组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事
题型:阅读理解-六选四 难度:0.65 引用次数:87 题号:10119371
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Ten years ago, after 2 years as a postdoc(博士后), I found myself wondering whether I should take a different road. Up to that point, I had stuck to a pretty traditional path investigating cancer genetics, but I was losing interest in the research. At the same time, federal funding had flattened, which added to my dissatisfaction.     1    . Then came the hard part: identifying a new career that would nurture my passion for science and allow me to make an impact with my work.

As I was considering my options, I found inspiration in my first graduate school research tutor, whose work reminded me that scientists’ efforts away from the bench can be incredibly powerful. But I still didn’t know exactly what I should do.     2     A colleague mentioned that a professor at a nearby 2-year college was training students to produce monoclonal antibodies for labs on campus. I was impressed that the professor and taken on this type of ambitious project with relatively inexperienced students. Curious to find out more, I set up a meeting with John and was struck by his sincerity and the way be prioritized student training above grants, publications, and personal ambition. I could also see his passion for teaching, which reminded me of the dream to become a high school biology teacher.

    3     I found a faculty position and joined John at the same quiet junior college. Now, I effectively hold two positions: classroom instructor and research co-adviser of 15 inexperienced but eager undergraduates. Both roles give me a chance to help students transform themselves, which is enormously rewarding.

    4     It is discouraging when others see both my students and me as less worthy because we are not at universities. We sometimes struggle to get access to federal funding, scientific conferences, and other resources and opportunities. My pay is below the standard at 4-year research institutions, even though my teaching workload is greater. But my occasional frustration is relieved by the thought of the students, who I have helped train.

Looking back at these 10 years, I realize how much my work on this campus has helped me grow, both as an academic and a tutor. I’m grateful that I stepped away from a traditional career path and found a way to serve both the student and research communities in my own way, modest though it may be.

A.However, my work has its challenges.
B.Then a second bit of inspiration came my way.
C.Distressed as I was, I resolved to pursue my interest in research.
D.Besides the spiritual reward, there are other less apparent benefits.
E.So I decided to leave the academic path to find a better match.
F.Here, at last, was a way to combine my interest in science with my passion for teaching.
【知识点】 故事 职业内容


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】One morning while Officer Vogel was on his coffee break in a restaurant, a man ran in a yelled. “Officer! A little kid is driving a car down the street!"

He ran out at once and saw a car going slowly—about 25 miles an hour—but it wasn’t going very straight. He jumped into his police car and followed it. When the car was stopped, Officer Vogel looked inside. The driver was a little boy. His name was Rocco Morabiro and he was 5. In the back seat was his two-year-old sister. Both children were crying.

"I want my mummy!" the boy cried. "But she can't get here. I have the car.” Then he had an idea. "Just a minute." he told Officer Vogel. "I can drive. I'll go to get her.”

“No!" Officer Vogel said. “You stay with me!" Then he drove them to the police station and he called their mother. They had many questions for Rocco. The first question was: "Where did you get the car keys?"

Rocco said. “From the top of the refrigerator." At seven that morning Rocco's father was at work and his mother was sleeping, Rocco saw the keys on top of the refrigerator. He climbed up on a chair, and took the keys.

Rocco got into the car and started the engine. When Rocco's sister heard the engine, she ran to the car and cried. She wanted to go with him.

It was 7 a. m. —rush hour—so there was much traffic. Rocco drove one mile in heavy traffic. Then Officer Vogel stopped him.

Newspapers and TV stations heard about Rocco, and a lot of reporters went to his house. One reporter asked Rocco, “What do you want to be when you grow up?"

“A truck driver," he said, smiling.

1. Why did the officer asked Rocco to stay with him?
A.He would drive them home.
B.Other cars would go much faster.
C.Rocco would not cause any accident.
D.Rocco’s sister would not feel alone.
2. For what purpose were Rocco and his sister taken to the police station?
A.To have a good breakfast.
B.To learn some traffic rules.
C.To answer the policemen’s questions.
D.To wait for their mother and deal with the matter.
3. According to the reporters, Rocco’s driving was ________.
2018-03-14更新 | 59次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Several years ago, I read in a national advice column about a fundraiser called "A Mile of Pennies". Placed side by side for a mile, the pennies add up to $844.80. I thought it was an interesting concept and a fun way for kids to raise money, so I mentioned it to my friend and fellow teacher, Kathlee.

We decided to try it with our middle school students, with a competition among homerooms; the money the students raised would be used in some way for children during the holiday season. The winning homeroom would receive a pizza party and movie (paid for by other funds, not the money raised by the students).

