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辽宁 高二 期中 2024-05-25 124次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

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Movies to Enjoy

Eating Animals

The 2018 documentary Eating Animals, based on the book by Jonathan Safran Foer published in 2009, tells us that factory farming is bad, and that most Americans don’t realize just how bad. Still, this isn’t a feel-guilty film. There’s plenty of hope as director Christopher Quinn shows farmers who are still using practices that do not, for example, force chickens to live their short lives in a dark building while covered in their own poop (大便). Will the film cause you to go vegan (素食主义者)? Eh, burgers are really tasty. But it will make you think about what it is that you’re putting in your mouth and maybe inspire you to head for the farmers’ market to see what a chicken that lived a happy life tastes like.

Landmark’s E Street Cinema, 555 11th St. NW, Washington, D. C.; opens on Oct. 15 (Mon.),   $10-$12.50.

Landmark Bethesda Row Cinema, 7235 Woodmont Ave. Bethesda, MD.; opens on Oct. 15(Mon.),   $9.50-$12.50.

The Last Tightrope Dancer in Armenia

Sometimes it’s enjoyable to see what everyone else has been seeing. It helps with dinner party   conversation. Sometimes, though, it’s fun to see something really different. The Last Tightrope Dancer in Armenia is a 2009 documentary about the only two surviving performers of Armenian tightrope dancing, 76 and 77 at the time of the film, and their desperate efforts to pass on the traditional art form to the only student of tightrope dancing left in the land, a 16- year-old orphan boy.

Library of Congress, Mary Pickford Theater, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Washington D.C.;   Oct. 15 (Mon.),8p.m., free.

Family Movie Series

The Old Greenbelt Theatre is here to help quiet the endless “ I’m bored “ at the weekend. Every Sunday at l p.m., you can take the kids to see a family-friendly film for free, including Despicable Me 3 and Paddington 2. Just have fun!

The Old Greenbelt Theatre, 129 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD.;Sundays through

1. Which statement about Eating Animals is TRUE?
A.It’s directed by Jonathan Safran Foer.
B.It’s a feel-guilty story about the bad factory farming.
C.It may cause many more Americans to go vegan.
D.It can help raise people’s awareness of food.
2. What could someone who wants to enjoy a film for free on October 15 choose?
A.Eating Animals.B.The Last Tightrope Dancer in Armenia.
C.Despicable Me 3.D.Paddington 2.
3. Where should she go if a woman wants to spend a happy weekend with her children?
A.Landmark Bethesda Row Cinema
B.Library of Congress, Mary Pickford Theater.
C.555 11th St. NW,Washington, D.C.
D.129 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD.
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了运动员Griffith Joyner去世,接着介绍了她的辉煌的运动生涯以及她的曲折人生。

Twenty-five years ago, Florence Griffith Joyner, known as “Flo-Jo” died in her sleep, leaving behind a legacy that combined style and speed in the world of track and field. She was celebrated for her remarkable achievements, particularly during the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.

During the Olympic qualifiers in 1988, Flo-Jo broke the 100-meter world record with an amazing time of 10.49 seconds. She continued to amaze the world by breaking the 200-meter world record in the same Olympics, crossing the finish line in 21.34 seconds with her iconic style, including long painted nails and colorful one-legged running suits.

Griffith Joyner’s success extended beyond the track. She won two more gold medals at the Seoul Olympics, in the 100 meters and the 4×100-meter relay events, making her an international star. She landed endorsement (代言) deals in Japan, and appeared in American television shows like “Santa Barbara” and “227”. And there was even had a doll modeled after her by LJN Toys.

However, Flo-Jo’s Olympic achievements were not without controversy. In 1989, former American track athlete Darrell Robinson alleged (指称) that Griffith Joyner provided him with money to purchase growth hormones. She strongly denied these accusations, and despite persistent rumors, she never tested positive for any banned substances during her career.

The International Olympic Committee’s medical commission conducted strict drug testing on Flo-Jo during the 1988 Olympics, and she consistently tested negative. She faced questions about the allegations throughout her career but maintained her innocence.

In 1989, just five months after her great success in Seoul, Griffith Joyner announced her retirement from track, explaining that she couldn’t give her all to training as she used to. She transitioned into motherhood, pursued a career in fashion design, and designed NBA uniforms for the Indiana Pacers in 1990.

Flo-Jo’s legacy endures, as she revolutionized women’s sprinting with her exceptional speed and unique fashion sense. Florence Griffith Joyner remains an iconic figure in the world of sports, remembered for her incredible talent, groundbreaking achievements, and unapologetic style.

4. What do we know about Griffith Joyner according to the passage?
A.She passed away in America in 1989.
B.She benefited a lot from her running suits.
C.She pursued a career in fashion before her success.
D.She was very impressive at the 1988 Seoul Olympics.
5. Which word can best describe Griffith Joyner’s athletic career?
6. What contributed to Griffith Joyner’s retirement?
A.Public false accusations.B.Her health problems.
C.Her shift in life priorities.D.Persuasion from her family.
7. In which column of a newspaper can we most probably read this text?
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Any schoolchild knows that a whale breathes through its blowhole. Fewer know that a blowhole is a nostril (鼻孔) slightly changed by evolution into a form more useful for a mammal that spends its life at sea. And only a dedicated expert would know that while toothed whales, such as sperm whales, have one hole, baleen (鲸须) whales, such as humpback and Rice whales, have two.

