They are about the economic development.
D.They are written by the Nobel Prize winners.
2021-12-29更新 | 110次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省赣州市第一中学2021-2022学年高二下学期质量检测(1)英语试题
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