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广东 高三 期中 2022-11-29 424次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

一、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文,是Journey Zinger电动轮椅的广告。

The Journey Zinger power chair gives you back your mobility and gives you the freedom to move around your home, your neighborhood, indoors and out. Easy to use, portable and lightweight, so you can get out and enjoy! Because enjoying life never gets old.

The first thing you’ll notice about the Zinger is its unique look. It doesn’t look like a motorbike. Its smooth, lightweight and durable frame is made with aircraft grade aluminum (铝) so it weighs only 47.2 Ibs. It features one-touch folding and unfolding — when folded it can be wheeled around like a suitcase and fits easily into a backseat or trunk. Then, there are the steering levers (转向杆). They enable the Zinger to move forward, backward and even pull right up to a table or desk. With its compact (紧凑的) and powerful motor it can go up to 6 miles an hour and its rechargeable battery can go up to 8 miles on a single charge. With its low center of gravity and inflatable tires it can handle any tough riding condition.

“What my wife especially loves is that it gives her back feelings of safety and independence which has given a real boost to her confidence and happiness! Thank You!”——Kent C., California

Why take our word for it? Call now, and find out how you can get a Zinger of your very own.

Call at 1-888-866-1990 to buy.

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1. Which of the following best describes the Zinger?
A.Light and separable.
B.Flexible and powerful.
C.Foldable and convenient.
D.Rechargeable and weighty.
2. What do Kent’s words serve as in the ads?
A.The expectations for the producers.
B.The comments from the consumers.
C.The directions for using the Zinger.
D.The backgrounds to making the Zinger.
3. How can one get a Zinger?
A.By exploring on a journey.
B.By finding a button on line.
C.By placing an order for free.
D.By calling at 1-888-866-1990.
2022-11-28更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省名校联盟2022-2023学年高三上学期11月大联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65)

Our precious ones! How amusing their childish faux pas (失言) can be. Once my baby son was in the bath, the soap fell into the bath water. “Oh, its fa’en in the water,” he said. “Fallen, darling,” I said, emphasizing the double “L”. He thought for a moment, saying, “Fallen 20 blackbirds?” Oh, yes, he knew his nursery rhymes all right!

Yet often they can be the cause of a red face, and parents can be unknowingly embarrassed. My son once spotted a small sculpture of John Wesley in a museum and gave a delighted cry—“Oh look, Doctor Who!” This was in the days of the first Doctor, played by William Hartline, whose hair was in a similar style to that of John Wesley.

My reddest face by far occurred on the L8 bus. My six-year-old son and I were sitting on the upper deck front seat. As the bus passed a prison, my son stood up and faced the full upper deck, saying most proudly “My grandpa’s been in there!” much to the surprise of the passengers. Well, they weren’t to know that it wasn’t as a prisoner, were they? My face was redder than red as I hurriedly murmured (咕哝) to my nearest passenger that it was as a visitor. My son had earlier overheard that my father-in-law would be sent to the prison on business.

Yes, they can let you down, can’t they? And yet, getting it wrong is such fun and the right word is so quickly learned! Children’s faux pas are so amusing; they just say as they think they heard. Years later, incidents like this can be remembered with great amusement by the family, and after all, it is all part of growing up and so innocently (天真地) voiced.

I’m certain most parents can recall sayings like this, and I would strongly suggest that parents with young children get a notebook and write them down there and then. Most of the sayings from my young son are now gone forever. I wish I had recorded them at the time they came up—red face and all!

4. Why did the author feel awkward on the bus?
A.Her family’s secret was given away.
B.The passengers were frightened by the boy.
C.Her son hadn’t known what his grandpa was.
D.Her son’s grandpa would be mistaken as a prisoner.
5. What is the value of children’s faux pas?
A.They are part of growth.
B.They bring laugh to children.
C.They show children’s honesty.
D.They help to tell right from wrong.
6. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.All children are sure to have their faux pas.
B.It’s common for parents to ignore their children’s words.
C.The author remains embarrassed about her son’s faux pas.
D.The author failed to record all her son’s innocent sayings timely.
7. Which of the following is the best title?
A.Learn from Mistakes
B.Parents And White Lies
C.Children And Red Faces
D.Escape from Embarrassment
2022-11-28更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省名校联盟2022-2023学年高三上学期11月大联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65)

From the age of five, Alison Mbekeani, now in Durham University for her PhD, dreamed of becoming a scientist. But becoming a mother to two children put a brake on her career. She does not expect to return to the lab until her children are 16. Dr. Mbekeani is not alone. One survey in 2019 found that child-care responsibilities led 29% of mothers with a child under 14 to reduce their working hours, compared with just 5% of fathers.

In an ideal world, the government would not have to worry about any of this. Based on their preferences, parents would make a judgment over whether to outsource (外包) child-care or keep it in-house. The question for policymakers is whether parental behavior reflects actual preferences or it is driven by constraints (限制).

