组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:187 题号:10705089

In one of my favorite photographs of my mother, she's about 18 and very tall, with long, blond hair. It's the 1970s and my dad is there, too, hugging her from behind.

I haven't seen this photo for years. I have no idea where it is now, but I still think of it and, specifically, my mom is in it. She looks so young and innocent. At that time she hasn't yet dropped out of college, or got married. The young woman in this photo has no idea that life will bring her five children and five grandchildren, one divorce, two marriages and a move across the country.

For me, as for many daughters, the time before my mother became a mother is a string of stories, told and retold: the time she sold her childhood Barbie doll to buy a ticket to Woodstock; the time she worked as a waitress at Howard Johnson's, struggling to pay her way through her first year at Rutgers. The old photos of her are even more appealing than the stories because they're a historical record, carrying the weight of fact.

It is always a comfort from those photos to know that time, aging and motherhood cannot take away a woman's essential identity. For daughters who closely resemble their moms, it must be an even bigger comfort: these mothers and daughters are twins, separated by a generation ,and an old photo serves as a kind of mirror.

For daughters, these old photos of our mothers feel like both a chasm(巨大差异)and a bridge. The woman in the picture is someone other than the woman we know. She is also exactly the person in the photo-still, right now. Finally, we see that the woman we've come to think of as Mom-whether she's nurturing(养育), or disapproving, or thoughtful, or supportive, or sentimental--is also a mysterious, fun, brave babe.

She's been here all this time.

1. What can we know about the author's mother from paragraphs 2&3?
A.She divorced twice all her life
B.Life was tough for her during her first year at college
C.She traveled across the country in her youth
D.She was good at storytelling
2. Why does the author find the photo of her mother appealing?
A.The photo reminds her of her mother
B.Her mother looks young and happy in the photo
C.She wonders why her mother dropped out of college
D.The photo tells a lot about her mother in her youth
3. Some photos of mothers bring comfort to their daughters because________.
A.the photos are kept well even after generations
B.the photos record the life of the mothers faithfully
C.the photos help daughters to learn more about their mothers
D.the photos show the essential part of the mothers remains unchanged
4. Which one could be the best title of the passage?
A.The Pictures of Our Mothers
B.Our Mothers as We Never Saw Them
C.My Favorite Picture of My Mother
D.The Way to Learn About Our Mothers


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】At the start of the 20th century, an American engineer named John Elfreth Watkins made predictions about life today. His predictions about slowing population growth, mobile phones and increasing height were close to the mark. But he was wrong in one prediction: that everybody would walk 10 miles a day.

Today, in Australia, most children on average fall 2,000 steps short of the physical activity they need to avoid being overweight. In the early 1970s, 40 per cent of children walked to school, while in 2010, it was as low as 15 per cent.

The decline is not because we have all become lazy. Families are pressed for time, many with both parents working to pay for their house, often working hours not of their choosing, living in car-dependent neighborhoods with limited public transport.

The other side of the coin is equally a deprivation: for health and well-being, as well as lost opportunities (机会) for children to get to know their local surroundings. And for parents there are lost opportunities to walk and talk with their young scholar about their day.

Most parents will have eagerly asked their child about their day, only to meet with a “good”, quickly followed by “I’m hungry”. This is also my experience as a mother. But somewhere over the daily walk more about my son’s day comes out. I hear him making sense of friendship and its limits. This is the unexpected and rare parental opportunity to hear more.

Many primary schools support walking school-bus routes (路线), with days of regular, parent-accompanied walks. Doing just one of these a few times a week is better than nothing. It can be tough to begin and takes a little planning-running shoes by the front door, lunches made the night before, umbrellas on rainy days and hats on hot ones-but it’s certainly worth trying.

1. Why does the author mention Watkins’ predictions in the first paragraph?
A.To make comparisons.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To support her argument.D.To provide examples.
2. What has caused the decrease in Australian children’s physical activity?
A.Plain laziness.B.Health problems.C.Lack of time.D.Security concerns.
3. Why does the author find walking with her son worthwhile?
A.She can get relaxed after work.B.She can keep physically fit.
C.She can help with her son’s study.D.She can know her son better.
4. What should parents do if they walk along school-bus routes with their children?
A.They should make plans.B.They should buy running shoes.
C.They should make lunches the night before.D.They should take umbrellas.
2022-07-10更新 | 69次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】For many runners, a marathon can often be a challenge — but sometimes what gets a runner through the tough 26.2 miles is looking out into the crowd and seeing his or her loved one holding up a sign and shouting words of encouragement. For one mom, though, her loved one was a bit more hands-on.

