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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:33 题号:10025751

In March, days before her 15th birthday, Ashima Shiraishi successfully climbed Horizon on Mt. Hiei in Japan. She became the first woman and youngest person ever to solve the “V15” boulder( 攀岩) problem, considered the most difficult type of problem in the sport.

Shiraishi is also the world’s youngest person to solve the V10,V13,and V14 boulder problem, which she did at ages 8, 10, and 13.

“Once I have a project in mind, I don’t really give up,” she said. “And even if my skin is looking really bad from bouldering, I’ll just get back on it.”

The New York City native first got to know the sport at age 6 when she saw park-goers climbing Rat Rock in a city park in New York City. Attracted, she started climbing it every day after school and began training at an indoor climbing gym soon after.

She won her first competition at age 7, competing against grown women climbers.

“It was mostly the movement that really attracted me because it was almost like dancing. It felt like I was dancing on the rock,” she said.

Watching Shiraishi climb is like watching a dance of mental and physical courage. At 5-foot-1 and 100 pounds, she could be considered at a physical disadvantage compared to taller climbers who can reach holds more readily. But she makes up for it with smooth movements that only a climber of small size could make.

“The most important part of climbing is not really thinking at all. Once you start thinking, you doubt yourself, and that’s the worst that could happen to you,” she said.

Shiraishi hopes to compete on the most important stage for sports, the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, where climbing will make its first official appearance.

1. When did Shiraishi start climbing?
A.After visiting an indoor climbing gym.
B.After seeing people climbing in a city park.
C.After watching a climbing competition.
D.After reading a news report about climbing.
2. What is key to successful climbing according to Shiraishi?
A.Thinking about nothing.B.Encouraging yourself.
C.Receiving a lot of training.D.Entering a lot of competitions.
3. Which of the following is Shiraishi’s wish?
A.She can solve the “V15” boulder problem.
B.Climbing will become an Olympic event.
C.She can take part in the Olympic Games.
D.Bouldering will attract more young people.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A difficult boulder problem.B.The personal life of a teenager.
C.The popularity of bouldering.D.A successful young climber.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Growing up in the small town of Palmerston, Ontario, I had a dream: to work in television. However, it sounded like a dream that could never come true.

Thankfully, my parents had raised me to have a lot of confidence. With their help and encouragement, I applied to the radio and television arts program at Ryerson in Toronto. After graduating, I worked for Bell Canada for a while, writing and producing commercials. I soon decided, however, that what I really wanted was to be on camera.

I went to the CBC and CTV and applied for a job. They both turned me down because I didn’t have any experience. Luckily, Global Television had just started broadcasting in Canada that year. I found out the president was named Mr. Slaight and called him. I said, “I’ve heard that your studio facilities are amazing. I could come at eleven o’clock on Tuesday or eleven o’clock on Wednesday for a tour. What would suit you better?” He stuttered a bit, then picked a day. When I hung up, I was scared but ecstatic.

On the appointed day, I arrived at the studio. When we sat down, he looked at me and said, “What do you want?” He sounded a little angry and frustrated — but very curious. “All I want is a chance,” I said. “If something on camera comes up at Global — I don’t care what — I want a chance to audition. That’s all I’m asking.”

Three months later, his secretary called and asked me to audition for a new game show. When I arrived at the station, I went right into an audition for a new show called Wintario. The following day, I was handed an airline ticket to Sault Ste. Marie to do the very first Wintario show.

From Wintario, everything happened for me. I hosted the National Santa Claus Parade for fifteen years. I did hundreds of television commercials, a number of movies, training videos, and travel shows. And everything came from finding the courage back in 1975 to make that one phone call.

1. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 2?
A.She was born to be confident.
B.She failed to graduate in Toronto.
C.She was good at writing commercials.
D.She was not content with her first job.
2. What does the underlined word “ecstatic” mean in Paragraph 3?
3. Which of the following best describe the author?
A.Positive and creative.B.Sharp and responsible.
C.Curious and intelligent.D.Courageous and confident.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The success of working on camera.
B.The importance of parents’ support.
C.The realization of an impossible dream.
D.The transformation of an ordinary girl’s life.
2023-06-16更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sara Hinesley, who is 10, doesn’t understand why it is so remarkable that she won a national handwriting competition.