Constraints are an issue. Three in five nonworking mothers say that they would prefer to work, given the right child-care. Families had to fork out an average of ₤260 a week in 2021 for 50 hours of nursery care for a child under two. A tenth of households with a child under five report difficulty meeting such costs. As well as price, availability is a problem. Just 68% of local authorities in England report having enough child-care provision to serve parents who work full time.

Besides child-care, the benefits that could flow from evening out the gender (性别) imbalance in child-care could also be pretty large. One recent study estimated the gains from shuffling men and women according to ability, pulling productive women into work and kicking unproductive men out. Astonishingly, it was calculated that Britain’s average output per worker could be as much as 30% higher.

Cheaper child-care and gender-balanced responsibility in it are ways out to help mums into work, but policies would need to be designed to target really constrained parents. However, experts also add that giving children the best start in life means shorter, structured days full of interaction.

8. Why is the story of Alison mentioned?
A.To confirm an idea.
B.To develop the plot.
C.To draw a conclusion.
D.To introduce the topic.
9. What is the government’s key focus about child-care problem?
A.The influence of parents’ final decision.
B.The difference of children’s preference.
C.The balance of responsibility to do housework.
D.The consistency of parental behavior and actual liking.
10. What does the underlined word “shuffling” mean in paragraph 4?
11. Which is a suggested solution to helping mums into work?
A.Reducing childcare fees.
B.Strengthening children’s responsibility.
C.Shortening children’s structured days.
D.Offering the best life start to children.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65)

On January 7th, 2022, David Bennett became the first person to have a heart transplanted successfully into him from a pig. On that occasion, mere operation success was the goal. This operation is a milestone for xenotransplantation (异种移植)—the transfer of organs from other species to human patients.

For decades, researchers have attempted to deal with xenotransplantation’s basic problem. This is that the human body, when it recognizes foreign tissue, tends to turn against it. In the case of pigs, the most important marker of foreignness is a sugar molecule (分子) called alpha-Gal. While this molecule does not exist in humans, antibodies to kill it do. So no transplant from a pig with alpha-Gal would last more than a couple of minutes in a human body. In 2003 pigs were produced with a changed genome (基因组) so as to prevent the enzyme (酶) responsible for making alpha-Gal. This was a step in the right direction, but other barriers popped up.

The pig for David’s operation had a genome changed in ten ways to increase the chances of success. Three genes had been removed to reduce the risk of a human antibody rejecting the organ. A fourth, a growth gene, had also been knocked out, to ensure the heart did not enlarge after transplantation. And six human genes had been added to promote acceptance.

There are other concerns. One is any unknown rejection mechanism. Another is the possibility that the organ may pass viruses to its new host. The pig in question was raised where there was no virus to reduce the chance of that, but it remains a possibility.

In theory, pigs can be raised to provide humans with any solid organ, but some will be more complex than others. Moreover, even these barriers can be overcome, most researchers still acknowledge that increasing xenotransplantation to meet the world’s demand for organs may take decades. After this news, however, the chances that it will happen eventually have increased.

12. What is the basic barrier to xenotransplantation?
A.The human body lacks alpha-Gal.
B.The human body resists foreign tissues.
C.The life of the transplanted organ is too short.
D.The enzyme is prevented from making alpha-Gal.
13. Why was a growth gene removed in David’s case?
A.The human antibody refused it.
B.It would lead to heart enlargement.
C.The scientists had changed it too much.
D.It would make the heart less acceptable.
14. What can we learn about the pig in question?
A.It saved the patient’s life perfectly.
B.Its organ passed no virus to the human.
C.It was raised in a virus-free environment.
D.Its total number of genes was decreased.
15. What are the author’s attitude towards the future of xenotransplantation?
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65)

Ready to upgrade your usual walk around the park for a hike in the wild?    16    So, before you set off, here’s some tips and recommendations.

Choose your trail (小路). Are you up for a climb or would you prefer more of an easier walk? Consider things like the amount of time you have for your hike, as well as the distance and difficulty level. Be sure to do plenty of research and map out your start and end points.     17     Check the weather forecast. There’s no such thing as bad weather if you’ve come prepared! So checking the weather forecast in advance is vital.     18    For a sunny hike, a baseball cap adds a sporty edge to your hiking outfit while keeping the sun from your eyes.

    19    A well-packed backpack can make-or-break the experience of your hike. Fill your water container and store up energy-increasing snacks to keep you going on your trail. A first aid kit and map are also worth popping in your bag, too. Before you pack, it’s important to choose a good quality backpack that’s lightweight and comfortable.

Layer up. Wondering what to wear on a hike?    20    This three-layer system includes a base layer next to your skin, an adjustable layer on top and an outer shell to protect you from water and wind. Hopefully you won’t be battling the elements too much, but layering up with light clothes means you can stay on the trail with a smile on your face.

