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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:44 题号:10399945

In 2012, Kim Stemple was a special education teacher and a solid performer in her age group in marathons. And then she got sick. After three years of tests and treatments, the doctors figured out she has a rare mitochondrial disease that is causing progressive mental and physical health to go worse. They told her there was no cure and that this disease would take her life.

Yet Stemple kept running and competing in marathons. One day she was training for the Rock “n” Roll Marathon in Las Vegas when she became too sick to travel. The usually outgoing Stemple sunk into disappointment. But then she received a gift — it was a marathon medal given to her by a friend.

Stemple hung the medal near her hospital bed and it was an instant conversation starter with doctors, nurses and anyone who came to visit. That medal pulled Stemple out of her disappointment. And that gave Stemple the idea to start We Finish Together, an organization devoted to connecting runners who wish to donate medals with those who might appreciate them. Stemple pens a handwritten note of encouragement on each of the medals she gives away. Recipients have included hospital patients, residents of homeless shelters and even doctors and nurses who care for the very ill. “This gives them a connection to someone,” says Stemple. “If they receive a medal, they know someone cares.”

Can a simple medal really make a difference? Joan Musarra said yes, who suffered from a serious disease. “I opened my package containing my new medal and the notes of positive, warm thoughts. I was really excited,” she wrote to Stemple. “It means so much to me to feel that I am not alone.”

1. What can we infer about Stemple before she got too sick to exercise?
A.She was doubtful.B.She was courageous.
C.She was down-hearted.D.She was optimistic.
2. What inspired Stemple to found We Finish Together?
A.The patients’ request.B.The medals she won.
C.Her friend’s gift.D.The encouragement from doctors.
3. How does Stemple’s organization help people in need?
A.By having chats.B.By giving out recycled medals.
C.By contributing money.D.By connecting their relatives.
4. Why did Musarra write the letter to Stemple?
A.To show the medal’s positive effect on her.
B.To discuss about their illnesses.
C.To relieve the symptoms of her illness.
D.To ask for another medal.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Frank and his brother Jack lived near the ocean. Frank was outgoing while Jack was shy. They liked doing different things. Frank was famous for organizing games of beach volleyball, football, and any other sport imaginable. Jack preferred to draw, paint, or build sandcastles (沙堡).

Frank didn’t understand why Jack would rather do artistic things than play ball. He believed sports often allowed many kids to play together. That was when Jack’s idea hatched. He would show Frank what doing things together looked like!

After Jack finished creating a special sandcastle with stairs, towers and walls, he took pictures of it. Then he painted colorful posters featuring (突出) his sandcastle and the question, “Can you top this?” He hung his posters everywhere in town, announcing his plan for a day of sandcastle artistry-all ages welcome.

When Frank saw poster, he not so nicely told Jack that no one would come. Still, shortly after sunrise on Saturday, Jack was on the beach digging in the sand. By mid-morning, four kids were sculpting (雕塑) the sand alongside him. By noon the number had increased a lot.

After Frank came back from his ball game, he went to check how his brother’s plan turned out. He couldn’t believe what he saw. At least 30 people were building a city of sandcastles, and everyone was chatting and laughing and working together! It was the most beautiful thing he had seen on the beach.

“I guess you’ve proved me wrong,” Frank said. “You should make this sandcastle day a yearly tradition!” Handing Frank a shovel (铲子) with smile, Jack got started together with his brother on their super creation in the sand.

1. What does the underlined word “hatched” in Paragraph 2 probably mean in Chinese?
2. What helped people know about Jack’s plan?
A.Beautiful towers.B.Colorful posters.
C.A town building.D.A sandcastle day.
3. When learning about Jack’s plan, Frank was ________.
4. What can we know about Jack’s idea?
A.It came from picture.B.It needed 30 people’s support.
C.It proved Frank right.D.It did work well.
2024-01-29更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】After attending another parent meeting about my 7-year-old child’s behavior, I didn’t know what to do. It was the second school we had tried for Nathan and, as always, everything was being done for my child’s needs. It was also having bad influence on Nathan. He would come home and say, “Mom, I hate my life. I do not want to live any more.” I was afraid that my son was beginning to suffer from depression(抑郁) and that I was losing him. We needed help.