While running the REVEL Big Cottonwood Marathon in Salt Lake City, Courtney Rich, a self-taught baker and mother of two, was beginning to run out of energy just yards from the end when she was suddenly joined by her 10-year-old daughter, Avery.

The touching moment, caught on video and posted on social media, shows Avery running to her mother’s side to support her as she approached the end of the race. Rich’s face lit up when Avery joined her and helped her cross the finish line.

Rich later said in the video’s caption that being joined by her daughter to finish the race was “a moment I hope neither of us ever forget”. Rich said that her daughter could tell she was struggling after a phone call near the end of the race. “She knew I had struggled the last few miles,” Rich said. “She saw tears in my eyes when I called on mile 24.”

In the video, Rich’s facial expression changes from tiredness to a smile after seeing her daughter emerge from the crowd to join her. Then, Rich and her daughter ran hand-in-hand to the finish line. “Nothing could have prepared me for the moment my 10-year-old daughter would jump out of the crowd and run with me to the finish line,” she said. When the race was done, the two hugged each other at the finish line. The video ends with a final caption, “And then she just held me. She held me.”

In the past, the REVEL Big Cottonwood Marathon has had other memorable moments of mothers caring for their children, but perhaps not as hands-on as this one.

1. What happened to Rich when she was coming to the finish line?
A.She fell down all of a sudden.
B.She was far behind others.
C.She felt herself struggling.
D.She was interrupted by Avery.
2. How did Avery react to the accident?
A.She helped Rich run to the finish line.
B.She tried to call for help at once.
C.She ran the rest in place of Rich.
D.She shouted encouraging words to Rich.
3. How did Rich feel about Avery’s response?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.A Mother Would Never Give Up On Her Marathon Dream
B.A Mother Encouraged Her Daughter To Pursue Her Dream
C.A Daughter Got Involved In Her Mother’s Race By Mistake
D.A Daughter Cheered For Her Mother By Joining In Her Race
2024-01-25更新 | 69次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Larry and I have always had our basic values in common, but our interests are as far apart as opera and basketball. I love art, and he is a huge sports fan. His big passion is seeing basketball games. He has been sharing season tickets with his friends for years. I must admit I’ve been always invited to see the games together.

This morning, I called my brother, Larry, and said, “I have a piece of good news and a piece of bad news. Which do you want to hear first?” “Good news first,” Larry answered. “You can go to sleep early tonight,” I said. “Okay. What’s the bad one?” he asked. “We’re going to the opera!” I answered, laughing loudly.

There was a reason for the joke. Last time I invited him to go to the opera, he fell asleep in the theater. I had to admit it was always boring for him, but when I gave him a ticket for my favorite opera, I really thought he might enjoy it. I woke him up, but soon he fell asleep again. When Larry found I was joking, he breathed a sigh of relief on the other end. He said, “But I want you to go to see the last basketball game this autumn with me.” I promised and complained, “Not again!” Actually, most of the time, when the game was on, I’d be texting or daydreaming. Sometimes, my telephone messages would be interrupted when the home team scored. I knew they scored because everyone jumped up and exchanged high-fives and fist bumps.

However, today, as I looked around at thousands of people cheering and getting increasingly excited, I decided to at least give it a try—for my brother’s sake, if not for my own. The game was in-tense, and I was hooked soon. When the other team scored, I eventually felt a bit disappointed with the rest of my crowd. My brother was surprised to see me getting involved. I was astonished myself! I didn’t keep glancing at the clock, counting the minutes until we got out. Time flew. The game was over before I knew it.

1. In paragraph 2, the author quotes his conversation with Larry to show ________.
A.Their common basic values.B.Their strong sense of humour.
C.The high trust between them.D.The difference in their interests.
2. What does the underlined word “hooked” in the last paragraph mean?
3. What can be learned about Larry from the passage?
A.He likes playing jokes on the author.B.He often texts while watching the opera.
C.He seldom enjoyed the opera last time.D.He scored in the last basketball game.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Art and SportB.From Opera to Basketball
C.Falling asleep in the theaterD.Developing a Passion for Basketball
2024-02-12更新 | 17次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般