Sara, a third-grade student at St. John Regional Catholie School in Frederick, Maryland, won the 2019 Nicholas Maxim award for her cursive (草书的) handwriting.

She paints and draws, and sculpts clay. She can write in English and some Chinese. When she learnt to write in cursive this year, Sara said, she thought it was “kind of easy”. This is all despite the fact that Sara was born without hands.

To write, Sara holds her pencil between her arms and then focuses on the shapes of letters, each point and curve. “Writing in cursive feels like creating art work,” Sara said. “I like the way the letters are formed. It’s kind of art.”

Sara has never worn a prosthesis (artificial arms), and when she is offered help or a tool that might ease some tasks — such as cutting paper with scissors — she rejects it, said her mother, Cathryn Hinesley She has this independent trend where she just knows that she can do it and she'll figure out her own way. She is beautiful and strong and mighty just the way she is, and she just lives that way. She really does. She moves through life in this way that you never really see her as having a disability because she has a “can do, I-can-solve-anything attitude”

“Sara is an evidence of strong will and the human spirit,” Cathryn said. “Every day I am amazed at the things she is capable to do and that she chooses to do. She doesn't attempt to find her way to avoid s difficulty. She finds a way to finish the task.”

Sara received her national award — a medal — at an award ceremony on June 13, where she was also given a $500 prize. She is the first student from St. John’s to ever receive the Nicholas Maxim award.

1. We can infer from the first sentence that              .
A.Sara makes every effort to win the award
B.Sara considers it easy to win the award
C.Sara doesn’t take the award seriously
D.Sara is excited at winning the award
2. Which of the following words can be used to describe Sara?
3. What is implied in Cathryn’s words?
A.She expects Sara to be independent.B.She is greatly proud of Sara.
C.She doesn’t think Sara has a disability.D.She is concerned about Sara's future.
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2023-09-22更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It’s said that every person on the planet somewhere has a twin. Some years back, I met mine. His name is Allan Ripp. We met nearly 30 years ago through our respective jobs and hit it off right away. But we largely lost touch with each other until I was laid off from my job in the financial crisis of 2008 and he seriously considered hiring me.

Work brought us back together again about five years ago. And we’ve since become friends. Thanks only to our current go-round, I discovered our many similarities. Our most striking similarities are physical. Allan is five-foot-eleven; I’m five-ten. He weighs 150 lbs, and I155 lbs. A million men around the globe might fit this description. But our similarity extends to our professions as well. Allan started his career as a journalist, and so did I. He has practised full-time public relations for 36 years, I for 31. We are both writers.

But now, the probability of having such a double narrows considerably as other coincidences (巧合) emerge. We both grew up in Northeastern communities, played basketball since childhood and lived most of our lives in New York. Once we talk about family, this whole mirror image business gets strange. Allan and his wife have a son and a daughter, and so do my family. Moreover, both his daughter and my daughter married a man born and raised in Italy. So my double and I both have an Italian son-in-law.

As it turns out, my carbon copy and I have almost identical priorities. We advise each other on career moves and share industry information. We cheer for each other’s achievements. He treats me like he cares about my success more than his own.

The universe might be sending me a message that my double is a model worth following. Maybe he is who I could be if only I could do just a little better.

1. What do the underlined words “hit it off” mean?
A.Liked each other.B.Had an argument.
C.Found similarities.D.Became old friends.
2. What laid the foundation for the author’s friendship with Allan?
3. What similarities does the author introduce in paragraph 3?
A.Profession and family.B.Background and family.
C.Profession and marriage.D.Background and marriage.
4. How does the author feel about having such a carbon copy?
2023-07-01更新 | 89次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般