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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:28 题号:10838995

Free Level Test: Spanish courses in Sydney

Let your language journey begin.

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and the official language of more than 20 states, including Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, etc.

If you are planning a trip or just want to learn Spanish, consider taking a free Spanish Level Test at Instituto Cervantes Sydney, the official Spanish language and cultural centre in Australia.

Instituto Cervantes Sydney is home to Spanish language classes whose purpose is to develop students’ ability to understand, speak, read and write in Spanish. All teachers are university qualified and use the most up-to- date teaching methods.

If you already have some knowledge of Spanish, this Level Test is fit for you, as you will be tested by one of the teachers before being put into a class. You can also have all the information you need to start learning Spanish here, including courses and costs.

Ask the customer service team members about information on the free library service for students and the exciting cultural activities held all year round.

If you haven't studied Spanish before, you can enroll(注册) online in a level A1.1 ( Beginner Course). You can also enroll at the reception during business hours.

Don't miss out on discounts. Learn Spanish with up to a 7% Early Bird Discount if you enroll before the 20 of April. Students at Instituto Cervantes Sydney also enjoy special discounts on activities such as dance classes, cinema tickets and much more.

Begin your Spanish language journey with Instituto Cervantes Sydney today by joining a free Level Test this summer; there are different classes to choose from between the 11h and 18 of April.

For more information on Instituto Cervantes Sydney and their classes and cultural activities, please visit sidney. cervantes. es/ en/ default. shtm.

1. To a student who has learned Spanish, the class he will be in is decided by _______.
A.which country he is fromB.his grades in a Level Test
C.when he enrolls for the courseD.his reasons for learning Spanish
2. What do we know about the Spanish courses?
A.They are about business Spanish.B.They center on learners' listening.
C.They are run with cultural activities.D.They are taught with traditional methods.
3. Why are learners advised to enroll before the 20" of April?
A.They can save some money.B.They can go to free dance classes.
C.They can start their classes earlier.D.They can choose their favorite teachers.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In English, a shadow can also be considered a weak form of ourselves. So, when someone is a weaker version of what they used to be, we can say they are a “shadow of their former self”.

On the other hand, a person who is “larger than life” casts a big shadow. In this case, the shadow is not from their actual bodies but from their personality and successes. To “cast” in this case means to send something out or forward. Children of successful people often have problems. They “live in the shadow” of their parents and can feel not successful by comparison. We could also say that the successes of the parents “cast a shadow” over the lives of the children.

Something else that can cast a shadow is our sins— actions considered to be bad. Here is another expression “old sins cast long shadows”.

Think about your shadow on a sunny day. The shadow you cast can be long and far-reaching. The same can be said for our past mistakes and sins. They can reach far into the future. They affect our present-day situation. So, the saving “old sins cast long shadows” means that the wrong things we do early in our lives can have long term effects.

And often, the sins of one person comes back to cause them great problems. In one mystery, a jewel thief double-crossed her partner. She kept the jewels they stole together for herself. She changed her name and moved to a quiet English village. She thought she had gotten away with it. But her partner in crime found her... and eventually so did the police.

In the end, they were both arrested. When the police came to take the jewel thief away, she said, “How did you find me? My crime was so long ago,” The detective answered, “Old sins cast long shadows.”

“Old sins cast long shadows” also can be used in another way. It can be used to talk about other people’s sins and how they affect us. It means that sometimes people suffer from the sins of others.

1. What can we learn from paragraph 2?
A.Parents should be more demanding of their children
B.Parents should set a successful example for their children.
C.The success of children depends on the success of their parents.
D.Successful parents should pay attention to protecting their children’s self-confidence.
2. What’s the main idea of paragraph 4?
A.Past mistakes influence the present and future.
B.Everyone has old sins and mistakes.
C.We must avoid making mistakes.
D.Other people’s sins may affect us.
3. Which is close to the underlined word “double-crossed” in paragraph 5?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Life in the Shadow
B.The Sins Behind the Shadow
C.Explore the Formation of Shadow
D.Talking About Our Shadow
2023-02-14更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Though many of us may have been away somewhere nice last summer , few would say that we’ve “summered”. “Summer” is clearly a noun - a verbed noun.