Kathlee really liked the idea and got her students into the spirit. They were motivated to bring in pennies, as well as nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars, and checks. Soon, the whole school got involved, and the students raised more than $1000 during a two-week period; the money, donated to a charitable organization, was used to buy coats and toys for children in our community.

Even after my interest faded, Kathlee kept things going. Every November for the next several years, she would type up an announcement, send out envelopes, count and wrap the money or recruit volunteers to do it. She would arrange the reward for the winning homeroom, get the check written, and help decide which charity would distribute the money.

Finally, she would have the principal’s picture taken for the local paper as the check was handed over to the charitable organization. Kathlee clearly cared about the fundraiser and wanted her students to participate in it — and she cared about the people they helped.

The funds usually were donated to the local human services department, but occasionally the money went to a local civic organization. Each time, kids in our community benefited from the effort. One year some of our middle school personnel bought and wrapped the gifts, with one person saying it was the most fun she ever had.

Eventually, the fundraiser became routine. Some staff members grumbled about it, some ignored it, and some got into the spirit again. Kathlee and her students certainly kept that spirit going, though. Remarkably, each year they raised more money than they had the year before.

While I don’t have an exact total, over the years I’m sure the amount collected is more than $20,000. Each year I wonder which of her students has benefited from the Mile of Pennies without being aware of the part Kathlee has played.

Kathlee never asked for praise. But even though the Mile of Pennies was a school-wide effort, none of it would have happened without her persistence, follow-through and, most of all, her caring.

1. What does the author do according to the passage?
A.Volunteer in organization.B.A social worker.
C.A physician.D.A middle school teacher.
2. What do we know about the raised money?
A.It is used to cover the expenses of a pizza party and movie.
B.It is devoted to the school committee.
C.It is used to help the homeless.
D.It is devoted to the community children.
3. Which of the following would best describe Kathlee?
A.Honest and beautiful.B.Caring and persistent.
C.Learned and humorous.D.Talkative and diligent.
4. What would be the best title of the passage?
A.A Mile of PenniesB.Wonderful Kathlee
C.An impossible taskD.Love always goes far
2019-05-24更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My fifteen-year-old son has just returned from abroad with rolls of exposed film and a hundred dollars in uncashed traveler’s checks, and is asleep at the moment. His blue duffel (粗呢) bag lies on the floor where he dropped it. Obviously, he postponed as much sleep as he could, when he walked in and we hugged, his electrical system suddenly switched off, and he headed directly for the bed, where I imagine he beat his old record of sixteen hours.

It was his first trip overseas, so weeks before it, I pressed travel books on him, and a tape cassette of useful French phrases; drew up a list of people to visit; advised him on clothing and other things. At the luggage store where we went to buy him a suitcase, he headed for the duffels, saying that suitcases were more for old people.

During the trip, he called home three times: from London, Paris, and a village named Ullapool. Near Ullapool, he climbed a mountain in a rainstorm that almost blew him off. In the village, a man spoke to him in Gaelic, and, too polite to interrupt, my son listened to him for tenor fifteen minutes, trying to nod in the right places. The French he learned from the cassette didn’t hold water in Paris. The French he talked to shrugged and walked on.

When my son called, I sat down at the kitchen table and leaned forward and hung on every word. His voice came through clearly, though two of the calls were like ship-to-shore communication. When I interrupted him with a “Great!” or a “Really?”, I knocked a little hole in his communication. So I just sat and listened. I have never listened to a telephone so attentively and with so much pleasure. It was wonderful to hear news from him that was so new to me. In my book, he was the first man to land on the moon, and I knew that I had no advice to give him and that what I had a ready given was probably not much help.

The unused checks are certainly evidence of that. Youth travels light .No suitcase, not much luggage and a slim expense account, and yet he went to the scene, and came back safely. I sit here amazed. The night when your child returns with dust on his shoes from a country you’ve never seen is a night you would gladly turn into a week.

1. During the trip, the author’s son ______.
A.ran out of moneyB.had inadequate sleep
C.forgot to call his motherD.failed to take good pictures
2. According to the passage, which of the following could best describe the author’s son?
A.Polite and careless.B.Creative and stubborn.
C.Considerate and independent.D.Self-centered and adventurous.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Good parents should protect their children from potential dangers.
B.The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
C.It’s a win-win choice to give a child space to experience and explore.
D.Communication between parents and children is extremely important.
2021-06-01更新 | 31次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般