组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.15 引用次数:182 题号:10357178

Growing up on a small farm, I lived a life that I took for granted. My father worked in the city as a plumber(水暖工).He was not highly educated, but he was smart, looking at problems in an engineer’s way. He was a man made of leather, brass and chewing tobacco who tried to teach my brother and me useful things, including respect. He also had a temper and was strict with us for he would scold us when we made some careless mistakes. Sometimes, my father seemed like a distant enemy to me and I didn’t like him very much.

One day I came home from primary school and his car was already there. Once inside, I was told by my mother that he didn’t feel well. His back hurt. My father never missed work; in fact, when he came home, he went to the barn to work even more. I remember looking at him secretly around the corner as he lay on his bed in the middle of the day.

Later, my mother told me he got multiple myeloma(多发性骨髓瘤),a type of cancer. As the cancer grows, the person will shrink because the disease destroys the body’s energy and the abnormal antibodies cause problems for other cells and tissue. Bones eventually look like Swiss cheese, and when they break, they may never heal. But I didn’t realize that my father’s time was rather limited and just treated him the same way I used to.

For the last year of my fathers life, his entire day consisted df rising from his hospital bed in the living room and walking to his chair to sit and think. He was predictably in that chair when I came home one day during the ninth grade. I do not remember where my mother and brother were, but the two of us were alone.

Paragraph 1 :

He asked me to sit down and what he told me still moves me these decades Later.

Paragraph 2 :

At that moment, I realized that he was doing more than telling.



书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)


When I saw my mother at her home last month, it was a hot Sunday. I travelled there by train. As the train reduced its speed, I knew I was going to see her.

Leaving the station, I headed to the town center where I bought cakes — the kind she used to tell me to bring home. And I bought a cat, which I think can accompany her for along time. Until I got home, I didn’t think anything besides, I’m going to see her again and she’s waiting for me.

I knocked on the narrow door of the ground-floor apartment. She called out, “Yes. Come in!” “You should lock the door!” “I knew it was you. There’s no one else it could have been.”

When she saw the cat, she was very pleased as if it were my kid. She took the cakes, a little uneasy, but thanked me with a happy tone to her voice. That’s because she had already bought some for us on her way back home.

She was laughing, standing by the table. She put her hand on my shoulder, tilting her face up for me to kiss. At the same time, she was firing off questions about my trip, my children, my husband, my work...

We sat opposite each other at the table that, along with the meal she had already prepared for me, almost filled her apartment. She bought it big — it can seat at least ten people! But in six years, not once...

After meal, she tried to come up with more subjects of conversation, so that I wouldn’t go too soon, leaving her alone with her desire for me, her longing to live with me, her daughter, forever. Meanwhile, the cat approached us, which kept us busy for along time — watching it, taking turns holding it... My mother was the happiest she’d been since I got home. She seemed to have forgotten that I was going to leave.


It’s time for me to say goodbye to her.


A month later, I, along with my husband and kids, came back to visit my mother.

2023-06-02更新 | 151次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

When she looked around her house, Betty Margaret saw lots of electronics. Along with the usual things like her laptop and smart phone, there were all of her kids’ electronic devices: cell phones, video game devices and more! There seemed to be more than enough ways for her and her three children to be online all day, every day.

Ms. Margaret worried that her kids were becoming too dependent on the Internet and electronics. Then she began to reread one of her favorite books, Henry Thoreau’s Walden, which gave Ms. Margaret an idea. Thoreau spent 2 years in a simple cabin without running water, and having to grow his own food. Maybe she and her family could live without such luxuries as computers and electronic devices for a while.

Ms. Margaret talked with her kids and explained that she wanted the family to try living for 6 months without the Internet, cell phones, TV, and video games. Ms. Margaret writes articles for a newspaper in Australia, and had written several books as well. She told her children that if they agreed, she would write a book about their experience and they could go on a trip abroad with the money from sales of the book. Her three children agreed, and “the experiment,” as Ms. Margaret called, began.

Over the course of the experiment, the Margaret children had different reactions to life without electronics. Before the experiment began, Anni, the eldest of the children, read books more than her younger brother and sister. She therefore had a relatively easy adjustment to the family’s new lifestyle. Anni could also use the library’s computer for her homework. Bill, who loved to play video games before the experiment began, had to find a way to spend all of his new free time. He started to spend more time practicing his saxophone (萨克斯管). Susan, the youngest child in the family, had the hardest time adjusting to life without electronics. She felt restless for the first weeks and later, influenced by her elder sister, gradually began to find interest in the novel experiences brought by various books.

Paragraph 1:

The family carried on with the experiment for the 6 months without technology controlling their lives.

Paragraph 2:

Ms. Margaret wrote the book she had planned.

2020-07-14更新 | 188次组卷
书面表达-开放性作文 | 困难 (0.15)

【推荐3】Yesterday, the Peoples Court of Qi County in Henan Province had a special plaintiff, an eleven-year-old boy in the fifth grade. He accused his parents of peeping at his diary, which violated his privacy.

After looking into the case, the judge found out what had happened to the boy and his parents. Li used to be an excellent student, but recently, he couldn’t focus on his studies. His parents were busy with their business, so they cared little about him. However, after learning about their son’s change, they managed to peep at his diary. From the diary, they learned that their son had a love affair with a girl in the same class. Then they got very angry and scolded him severely. As a result, the boy charged his parents with violating his privacy.

Facing the special case, the judge said, “Li is not a grown-up, but he has privacy protected by law. But in this case, what his parents did was to try to understand his thought in order to help him grow up healthily, which couldn’t be defined as an invasion.” Later, the judge told the parents it was unwise to peep at the child’s diary. Instead, they should try to talk to him. With the help of the judge, the boy promised to concentrate on his studies.


1. 以约30个词概括阅读材料的主要内容;

2. 以约120个词谈谈你对“父母偷看子女日记”的看法,包括以下要点:

(1) 看完新闻你有何感受?

(2) 如果你是文中主人公,你会如何做?

(3) 你认为子女和父母应该如何更好地相处。


1. 作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。




2018-03-11更新 | 250次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般