In our childhood, we all learned the difference between a noun and a verb. With such a clear definition, it was easy to notice the difference. Not so in adulthood, when we are expected to “foot” the bill and “chair” meetings. Chances are that you didn’t feel uncomfortable about those verbed nouns.

“The verbing of nouns is as old as the English language,” says Patricia, a former editor at The New York Times Book Review. Experts found that 20% of all English verbs were originally nouns. And it seems to be snowballing. Since 1900, about 40% of new verbs have come from nouns.

Even though the conversion (转化)is quite common, plenty of language experts disagree with it. William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White have this to say, “Many nouns lately have been pressed into service as verbs. Not all are bad, but some are in doubt. ”The Chicago Manual of Style takes a similar standpoint, advising writers to use verbs with great care.

“Sometimes people dislike a new verb because they refuse to accept what is unfamiliar to them,” says Patricia. That’s why we’re comfortable “ hosting” a party, but we might feel upset by the thought of “medaling” in sports. So are there any rules for verbing? Benjamin Dreyer, copy chief at Random House, doesn’t offer a rule, but suggests that people think twice about “verbifying”(使动词化)a noun if it’s easily replaced by an already existing popular verb. Make sure it’s descriptive but not silly-sounding, he says.

In the end, however, style is subjective (主观的).The easy conversion of nouns to verbs has been part of English grammar for centuries. It is one of the processes that make English “ English”. Not every new word passes into general use, but as for trying to end verbing altogether, forget it.

1. What can we learn about the verbing of nouns?
A.It has come into use since a long time ago.
B.It has been supported by many language experts.
C.It is easily replaced by existing verbs in practice.
D.It is more commonly accepted by children than adults.
2. What is language experts’ attitude towards the verbing of nouns?
3. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.It is impossible to end the verbing of nouns.
B.New verbs will stay in the English language forever.
C.Most people are against using new verbs from nouns.
D.There is an obvious rule for changing verbs to nouns.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Are all new verbs from nouns?
B.Are there any rules for verbing?
C.Are you comfortable about a new verb?
D.Are “summering” and “medaling” annoying?
2023-01-06更新 | 73次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English. On this program we explore terms and expressions in the English language. And today we talk about a word that will help you talk about the best of times. That word is heyday. If you are in your heyday you are in your prime. You are at the peak of your abilities. You are having your best days ever!

Some people had their heydays when they were young, maybe in college or high school. They consider themselves past their prime. They might talk about those past experiences only and not plan for new experiences in the future. These people might be stuck in their glory days. Other things besides people can have a heyday. If you are at the pinnacle of success, you could say your career is having a heyday. Also, a place, like a city, can have a heyday and so can an industry.

For example, I grew up in the rust belt of West Virginia. In its heyday, my hometown was known for its steel industry. In fact, every man in my family worked in the steel mills. But when the industry shrank, the steel factory jobs disappeared. The city fell on hard times and today is still trying to recover.

However, many other parts of West Virginia are having a tourism heyday because of the beautiful natural environment.

So, where does the word heyday come from? Some word experts say that it first appeared in English in the 16th century as an interjection. An interjection is a word or cry (such as “ouch”) that expresses a sudden or strong feeling. So, “heyday” was used to express extreme happiness or wonder. Around the same time, “heyday” was also used as a noun meaning “high spirits.”

Meriam-Webster online dictionary says it was not until the 18th century that the word was used to mean “the period when one’s achievement or popularity has reached its zenith.” Usually, we use heyday in the singular form.

Saying the plural is a little less common. And that’s all the time we have for this Words and Their Stories. Until next time, I’m Anna Matteo.

1. Which of the situations is proper to use the word “heyday”?
A.A rich manB.A hard period
C.A significant eventD.A popular place
2. What does “zenith” in the last paragraph probably mean?
3. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.How to learn English
B.Words and their stories
C.Heyday’ —The Best of Times
D.An introduction of the idioms
4. Where is the passage probably taken from?
A.a TV showB.a radio program
C.a language salonD.a speech competition
2022-01-20更新 | 96次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般