By the age of seven, Nathan had already had three surgeries (外科手术) for his ears. He was in great pain, which made it difficult for him to learn or pay attention. Despite Nathan’s bad condition, the staff at two former schools seemed as if they didn’t care. They often forgot to deal with his medication(药剂). As a result of many times of ear infections (感染), Nathan had hearing loss. To make things worse, Nathan’s speech was not very good. Children would make fun of him and Nathan began to fall behind in study.

When I first set foot into Ripley House Charter School, I knew this was the school for my son. It felt positive from the moment I entered. From the start, Mrs. Elsen and her staff heard my concern over Nathan. Mrs. Elsen dealt with my concern, not with empty words but with action.

That day, Nathan came home from his first day of school saying, “Mom, I love school!” By the end of the week he was saying, “Mom, I like my life. I have a good life.” Ripley House Charter School gave me my son back and saved our lives. Thank you for giving me back what we had lost—HOPE.

1. From the beginning, we can learn that_______.
A.the author felt helpless about his son
B.the author often attended the class meeting
C.Nathan had been in great depression
D.no school would like to accept Nathan
2. Nathan’s problems are the following EXCEPT_______.
A.hearing loss
B.lack of attention
C.being unable to speak
D.falling behind in his study
3. What attitude did the author hold towards Ripley House Charter School?
2019-12-13更新 | 144次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)
文章大意:本文是夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲述道恩·强森(Dvavne Johnson)14 岁时曾经偷过便利店的士力架巧克力,如今已成为明星的他为了表示对过去错误的忏悔,去该便利店花298美元买下该店所有的士力架巧克力,供有需要的顾客免费拿走。

【推荐3】Dwayne Johnson said this week he returned to a 7-Eleven in Hawaii to “right the wrong” of stealing candy when he was a teenager.

In an Instagram post, the star explained that his family was “broke as hell” when he was living on the island and, for nearly a year when he was 14, he would steal a Snickers (士力架) bar from the store on the way to the gym “every day” as his pre-workout snack because he couldn’t afford to buy one.

He recalled that “the same clerk was there every day and always just turned her head and never searched me”, but admitted that his actions had been weighing on his conscience (良心) for three decades.

Johnson documented the recent visit to the store, in which he emptied the shelves of every Snickers bar, bought them and then left the candy bars for any customer to take for free.

“If somebody looks like they’re stealing Snickers, give them these so they don’t steal it,” Johnson told the store clerk.

He wrote that he realized the deed might seem “silly”, but every time he came back home to Hawaii and drove by 7-Eleven, he always knew he needed to go in and clean out every Snickers bar they had — the right way.

Johnson racked up a bill of $298 and also tipped the clerk who had to count the dozens of bars he bought and another cashier who was working at the time. The former wrestling star even posed for selfies with fans while trying to film the visit.

“We can’t change the past and some of the dumb stuff we may have done, but every once in a while we can do something to make up for that fault — and maybe put a big smile on some strangers’ faces,” Johnson said.

1. How did Dwayne Johnson feel about what he did at the age of 14?
2. Why did Dwayne Johnson spend $298 on Snickers bars?
A.To thank the store clerk.B.To show off his wealth.
C.To realize his childhood dream.D.To make up for his past behaviour.
3. What do we learn about Dwayne Johnson?
A.He was born into a rich family.B.He was lazy when he was young.
C.He was responsible for his behaviour.D.He was once caught by the clerk.
4. What does the author want to tell us by sharing Dwayne Johnson’s story?
A.Honesty is the best policy.B.It’s never too late to mend.
C.What’s done cannot be undone.D.Actions speak louder than words.
2023-03-26更新 | 90次组卷
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