Even among the baleen whales, the placing of those nostrils differs. In some species they are close together. In others, they are much further apart. In a paper published in Biology Letters Conor Ryan, a marine biologist at the Scottish Association for Marine Science, suggests why that might be. Having two nostrils, he argues, helps whales smell in stereo (立体空间).

Many types of baleen whales eat tiny animals known as zooplankton (浮游动物), which they catch by filtering (过滤) them from seawater using the sheets of fibrous baleen that have replaced teeth in their mouths. But to eat something you first have to find it. Toothed whales do not hunt by scent. In fact, the olfactory bulb—the part of the brain that processes smell—is absent in such creatures. But baleen whales still have olfactory bulbs, which suggests smell remains important. And scent can indeed give zooplankton away. Zooplankton like to eat other tiny creatures called phytoplankton (浮游植物). When these are under attack, they release a special gas called dimethyl sulphide, which in turn attracts baleen whales.

Most animals have stereoscopic senses. Having two eyes, for instance, allows an animal to compare the images from each in order to perceive depth. Having two ears lets them locate the direction from which a sound is coming. Dr Ryan theorized that paired blowholes might bring baleen whales the same sorts of benefits.

The farther apart the sensory organs are, the more information can be extracted by the animal that bears them. The researchers used drones to photograph the nostrils of 143 whales belonging to 14 different species. Sure enough, baleen whales that often eat zooplankton, such as the North Atlantic right whale, have nostrils that are farther apart than do those, such as humpback whales, that eat zooplankton occasionally. Besides allowing them to breathe, it seems that some whales use their blowholes to determine in which direction dinner lies.

8. What do we know about whales’ nostrils according to the first two paragraphs?
A.They are adapted ones.B.They are developed merely for smell.
C.They are not easy to detect.D.They are fixed universally in numbers.
9. What plays a role when baleen whales hunt zooplankton?
A.The teeth that baleen whales have.
B.The smell that phytoplankton send.
C.The sound waves that zooplankton create.
D.The chemical signals that zooplankton give off.
10. How is the concept of stereoscopic senses explained in paragraph 4?
A.By quoting a theory.B.By using examples.
C.By making contrast.D.By making inferences.
11. What is the position of nostrils related to according to the last paragraph?
A.The sense of smell.B.The possibility to attract food.
C.The ability to locate food.D.The ability to communicate.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65)

About ten years ago, logging into Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram would mostly show posts from friends and family in the order they were posted. Today, these platforms present a mix of content, tailored by algorithms (算法) to match users’ interests, whether it’s plants, sports, cats, or politics.

Kyle Chayka, a writer for The New Yorker, discusses this topic in his book, Filterworld. He explains that algorithms analyze user data to predict and influence what they will likely engage with. This means that instead of a simple, chronological feed, users encounter a dynamic stream, constantly adapting to their preferences. Chayka examines how these algorithmic recommendations control what we consume, from music and movies to food and travel destinations. He argues that this machine-driven selection process has turned us into passive consumers, making our preferences and tastes more similar.

Chayka points out that algorithms make us passive by always showing us content that we’re unlikely to click away from but won’t find too unexpected or challenging. This constant stream of recommendations reduces our exposure to diverse or challenging content, subtly shaping our preferences and behaviors.

Moreover, Chayka points out that algorithms also pressure content creators, like musicians and artists, to tailor their work to fit these digital platforms. For instance, musicians on Spotify or TikTok might focus on creating catchy hooks at the beginning of their songs to grab the listener’s attention.

Despite the strong presence of these algorithms, Chayka believes that regulation could reduce their influence. He suggests that if Meta, the parent company of Facebook, were required to separate its various services, like Instagram or WhatsApp, and make them compete with each other, it could give users more control and choice over their digital consumption.

In summary, the change from simple, time-ordered social. media posts to algorithm-driven content has a big impact on both the viewers and the creators, influencing what we see, hear, and even think. Chayka’s insights highlight the need for greater awareness and potentially more regulation in our increasingly digital world.

12. According to the text, how have social media platforms changed in the past ten years?
A.They show posts in a time-based order.
B.They prioritize posts from friends and family.
C.They make adjustments to satisfy users’ needs.
D.They provide more content to meet different needs.
13. What does Kyle Chayka think of algorithmic recommendations?
A.They make users more active consumers.
B.They shape users’ preferences and behaviors.
C.They reduce the influence of content creators.
D.They expose users to diverse and challenging content.
14. How do algorithms influence musicians’ work on digital platforms?
A.By encouraging musicians to create longer songs.
B.By discouraging musicians from using catchy hooks.
C.By giving musicians more control and choice over their music.
D.By requiring musicians to create their work to fit the platforms.
15. What can be concluded from the text?
A.Tech companies should have more departments.
B.Social media algorithms give content creators less opportunities.
C.Social media algorithms flatten our culture by making decisions for us.
D.Network platforms have increased the common recommendations for 10 years.
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