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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:27 题号:10374955

Exercise helps to keep us in good health. Doctors suggest getting at least 150 minutes of mild physical activity every week. Many people have an exercise routine.     1    . But what about those times when you are sick? If you do not feel well, should you keep following your exercise routine? Will physical activity help you to feel better more quickly or will it delay the healing process?

Health experts answer these and other questions.     2     if you have a common cold. It is usually fine to exercise if your symptoms are all "above the neck”. These signs may include a runny nose or a minor sore throat. In fact, exercise may make you feel better by opening your blocked nose. This may temporarily reduce being blocked and help you to breathe more easily.

    3    , however, experts suggest taking a break from exercising. Be on guard for symptoms such as extreme cough or pain in the stomach. And there are other symptoms that can tell you to avoid exercise. They include a higher than normal body temperature, a sense of feeling extremely tired, widespread muscle pain.

    4    . If you feel really bad, take a break and let your body rest. If you don't feel too bad, these experts suggest cutting back on the strength of your exercise routine.     5    . A few days off from exercise when you are sick shouldn't affect your performance. You can return to your usual exercise times when you feel better.

A.Mild physical activity is usually OK
B.Experts suggest listening to your body
C.They exercise for a few minutes every day
D.Exercising will result in more severe illness
E.If you usually run, take a quick walk instead
F.If signs of your illness appear “below the neck”
G.Exercising regularly keeps us feeling exhausted
【知识点】 方法/策略 体育健身


阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】If you carry burdens all the time, soon you won’t be able to carry on. So, whatever burdens you’re carrying now, let them down for a moment if you can.     1    

Do your hardest task first in the morning. Pushing a hard task back is like holding a glass of water in an outstretched arm.     2    Do the most difficult task first in the morning, and enjoy peace of mind for the rest of the day.

    3     You make plans to go outside with your friends. But at the last minute, it starts to rain. What’s your reaction? The rain won’t stop just because you lose your temper. Make the most of what you can control, and don’t worry about what you can’t.

List three things you love about your situation right now. Just three simple things about any part of your life you love, like “three simple things I love about the room I’m in right now”, or “three simple things I love about this week”, or anything else. This is a great technique if you’re ever bored while you’re stuck in traffic, or waiting in the grocery store checkout line.     4    

Breathe deeply by the window. Just walk to the window, look outside for some minutes, and then take a deep breath, focusing only on that breath and nothing else in the whole world. This technique sounds rather simple.     5    

A.Let go of things you can’t control.
B.Don’t worry about what others are thinking.
C.But the longer you hold it, the heavier it will become.
D.Here are some simple ways to increase your peace of mind.
E.You can change boredom into happiness and peace of mind right now.
F.But you won’t believe how much it can increase your peace of mind immediately.
G.At first nothing happens, but if you do it for hours or even days, you’ll feel the stress.
2020-09-23更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Journaling is simply the act of thinking about your life and writing it down. Nothing more is needed.     1    Here are some benefits of journaling.

Journaling provides the opportunity to learn new lessons from old experiences. When looking back on her previous journal entries, Virginia Woolf remarked she often “found the significance lying where I never saw it at the time”. Reading your old journal entries is a bit like reading a great book for a second time.     2     Only this time, you are re-reading the story of your life.

Journaling sharpens your memory. Time will change your face without you noticing, but it will also change your thoughts without you realizing it. Our beliefs shift slowly as we gain experience.     3     Seeing an old picture of yourself can be interesting because it reminds you of what you looked like, but reading an old journal entry can be even more surprising. It reminds you of how you thought.

    4     The thought that your day will be recorded makes you want to make at least one good choice before the sun sets. I will sometimes find myself thinking, “I want to have something good to write down tonight.”

Journaling provides proof of your progress.    5     But with a journal, it’s easier to see it. One glance at your previous entries and you have proof of how much you have grown over the months and years.

A.Nearly anyone can benefit from it.
B.Journaling helps make right decisions.
C.You rely on the journals to reflect on the daily work.
D.Journaling motivates you to make the most of each day.
E.It’s easy to forget how far ahead you have gone on a bad day.
F.You pick up new sentences and see the past in a different way.
G.Yet journal entries have the ability to freeze your thoughts in time.
2022-05-17更新 | 116次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Become a More Positive Person

Everyone wants to be happy. We all wish to live fruitful, meaningful, and positive lives.     1       Too often, our daily habits become self-defeating and lead to disappointing results which leave us unhappy and unfulfilled.

This leads to a general sense of negativity within us. The good news is that once you understand you’re your magnificent mind works, you can take control of your thinking, your subconscious(潜意识的) program, and ultimately your results. You can build a beautiful life filled with joy, rewarding relationships, and experiences.

This all begins with six very powerful words: you become what you think about. Repetition of thought will eventually imprint on your subconscious hard drive. Once you master this process, you will be in the driver’s seat.     2     Think positive thoughts, and you will automatically adopt positive behaviors. You will see and feel the effects almost immediately.

You must also surround yourself with enthusiastic and productive people, Let their positivity shine on you like a beacon(灯塔) of light. Avoid unnecessary contact with negative people from your past. When you do need to interact with them, limit the time you spend together.     3    

Watch TV shows that are uplifting and inspirational. Avoid the news. I call it the bad news. Stay away from it as much as you can.    4     Read positive books, articles, and magazines. Visit inspirational websites for motivation quotes and listen to educational podcasts that have real value in your life.

    5     Therefore, rid your life as completely as possible of mental junk food, It has been said that you become the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. I believe that’s true. Choose your friends and associates carefully. Stand guard at the gateway to your precious mind. Avoid pessimists(悲观主义者).They will pollute your thinking and destroy your chances to be your best self.

A.You will be in control.
B.It's poison for your mind.
C.It occurs without our knowledge.
D.Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.
E.Avoiding contacting too much is important.
F.The vast majority of our behavior is habitual.
G.Remember you become what you think about.
2020-09-27更新 | 110次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般