A.Pack your necessities in a quality backpack.
B.You want to keep your backpack as light as possible.
C.In case of rain, a waterproof jacket should be on your checklist.
D.Lightweight shoes are a good balance between support and stability.
E.And don’t forget to let someone know your trail if you’re hiking alone.
F.Expert hikers suggest a three-layer approach to dressing well for a rough day.
G.Preparation is key to the difference between a good hike and an unforgettable one.
2022-11-28更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省名校联盟2022-2023学年高三上学期11月大联考英语试题

二、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65)

When we married in 2007, we promised to love each other “in sickness and in health”. Over the years I shared my_________ with you. But with my full schedule and then a son, Jack, in 2008, we were very_________. Then in December 2015, a big fall _________you with stroke (中风) and speech difficulties. “Whatever, I’m here,” I comforted you. It meant that life needed a _________.

“Is now the time to realize our dream to start fostering (领养), at last?” I asked you. “Let’s go for it,” you said. I quit my job and_________a fostering charity with bases across the country. “My husband is_________. Does that rule us out?” I asked the clerk. “Not_________,” I was told. Eight months after filling in the first forms, we finally got the_________news.

In July 2020, we_________our now 15-year-old foster daughter, Millie. She was so __________that the first day as we all sat in the garden, especially nervous around men. But you__________her over. Soon she was__________along with us at your jokes! Meanwhile, we made a__________while I did her hair or when we walked our dog. With time, Millie started to see our house as her home. Now, we’re on the path to __________ more foster kids.

Thank you for helping me share the love we’ve built with__________who need it most. We’ve turned a difficult time into something beautiful.

A.break upB.calm downC.agree withD.take in

三、语法填空 添加题型下试题

语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65)

The National Ballet of China staged The Little Mermaid (小美人鱼) at Tianqiao Theater in Beijing, marking    36    10th anniversary since its premiere (首演) in 2012.

The ballet piece was first performed by the Royal Danish Ballet in 2005    37     (celebrate) the 200th anniversary of Danish author Hans Christian Andersen’s birth. In September 2012, the National Ballet of China worked with Neumeier to bring the    38     (produce) to Beijing. The premiere of The Little Mermaid in China was     39     huge success. Since its premiere, The Little Mermaid    40    (stage) in China several times.

Ballet artists Wang Qimin and Ma Xiaodong, who played the lead    41    (role) in The Little Mermaid’s performances in 2012, have returned to the stage to match steps with other dancers.

    42    (unfortunate), I cannot be with you in person to witness the revival (重演) of The Little Mermaid in China.     43    I would like very much to send my very best wishes for this new cast. The piece being taught so well has impressed me a lot,” said Neumeier through a video.

“The Little Mermaid marked a new era for the National Ballet of China,    44    inspired Chinese audiences and the cast. The company has advanced during the past 10 years,    45     (allow) us to interpret the ballet piece at a higher level,” said Feng Ying, head and artistic director of the National Ballet of China.

2022-11-28更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省名校联盟2022-2023学年高三上学期11月大联考英语试题

四、书信写作 添加题型下试题

书信写作-其他应用文 | 困难(0.15)
46. 假定你是李华,你校将以十月四日世界动物日为主题,举办英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿。内容包括:
2022-11-28更新 | 101次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省名校联盟2022-2023学年高三上学期11月大联考英语试题

五、书面表达 添加题型下试题

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The Wiggles, my girl Nayvah’s favorite show, played on the TV, she screamed out in excitement and started dancing along to the songs. Little Nayvah, nearly two, has a big personality and sense of curiosity!

A week later, me, Nayvah and my son, Leo, four, headed over to my friend Kacie’s place —— a ten-minute drive from our house.

My babies were excited to play with Kacie’s children Tyler, ten, and Nevaeh, eight. While the kids played, Kacie and I chatted in the backyard. As we talked, Kacie took the grate (炉排) off the drain (排水沟) that was next to the back door and poured some drain cleaner down it. “We’ve had blocked drains,” she said.

Hours later, as the sun began to set, I sat with the kids in the backyard while Kacie cooked carbonara for dinner. “Sammy! Can you come here and taste the sauce?” Kacie called out. The kids were happily playing, so I ducked inside. Less than a minute later, after trying the sauce, I went back out.

That’s when I saw Nayvah with her left leg stuck in the drain. My girl didn’t seem upset and, at first, I thought it was quite cute. “Kacie! Kids! Look at this!” I shouted out. “Oh no! I forgot to put the grate back on,” said Kacie. We all let out a little laugh, and Kacie and I tried to gently pull Nayvah out.

But her ankle was completely stuck. My heart sank. “Kacie, call Triple-0!” I said. I lay down next to Nayvah — who was still calm — and told her everything was going to be okay. “I’m here, Nay Nay Nay,” I comforted her.

When two fire trucks and an ambulance soon arrived, I burst into tears. It felt so serious. The firemen tried a few techniques to pull her out. Nothing worked. One fireman, named Shamus, decided to entertain my little girl to keep her calm.


“What’s her favorite TV show?” he asked me.


A few days later, I shared the story on TV and Nayvah received a special recorded message from the Wiggles star, Simon!




试卷题型(共 9题)





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