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| 共计 10982 道试题
1 . season, best, like, which, you, do (?)
2024-05-13更新 | 32次组卷 | 18卷引用:2020-2021学年内蒙古巴彦淖尔市五原县人教PEP版五年级下册期中检测英语试卷(含听力音频)
选择题-单选题 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . The weather _____ good and the colours _____ beautiful! (       )
A.is; isB.is; areC.are; are
2024-03-28更新 | 69次组卷 | 16卷引用:2019-2020学年内蒙古乌海市海南区人教PEP版五年级下册期中测试英语试卷(含听力音频)
选择题-情景选择 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . 想知道对方的年龄,你可以这样问:(     )

A.How are you?B.How old are you?
2024-03-18更新 | 25次组卷 | 69卷引用:科普版英语三年级下册Lesson 8 Who is he 单元测试卷
5 . 阅读短文,完成下列各题。

Welcome to my home. There are six rooms in my home. Come and meet my family. My cousin is in the bathroom. My aunt is a cook. She is in the kitchen. Where is my grandma? She is in my mother’s bedroom with my baby brother. Where is my grandpa? He is on the sofa. A fridge is near the sofa. Look at that man. He is a basketball player. He is tall and strong. He has brown hair. He is in the study. Many books are in the room. Who is he? He’s my uncle. My parents are not at home now, but they will come back soon.

1. 阅读短文,把人物序号填入相应房间的圆圈中。
a.        b.        c.        d.        e.

2. 根据短文,选择正确答案。
How many people are there in Mike’s family? (     )
A. Eight.              B. Five.              C. Nine.
2024-03-08更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023-2024学年内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗人教PEP版四年级上册期末素养检测英语试卷
6 . —______ that woman? (       )
—She is my mother.
2024-03-07更新 | 79次组卷 | 4卷引用:2020-2021学年科普版四年级上册期末测试英语试卷(一)(含听力)
填空题-选词/短语填空 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . February is the _________ (two / second) month of a year.
2024-03-04更新 | 20次组卷 | 3卷引用:2021-2022学年内蒙古呼伦贝尔市鄂伦春自治旗人教PEP版五年级下册期末检测英语试卷
补全对话/短文-填内容补全(约50词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 读短文,根据图意选词填空,用正确的书写体写在四线格上。
bedroom, on, window, bed, sofa, table, keys, books, three, phone

This is my . It’s small and nice.

You can see a , a and a . There are many on the shelf. The is the end table.

My are on the table. How many keys are there? There are keys. Look! A flower is near the . It’s beautiful. I like my room.

2024-02-08更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023-2024学年内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗人教PEP版四年级上册期末素养检测英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般